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Souls For Sale (1923)
Souls For Sale (1923)
1923 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The first one would be Souls For Sale, which was actually written and directed by Howard Hughes’ uncle, Rupert Hughes. It was based on a novel that Rupert Hughes wrote. He had been an author and a playwright and he had been brought to Hollywood in 1918 as sort of an effort that Samuel Goldwyn did to bring famous authors into the movies to try increase the qualities of movies. Rupert Hughes had just fallen in love with Hollywood and once it started being attacked after the scandals of the 1920s, he wanted to defend what he felt was an industry that was getting a bad rap. He wrote this novel and they made a movie out of it called Souls For Sale, and it’s about the daughter of a fire-and-brimstone preacher who escapes her brand new husband, who she has a bad feeling about, and ends up in a movie and immediately becomes a huge star. It basically tells the story of this girl encountering the movie industry, and at every moment where something sort of dirty or scandalous could happen, she actually finds that the people in Hollywood are really hard-working and upstanding citizens and are a higher quality of human than – for instance – her treacherous husband. It’s a really interesting movie. It’s definitely an artifact of its time and place – and you could say that more literally about it than many other movies because it has kind of a documentary element about it. The director really goes out of his way to show you what the studio lots looked like in 1923, and he films other directors like Charlie Chaplin working. It’s a movie that I had never heard of before as I was doing research [for the book], and I think it’s probably the earliest sort of Hollywood movie about Hollywood."

The Lost Girl of Astor Street
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh.My.Goodness! I don't even know where to start with this one. First of all, I am not overly attracted to books that are suspenseful and cause me to jump out of my skin when my REFRIGERATOR makes noises. However, Rachel McMillan keeps talking about this book, and I decided that I just had to read it! THAT being said, The Lost Girl of Astor Street is a must read!

This book is written in first person, but it is nothing like other books with this point of view. Most of the time when I read a book written as first person, I feel like I am simply inside the character's head, getting a front row seat to the way they think and the way they process information that comes their way. With The Lost Girl of Astor Street, Stephanie Morrill takes the first person voice to a whole new level. A level where I felt as though I became Piper Sail. I was processing the way Piper was processing, her thoughts were my thoughts...This added such a deep level of intimacy with the character that I feel like I know Piper like I know myself.

Set in 1920s Chicago, you will be swept into the Jazz Age and will be tempted to dance the night away with Piper and a certain Italian detective. Having grown up in what Piper Sail thought was a safe neighborhood, she soon comes to realize that nothing is as it appears. Has she placed her trust in the wrong people? Will she ever discover what has happened to Lydia? And will the unlikeliest of people, become her greatest champion? Follow "Detective" Sail through the underbelly of Chicago. Uproot lies, reveal truth, and fight for justice for those who can not fight for themselves.

I borrowed The Lost Girl of Astor Street from my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.ull review to come.

TacoDave (3523 KP) rated The Fall (2006) in Movies

Aug 8, 2019 (Updated Aug 8, 2019)  
The Fall (2006)
The Fall (2006)
2006 | Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Acting (2 more)
Visuals - so amazing!
Unlike any movie you have seen before
Contains spoilers, click to show
I can't really write a review of "The Fall" without spoilers, but this is the kind of movie where spoilers don't necessarily matter. What makes "The Fall" so amazing is much more about the visuals, the mood, and the direction.

Lee Pace plays a Hollywood stuntman in 1920s Los Angeles who was recently injured. He is stuck in bed in a hospital, filled with depression about the current state of his life.

As he lays in bed one day, a young girl with a broken arm enters the room and begins talking to him. They become fast friends, and he begins telling her a fantastical story about five heroes on a quest. The story is told in many sessions over several days, and each time the visual style and costumes and characters change slightly to match what the girl is imagining as she listens.

I won't spoil any more of the story, except to say this: the man has an ulterior motive for telling this particular story, and sometimes the lines between fantasy and reality, between a happy ending and a tragic one, are blurred.

The real star of this movie is the cinematography. The first time I saw it, I literally gasped at one particular scene transition. It was just perfect. The colors are bold, the settings are almost unreal - like nothing I've seen before (even though they exist in the real world) - and the costumes are amazing. I have literally never seen another movie, before or since, that looks like this one. It is stunning.

They say the director, Tarsem Singh, spent years scouting locations to meet his perfect vision. And it was totally worth it.

If you've never seen "The Fall," I wholeheartedly recommend it. I even own it on DVD, so if you want to borrow it, let me know.