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In Flight (Up in the Air, #1)
In Flight (Up in the Air, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

As mentioned in my previous updates, I didn't realise when I downloaded this back in 2012/13 that it was BDSM, or I wouldn't have bothered. It's not something I particularly enjoy reading about unless it's heavy on the romance at the same time and Mr Cavendish had already told her multiple times by the 18% mark that he wasn't interested in a relationship, which isn't good in my view. I figure he's likely to change his mind a little further in but I'm already struggling to like him so, you know...and then sex scenes? Nah. Wasn't going how I expected so I give up.
    2017-18 HOTs

    2017-18 HOTs


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    The Winter 2017-18 APS Holdover Times App is here! This app contains the 2017-18 aircraft ground...

Pulp Fiction (1994)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
1994 | Crime
A masterpiece of modern cinema. Just as brilliant now as it was 18 years ago. A timeless classic, with some of the best dialogue and delivery imaginable.

Well cast and consistently well performed, with an indie feel but endowed with main stream sensibilities. This is a MUST SEE!
    Phoenix by Pedro The Lion

    Phoenix by Pedro The Lion

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    Phoenix is the fifth studio album by American indie rock band Pedro the Lion. It was released on...