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Ross (3282 KP) rated The Giver (2014) in Movies

Aug 27, 2018  
The Giver (2014)
The Giver (2014)
2014 | Drama, Sci-Fi
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The premise and storyline (0 more)
Jeff Bridges' mumbling (0 more)
Watch this for the story, not for the cast
A very good premise in this film, following a community generations after the decision has been made to strive for a eutopia of bland polite sameness. No longer do people see colours (literally), all phrases have to be precise (something I think we could gain a lot by bringing in now!) and there are strict rules around curfews and behaviour, with everything being watched and lives pre-ordained.
The film follows three young people as they turn 18 and are allocated their jobs for life. Jonas has been selected to be the next Receiver of Knowledge - a role where he will receive all knowledge before the new world (of colours, wars, love, emotions, sledging).
Gripping dystopian vision of a future dreamworld and how wrong it would all be, and how, like religion, some good ideas become wrongly used as a strict framework for living life.
Needless to say, Jonas goes a bit daft with all this new knowledge (he somehow understood some of Jeff Bridges's incoherent mumbling) and looks to change the world for the better.
A short, enjoyable, family friendly version of Black Mirror with a slightly disappointing though happy ending.

Pj Jones (4 KP) Aug 27, 2018

I loved the book,,,never seen the movie


Ross (3282 KP) Aug 27, 2018

I only realised there was a book when I was looking at this on Amazon to update the listing. I will check it out. It is a decent film, its on Netflix in the UK at the moment.

A Royal Christmas Wedding
A Royal Christmas Wedding
Rachel Hauck | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review: A Royal Christmas Wedding by Rachel Hauch Book Title: A Royal Christmas Wedding Author: Rachel HauchGenres: Christmas, Romance,Series: Royal WeddingPublisher: ZondervanPublish Date: 2016-10-18 (240 Pages, Paperback)
Avery Truitt is someone who was going to college to be a professional volleyball player. 5 years before she meet Prince Colin when she was with her sister Susanna went to Cathedral City. What ever happen to Avery and Colin?
Susanna has invited both her sister and mother to Brington Kingdom for the Christmas season. Will their mother get over their father’s death? There appear someone brings Avery and Colin together at every turn. Will Colin father help or harm Colin? The old bell rings and who has pulled it and rung it?
People do not believe that god had pulled the 600 pound bell that started ringing and bring all people to the where the accident of Prince Michael died. I love that fact that there is a meaning and some true relationship trouble and Hauck shows that in each story in The Royal Wedding Series? She let the characters work it out their own problems. She does not rush them. Rachel Hauck does well with the plot and her writing is wonderful as well.
Tell Me Who I Am (2019)
Tell Me Who I Am (2019)
2019 | Documentary, Drama, Mystery
It's direction. (2 more)
The courage of the people involved.
The way it's shot.
It's a true story. (0 more)
Heartbreaking. Unbelievable.
The story follows twins Alex and Marcus they are 54 years old and when they were 18 Alex lost his memory. He couldn't remember anything or anyone other than his twin brother. (All in the introduction, no spoilers here)
It is something so unique it wouldn't be believed if it wasn't true. This in itself is such an interesting premise but it's full of so many twists and turns by the end you're head is spinning.
The story is gripping, at times I thought I'm tired maybe here will be a good time to pause, go to sleep and start back up tomorrow but I couldn't switch it off. It makes you go from confusion, anger, sadness and rage in such a small amount of time.
What makes this so heartbreaking is that not only is it true, it is something I believe every person should watch. It touches on subjects that happen in peoples everyday lives and aren't talked about enough.
I sincerely hope people will watch this, appreciate these courageous men for their pure strength and if the story they tell is similar to something in your life, it will help you open up too.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Reign of Fire (2002) in Movies

Apr 13, 2020 (Updated Apr 13, 2020)  
Reign of Fire (2002)
Reign of Fire (2002)
2002 | Action, Sci-Fi
Better than you'd think
I remember watching this when it first came out and being fairly impressed. I havent seen it since so decided to give it a go and it's really not as bad as you'd expect.

Story wise it's a great idea for an apocalypse style scenario, definitely beats a zombie film any day. I'm surprised something like this hasn't made a resurgence after the popularity of the dragons in Game of Thrones. Christian Bale is always enjoyable as a lead character, although his London cockney accent does make me laugh. Matthew McConaughey has potentially been given a rather cliched character but he does have a lot of fun with it at least.

The effects and CGI are potentially a little dated at times, but that's to be expected with something that is now 18 years old. There are some cliched and cheesy lines and a few predictable and cheesy moments, but overall it's just a rather enjoyable bit of entertainment. The ending is a bit cheesy as well but I wouldnt have expected it to end any other way. It won't win any Oscars, but I feel like it's a film that's been fairly forgotten and underrated over time.
Bumblebee (2018)
Bumblebee (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Micheal Bay isnt the director (0 more)
Micheal Bay is the Producer. (0 more)
Car Robot Machine
Bumblebee- I didnt expect thie movie to be this excellent/great. I mean the Transformers Franchise is Garbage, trash and awful, expect for the first one. The first one was good and i liked, but the others though sinkey/pee-ew. Anyways Bumblee was really good, the plot was good, the action was good, no Micheal Bay explotations/what he is known for like shots of hot woman, product placment, explosions, racist charcters/racist people, long run times, etc. I mean thier are some product placements and explosions, but not ever god damn second/minute. Thank you Travis Knight, for taking this franchise into a different direction/new sight.

The plot: On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee the Autobot seeks refuge in a junkyard in a small California beach town. Charlie, on the brink of turning 18 years old and trying to find her place in the world, soon discovers the battle-scarred and broken Bumblebee. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns that this is no ordinary yellow Volkswagen.

If you havent seen this film, than go see it, it is a must watch film.
Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich
Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich
1998 | Classical
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I think this is Steve's masterpiece. On my first day on foundation in Winchester, the tutor played everybody 'Piano Phase' and it was the first time I'd heard music like that. It completely blew my mind. The repetition; the shifting; the way those two pianos phased in and out with each other; it's an extraordinary piece of work. And he resolved that through a number of pieces and he came up with Music For 18 Musicians, which was the first large scored piece he'd done. I went to India in the early 80s and I had a very small number of cassettes with me that I could listen to, and that was one of them. I remember sitting on a roof somewhere listening to that and looking up at the sky. It is a kind of cosmic record in a way. I don't know if you have to like Steve Reich to know what that is, in a way. If someone was coming to it and they didn't know that music I don't know what they'd make of it. If you're used to listening to tunes would you just wonder where the tune is? It's all about harmony and rhythm, but it's intensely beautiful."

Guardian (Collectors Division #1)
Guardian (Collectors Division #1)
Lexie Winston | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
184 of 200
Guardian (Collectors Division book 1)
By Lexie Winston

Joining the Collectors Division was my only goal once the orphanage washed their hands of me at the age of twelve.
Unruly and quick to anger, I was taken in by an academy instructor until I was old enough to attend myself. With love and understanding I thrived, and it became my mission to be the best Guardian the Collectors Division had ever seen. I couldn’t
wait to run the Gauntlet and join a team.

Little did I know what fate had in store for me.

Guardian is a reverse harem novel and contains MM and FF. Not recommended for those under 18

First I want to say I read the Authors not and NOT the Snowflake edition! That made me laugh so I kinda knew I was going to like this writer! She writes aggressively but so well i really enjoyed this book! Lexie Winston is a new author for me and I can’t wait to read more!
Although I will say once I read the whole book I went back and read the snowflake more and laughed so much! Brilliant attitude you should be so proud of the work you produced!
Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Steppenwolf and Darkseid are cool as hell (2 more)
Cyborg's story is the most worthwhile
Outstanding special effects
The film is way too long for its own good (2 more)
Moments feel excruciatingly slow between action sequences
The film teases what will likely never come to fruition
Zack Snyder’s Justice League Review: A Visually Compelling Drag Of A Director’s Cut
Zack Snyder’s version of Justice League feels like too much of a good thing. He has creative control here, but its execution is this fan devoted emptiness with no real destination in mind. The superhero film is a slow three hour slog to its final fourth hour where all of its best and most entertaining action sequences lie. Cyborg redeems himself as a character, but everyone else fails to really establish their own identity. At least Aquaman gets to surf on a Parademon during a free fall though, right? Justice League is now darker, more adult, and longer with better special effects. Whether it’s a worthwhile experience that can be viewed in one sitting is something each and every viewer will have to decide for him or herself.

Full review here:

Rupert Thomas recommended Paradoxical Undressing in Books (curated)

Paradoxical Undressing
Paradoxical Undressing
Kristin Hersh | 2011 | Biography
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Kristin Hersh is no ordinary musician, and her mind is unlike any other. In her memoir, Paradoxical Undressing, she captures what it’s like to be young and starting out, but this is a grazed reality, the top layer of skin stripped clean away. The book is based on a diary she kept when she was 18, which is, as she says, “the age when no one takes care of you”. It was a year when everything happened. She moved her band, Throwing Muses, from Providence, Rhode Island, to Boston. She was diagnosed as a schizophrenic, then bipolar. She was offered her first recording contract, with 4AD. She discovered she was pregnant. And she became unlikely friends with faded Hollywood movie star, Betty Hutton. “Betty sings about starlight and champagne,” Hersh writes. “I sing about dead rabbits and blow jobs.” Though Hutton was unpredictable and fragile (“Time is like a hurricane to her – a big, fast mess, sweeping her away”) she was also full of generosity, compassion and advice. “You have to leave things out to tell a story,” she once told Hersh. And Hersh listened. This female Kurt Cobain – he was a fan of her work – has forged her own brave path, often against enormous odds. And she writes better sentences than most writers do."


Martin Carr recommended track It's Tricky by Run-DMC in Essential Run-D.M.C. by Run-DMC in Music (curated)

Essential Run-D.M.C. by Run-DMC
Essential Run-D.M.C. by Run-DMC
2012 | Rhythm And Blues
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

It's Tricky by Run-DMC

(0 Ratings)


"This is a bit of a sidestep, but in 1987 I went to the States on a Camp America. Me and my mate applied and we got in and he went to work in this really posh Jewish camp in Massachusetts somewhere, with all these lovely kids. I was working with these underprivileged kids from The Bronx, in Carmel in upstate New York. These kids were rough. I was 18 and they were like 12 and some of them were bigger than me. I shared a cabin with a guy called Daryl who was from New York. He just played the Run–D.M.C. album all day. Bigger And Deffer was out then too, the LL Cool J album. I just loved it. That was when I got into hip-hop. I wasn't sold on the music. I always thought it was a bit lumpy, before Public Enemy came out. It was missing a groove really. But 'It's Tricky' is really uptempo. It's really aggressive, which I liked. It's got that 'My Sharona' riff and that's not going to send you wrong is it? It sounded great in the house. It sounded so alien. My mum and dad didn't want to know and when you're that age you want to be freaking out the straights."
