
KalJ95 (25 KP) rated Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019) in Movies
Dec 30, 2019
Love letter to Golden age of Hollywood. (2 more)
Chemistry of the cast carries the film.
Hilarious, tense and moments of sheer genius from Tarantino.
OUATIH is very simply put; A love letter to the golden age of Hollywood. It spans through the 1960's of Hollywood's obsession with Westerns, whilst focusing on the friendship of an ageing irrelevant actor, and his no nonsense and loyal stuntman, all set to the backdrop of the infamous Manson murders.
That alone sounds like a cocktail only Tarantino could blend, and a runtime of almost three hours unbelievably isn't enough to immerse me into the plot. It just feels second nature to what the film wants you to focus on, which is the friendship of Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt). Their chemistry is the forefront and heart of OUATIH, bringing hilarious and ludicrous moments every minute their on screen together.
The Manson family and Sharon Tate's brief film exposure do serve their point with the overarching storyline of Rick's dying career, but they don't make you care as much. That being said, the moments of pure madness, especially in the grand finale, really do keep you biting your fingernails. Remember, this is Tarantino, its bound the get a bit bloody.
The 9th entry in Tarantino's outstanding catalogue is by far not his best work, but it's a really sweet and sentimental love for all things cinema.
That alone sounds like a cocktail only Tarantino could blend, and a runtime of almost three hours unbelievably isn't enough to immerse me into the plot. It just feels second nature to what the film wants you to focus on, which is the friendship of Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt). Their chemistry is the forefront and heart of OUATIH, bringing hilarious and ludicrous moments every minute their on screen together.
The Manson family and Sharon Tate's brief film exposure do serve their point with the overarching storyline of Rick's dying career, but they don't make you care as much. That being said, the moments of pure madness, especially in the grand finale, really do keep you biting your fingernails. Remember, this is Tarantino, its bound the get a bit bloody.
The 9th entry in Tarantino's outstanding catalogue is by far not his best work, but it's a really sweet and sentimental love for all things cinema.

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Bookapotamus (289 KP) rated Lost in the Beehive in Books
May 29, 2018
I went into reading this book not knowing too much - I read all genres so I like to be surprised by stories. The cover and the title both spoke to me - I grew up on a farm and we had beehives and "raised" bees for our own honey and wax. I adore everything about bees and have always thought they were magical creatures.
Lost in the Beehive just made me love them even more. It's a wonderful thought to think that bees understand you, and are by your side during traumatic events, trying to steer you in the right direction. Gloria Ricci definitely needed some direction growing up, from anyone - or anything.
It is Vietnam era 1960's when we first find Gloria being sent to a mental asylum, to be "cured" of an "illness". We follow her through this experience, and quite a few other major life events throughout, and there always seem to be some bees hovering nearby, as if guiding her, protecting her.
Michele Young-Stones writing is exquisite. The witty banter between Gloria and her dearest friend Sheff had me laughing out loud, and the story flows so smoothly it's easy to find yourself lost in it all. The characters are so colorful, and you can feel the bees magical energy so much throughout the story, that it's just enough to make a sad story about finding yourself, feel like a mystical fairytale.
Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to review Lost in the Beehive.
Lost in the Beehive just made me love them even more. It's a wonderful thought to think that bees understand you, and are by your side during traumatic events, trying to steer you in the right direction. Gloria Ricci definitely needed some direction growing up, from anyone - or anything.
It is Vietnam era 1960's when we first find Gloria being sent to a mental asylum, to be "cured" of an "illness". We follow her through this experience, and quite a few other major life events throughout, and there always seem to be some bees hovering nearby, as if guiding her, protecting her.
Michele Young-Stones writing is exquisite. The witty banter between Gloria and her dearest friend Sheff had me laughing out loud, and the story flows so smoothly it's easy to find yourself lost in it all. The characters are so colorful, and you can feel the bees magical energy so much throughout the story, that it's just enough to make a sad story about finding yourself, feel like a mystical fairytale.
Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to review Lost in the Beehive.

ClareR (5789 KP) rated Death of an Old Girl in Books
Sep 19, 2018
Old (very!) style police procedural!
I was sent this book by Sapere books to read and review, and I have to admit to some trepidation initially. A book originally published in the 1960's set in an all girls public school? Well, I needn't have worried. I thoroughly enjoyed it, to be quite honest.
The body of an 'old girl' is found in the art room after the annual reunion ('Festival') of the Old Girls. Beatrice Baynes had remained near her old school, living within walking distance, and had a reputation of being a busy body - and quite unpleasant with it. When her body is found, Scotland Yard send Inspector Pollard and Sergeant Toye to solve the murder.
I've read quite a few police procedurals recently, and the modern version can be gritty, violent and very graphic. This isn't any of those things. I do assume that it portrays the way in which murders were investigated back then quite well (I'd have to ask my Dad. He was in the Met Police in London in the 1960s, 70s and 80s!). Although I'm pretty sure that the investigating officers weren't all as pleasant as Pollard and Toye.
I loved all the old language ("frocks" for one!) and attitudes, even if they were very old fashioned. It's just so different to what's on offer now.
Well worth a read - and it's interesting to note that the Pollard and Toye series consisted of something like 19 books! Lots to be getting on with!
The body of an 'old girl' is found in the art room after the annual reunion ('Festival') of the Old Girls. Beatrice Baynes had remained near her old school, living within walking distance, and had a reputation of being a busy body - and quite unpleasant with it. When her body is found, Scotland Yard send Inspector Pollard and Sergeant Toye to solve the murder.
I've read quite a few police procedurals recently, and the modern version can be gritty, violent and very graphic. This isn't any of those things. I do assume that it portrays the way in which murders were investigated back then quite well (I'd have to ask my Dad. He was in the Met Police in London in the 1960s, 70s and 80s!). Although I'm pretty sure that the investigating officers weren't all as pleasant as Pollard and Toye.
I loved all the old language ("frocks" for one!) and attitudes, even if they were very old fashioned. It's just so different to what's on offer now.
Well worth a read - and it's interesting to note that the Pollard and Toye series consisted of something like 19 books! Lots to be getting on with!
398. Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey. A two hour long pitch meeting for a future Birds of Prey movie. Harley Quinn is probably the worst part about this movie, the character is super annoying. Right away you know you're in trouble, there is an animated beginning to tell how The Joker and her break up, then the movie begins and retells the tale of her breaking up with the Joker for another good portion of the movie. And because she's single, all the people she dicked over can now kill her. Gotham must be the training ground for the Galactic Empire's stormtroopers and bounty hunters, none can get the job done. To stay alive she agrees to help the crime boss Roman Sionis retrieve a diamond that was lost when it was pickpocketed on the street by a teen girl. Roman was a cool over the top character, but because the movie was so flat, his performance is muted. It depends on a lot of flashbacks, flash-sideways to fit all the other Birds of Prey characters. And the bean-bag assault on the police station was a cop out. Harley says a big FU to society, but even with the R-rating, that was definitely a PG13 sequence, reminiscent of the old 1960's Batman. Thanks for the blue lives matter public service announcement. Should have definitely included Phoenix's Joker in there, he probably would have shot her. Rosie Perez's Renee Montoya of course would have blown his head off afterwards, because she's awesome! Filmbufftim on FB

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2277 KP) rated Footprints Under the Window in Books
Oct 21, 2021 (Updated Oct 21, 2021)
Spies and a Quick Trip to South America
When Frank and Joe Hardy go to meet their Aunt Gertrude on her return from a trip to South America, they arrive a little early, so they decide to head out in their motor boat. That’s when they see a man jump over the side of a ship. They pick him up, but all they get out of him is a strange warning about footprints before he runs off again. With their dad out of town on a case, they are left to try to figure out what is going on by themselves. Might it have to do with the robbery they foiled at a nearby photographic plant? And who left the footprints outside the Hardy’s house?
Even as a kid, I recognized the absurdity of the Hardys heading to South America at one point to follow a few leads, but even as an adult, it’s hard not to get caught up in the action and mystery. While things do make sense at the end, I feel like there were a few too many plot threads for them to untangle. One or two less would have helped. Still, even as an adult, I got caught up in the story. As always, the character are thin, and the story is dated. Very dated, in this case. But as long as today’s kids realize this is something from the 1960’s, they’ll be okay. I’ve got to admit, nostalgia is playing a bit in my rating since I loved this one as a kid.
Even as a kid, I recognized the absurdity of the Hardys heading to South America at one point to follow a few leads, but even as an adult, it’s hard not to get caught up in the action and mystery. While things do make sense at the end, I feel like there were a few too many plot threads for them to untangle. One or two less would have helped. Still, even as an adult, I got caught up in the story. As always, the character are thin, and the story is dated. Very dated, in this case. But as long as today’s kids realize this is something from the 1960’s, they’ll be okay. I’ve got to admit, nostalgia is playing a bit in my rating since I loved this one as a kid.

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CJ (8 KP) rated 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) in Movies
Aug 26, 2018
Visit space at your local IMAX
This review is specifically about the IMAX re-release in 2018.
Never having seen this film before, I was psyched to hear it was coming to IMAX. Raised in museums, I have a strong predisposition to watch movies set in space or in the ocean on IMAX screens. In that respect, this movie does not disappoint. If your idea of a great time is watching space craft drift through space to classical music on a screen so big you feel like you’re there, you will LOVE this movie. The cinematography is stunning, and I found myself enjoying shifting back and forth between space and 1960’s set design. 2001 is, if nothing else, a feast on for the eyes.
This movie has a reputation for being confusing, and it does earn it. This is particularly true of the last half our or so.
Because this was originally made for Cinerama (a style that was projected onto a heavily curved screen using 3 synchronized projectors) a few scenes looked a little squished or bent in places. It’s barely noticable, and probably unavoidable in translating from the curved to flat screen. Still, this was remarkably well done.
Still, regardless what you think of the story and meaning of this film, you will be doing yourself a favor to see it in IMAX before it leaves!
Never having seen this film before, I was psyched to hear it was coming to IMAX. Raised in museums, I have a strong predisposition to watch movies set in space or in the ocean on IMAX screens. In that respect, this movie does not disappoint. If your idea of a great time is watching space craft drift through space to classical music on a screen so big you feel like you’re there, you will LOVE this movie. The cinematography is stunning, and I found myself enjoying shifting back and forth between space and 1960’s set design. 2001 is, if nothing else, a feast on for the eyes.
This movie has a reputation for being confusing, and it does earn it. This is particularly true of the last half our or so.
Because this was originally made for Cinerama (a style that was projected onto a heavily curved screen using 3 synchronized projectors) a few scenes looked a little squished or bent in places. It’s barely noticable, and probably unavoidable in translating from the curved to flat screen. Still, this was remarkably well done.
Still, regardless what you think of the story and meaning of this film, you will be doing yourself a favor to see it in IMAX before it leaves!

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