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The Iron Warrior (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #3)
The Iron Warrior (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #3)
Julie Kagawa | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on In Wonderland</a>

At this point in time, I'm starting to think "My name is..." is starting to become really basic.

But hey, I won't complain. It's been nearly two years since <i><a title="The Iron Traitor review" href=""; target="_blank" rel="tag">The Iron Traitor</a></i> came out and I've been waiting to get my hands on this one since... forever.


The very last book in the <i>Iron Fey</i> series starts off about a month after the lovely cliffhanger Kagawa left us in the second book – Ethan finds himself back in the NeverNever and discovers that not only is the world in chaos after the split second break in the Veil, but Keirran has declared war on all of the faery courts. Family drama at its best, right?

<i>The Iron Warrior</i> is perhaps one of the darkest, if not the darkest novel in the entire series (including the main arc with Meghan). Kagawa takes us on an adventure into the NeverNever as she did with the past books, but it is one really disturbing journey. We go into parts of the faery world that have not been covered and more obstacles in the Between where creepy carnivals and malevolent witches are involved in the process as Ethan and Kenzie try to stop Kierran from raging war on the courts.

All of the characters – at least, the ones that remain alive from the spin off and the main series all make some sort of appearance in this last book, and Kagawa introduces a few new ones that will never make a future appearance. There are so many feels and internal threats to kidnap Razor – he is absolutely ADORABLE and his tiny size makes him so much more adorable – that happen throughout the book.

It's a sad thought to close the final chapter to the NeverNever, but <i>The Iron Warrior</i> is totally worth reading if only to see all of the major characters from both series once more.
All This Has Nothing to Do with Me
All This Has Nothing to Do with Me
Monica Sabolo, Georgina Collins | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well this one was weird… This book has a stunning cover, it is a tiny book, and I knew that this is going to be a quick read, and I bought it for only 10p when a couple of my nearby Poundlands were closing down. I thought it has a fun chick lit story for me, but I was very wrong… I kept reading it because I don’t like to DNF books, but till the last page, I have no idea what was it about.

The main character in this book is MS, and sometimes referred to as Monica, so it gives me a very strong feeling that this is some sort of memoir maybe? The one thing I could grasp was that MS is kind of psychologically unstable, she writes letters to the dead author, her relationship with XX is an absolute mess, but she kind of tries to explain her behaviour, by going back to the past and talking about her mother and stepdad. Yes, she had a difficult childhood, and if the story and format (it is a mash of letters, SMS, pictures, normal text etc.) would’ve been differently presented, it could’ve been an awesome memoir.

The writing style of this book was very unique and original, and it should’ve been really hard to write this book because it is filled with a huge amount of pictures. No, not some nice pictures, but pictures of random things e.g. a lighter taken from XX; sweaters worn on dates; 4pages of scooter pictures which might belong to XX, and many more. I think it took years to collect this amount of pictures, so props to the author for the patience and detail.

So, let me just jump to the conclusions here. This book won France’s Prix de Flore 2013 award, so it has to have something that I am not seeing, right? One thing I know, it wasn’t for me, but if you like award-winning books, which are different and really original, give this book a go, and you might enjoy it.
Free Birds (2013)
Free Birds (2013)
2013 | Animation, Comedy
5.1 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Fun Thanksgiving Flick
When asked to list films worth watching that have a Thanksgiving theme, the BankofMarquis likes to pull out a little animated gem that came and went pretty quickly in 2013 - FREE BIRDS - starring the voices of Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson as 2 turkeys that go back in time in an egg-shaped time machine named STEVE (voiced by George Takei - more on that later) to stop the first Thanksgiving. This film succeeds more than it doesn't.

The first full length animated feature film from REEL FX (one of only 2 they have put out thus far) FREE BIRDS suffers from that kiss of death - multiple writers revising the script over time. Directed by JImmy Hayward (HORTON HEARS A WHO), who is also credited with writing this film alongside long time Kevin Smith collaborator Scott Mosier,FREE BIRDS is actually a pretty fun film, despite the disjointedness of the plot.

Credit should go to the stellar voice cast, led by Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson. They have tremendous chemistry together and are a fun pair to watch. Joining them is the always dependable Amy Poehler (who would shine as the voice of Joy years later in Pixar's INSIDE OUT). It was fun spending an hour and a half with these 3 - and the others in this cast: Colm Meaney, David Keith and Dan Fogler.

But, for me, the star of this film is Star Trek's George Takei as the voice of S.T.E.V.E (the egg-shaped time machine device). He understands what type of film he is in and delivers just the right blend of comedy and seriousness that helps elevate the proceedings. And that is good for, as I stated above, the plot is a bit disjointed, so I would recommend you just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

The critics panned this film, but it made over $110 million at the box office (more than doubling it's production cost), so many, many moviegoers had the same, fun experience that I did. will, too...if you give FREE BIRDS a try.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Patriots Day (2016)
Patriots Day (2016)
2016 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
There are events in history that are burned into our memories. The attack on Pearl Harbor, JFK assassination, Challenger explosion, Oklahoma City bombing, and 9/11 stand out as moments when their respective generations ask “where were you when?” The same can be said with the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013. In Patriot’s Day we bear witness to the various people involved with the events that unfolded during that week. We are reminded of the tension and fear that the nation experienced as law enforcement tried to find those responsible. The film reopens a wound that has just begun to heal so that we are reminded of the vulnerability that everyone, from every walk of life has to terrorism and acts of violence.

Patriot’s Day stars Mark Wahlberg as a police officer and native Bostonian who is placed on duty for the Boston Marathon. The film is not about him or his personal experience. Rather, the film is more about the myriad of individuals who witness or fall victim to the attack that day. Unlike similar films that deal with the topic of terrorism, the film does not focus on the effect the events have on one or two people. The film is complex and demonstrates the circumstances of the attack, the investigation, the apprehension, and the personal experiences through a variety of voices and faces. The film makes the experience personal and does not depend on sensationalism to sell the story.

The film will captivate those that see it in being able to learn more about the individuals involved or who fell victim. It is also remarkable in its ability to weave the storytelling so that each player has a strong development before their portion of the tale is fully realized. It allows for an appreciation of the individuals involved and demonstrates that they are more than just names in a report. Patriot’s Day is a film that will open wounds for those who witnessed and experienced the events first-hand, but allows for those who have little to no memory of that week to delve deeper into the way that the events played out and truly understand the manner in which the city of Boston went from hurting, to healing, to being strong.
Warm Bodies (2013)
Warm Bodies (2013)
2013 | Comedy
6.4 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Considering how many movies are typically released in the first quarter of the year, Warm Bodies is by far the best movie of 2013 so far. “Zombie Love Story” was the first term that came to my mind when I was first made aware of the movie, but it is so much more than that. Part “Romeo and Juliet”, part “Zombieland”, this adaptation of Isaac Marion’s critically acclaimed young adult novel is a humorous and surprisingly fresh zombie movie that gives its own unique look at love.

R, the zombie in our “Romeo” role, is your typical walker (excuse me while I borrow terms from another hit zombie medium). He moves around without purpose, mostly spending his days at the airport. He carries “conversations” with another zombie, M, and his internal monologue certainly lets the viewer know that zombies are fully aware of what they are. As a result of their condition, they no longer have control over what they do. Nor does R try to make excuses for it; they are what they are. This is demonstrated when he and a horde of walkers attack a group of humans. In this group is Julie, who as I am sure you have guessed is our “Juliet”. R immediately falls for her and is determined to have her reciprocate the feelings. This might prove to be difficult, considering that humans and zombies at their core just want to kill each other. It is this feeling, this emotion, that humans thought zombies incapable of, that begins to change R, and other zombies around him.

After the attack, R takes Julie back to his… er, safe haven comes to mind, but it’s really just an abandoned airplane sitting on a tarmac filled with wacky items that R has collected in the time since he became a zombie. Writer/Director Jonathan Levine, who adapted Marion’s novel, has managed to create very smart, witty dialogue, but in a cute way as he did with The Wackness (which Levine also wrote). The sincerity of the dialogue in the movie keeps you interested in a growing relationship that’s way, way outside the box. There is plenty of violence in the movie too, as we see R attack a human, bite their arm, and hide their brains away for a snack later. Speaking of brain, the film explains that when a zombie eats a human’s brains, they remember our memories. This is kind of important.

Despite being a very different romantic comedy, the film also delivers a healthy horror flick. Zombies are not the only thing that is a result of the zombie outbreak. In this post-apocalyptic world there is another threat: bonies. Bonies are zombies that are so far gone they do not care anymore. They’ve given up, have peeled off their skin and attack anything with beating hearts. R says it best in the film. “Zombies do this also, but at least they are conflicted about eating it.” Even though the bonies are fully CG creations, and utterly obviously so, Levine has done it in such a way that you only get quick glances, which is a nice way to keep the PG-13 rating considering all of the blood flowing in the film.

Nicholas Hoult is fantastic in the lead role of R, and he finds a way to turn on the creepy just as easily as he can turn the funny on. Everything our “Romeo” character is supposed to be is remarkably portrayed by Hoult. Of course it helps to have a great supporting cast, Teresa Palmer strong and sweet as Julie and John Malkovich as her father who is the hardened general who is leading the human survivors.

Warm Bodies is a great zombie movie, with an excellent sound track to set the mood throughout the film. But it’s more than that. It is also a charming story of unconventional love. Telling the story from R’s point of view gives it a very fresh feel, but it’s the thought and care that Levine and the cast members put into it that make it such a superb film. Warm Bodies is a love story between woman and monster, and the screenwriting and execution delivers a charm that cannot be denied. Warm Bodies is funny, but it’s also sweet, a bit dark at times, and highly original. All of this combined makes it the first must-see film of 2013.
Team Human
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As I started reading Team Human, I couldn't help but feel this was written as a good-natured poke at Twilight and all the vampire ridiculata left in its wake. However, the story leaves its parodying fairly early on and becomes a book in its own right, with characters who have flaws and an interesting world with its own set of rules. All the while written with wit, feeling, and reality.

Mel Duan is the protagonist of the book, who is full of character flaws. She is prejudiced against vampires, rude, thinks she always knows the right thing to do, and is a big buttinsky (I call her Meddling Mel). She's also caring, loyal, helpful, well-meaning, funny, and charming in her own way. Basically, Mel is a real human being. There are two main storylines in the book, the first one about her BFF, Cathy, and her relationship with an uptight vampire. The other dealing with a mystery involving another close friend and her parents. Both are incorporated into the story well, as are the smaller B-plots. Mel doesn't always come across in a very good light, which helps me fall into the world and believe it could be true. Nothing takes me out of a story more than an unrealistically perfect character. Not one of the characters in this book is like that, even Cathy, who does come close. I also love the fact that Mel would typically be the sidekick in any other story and Cathy the main character who falls in love with a vampire. Instead it's the other way around, so we see the over-the-top relationship from the outside, and also from Mel's rather small-minded point-of-view. It's a great idea that luckily works thanks to the talented authors.

The book moves along nicely without seeming hasty, it has lessons that aren't heavy-handed, it features love aspects but it isn't a love story, and most importantly, it has character evolution and believable characters, mainly Mel herself. In the end I was surprised that I had gotten so caught up in outcome of the story and actually cared what happened to these people. Kudos, I'll definitely be reading more from both Sarah Rees Brennan and Justine Larbalestier, and can only hope they conspire to write another book in the future.

Originally Reviewed: February 20, 2013
Received: Amazon Vine
You&#039;re Next (2013)
You're Next (2013)
2013 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Finding a good horror film has been a little like a prompt train over the last few years, they are few and far between. However, 2013 has produced more than its fair share of movies within the genre, with the excellent The Purge, released earlier this year; Insidious 2, which is in cinemas this autumn and of course, the subject of this review; You’re Next. But can this modern horror film deliver the thrills and spills of those of yesteryear?

Relative newcomer Adam Wingard directs this rather formulaic home invasion film with some nice creative touches and a rousing score, borrowing heavily from other similar films like the dire When a Stranger Calls, the excellent The Strangers and the downright ridiculous Black Christmas.

However, what sets You’re Next apart from the pack is in its comic timing. Rather than going for full shock value, the film delivers a comedic edge which is welcome in breaking up the bludgeoning and stabbing, which there is a huge amount of.

The plot is simple, a family gathers at their parents’ large manor house to celebrate an anniversary, only to be taunted and butchered by a group of masked killers intent on ruining the party. There are the usual horror clichés of people being watched from outside, people being crept up on from behind and the gem that is thinking there is someone there and realising it’s just a member of the family, but Wingard keeps it feeling fresh and new throughout.

The acting is generally terrible, as is the case with many horror films, but because the movie never takes itself too seriously, the performances add to the overall effect rather than become an annoyance. One stand-out characterisation is Sharni Vinson as Erin, a larger than life Australian who really comes into her own in the battle between the ever decreasing family and the constant onslaught of the masked murderers.

Whilst not scaling the heights of last year’s Cabin in the Woods, You’re Next really helps show that there is life in a genre which has been inundated with cheap knock-offs, countless sequels and pointless remakes.

It is daft, unoriginal and full of lifeless characters, but as a slice of truly terrifying horror and a piece of laugh out loud dark comedy, it succeeds and is highly recommended.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PC version of FIFA 14 in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
With the worldwide impact of FIFA at an all-time high, EA Sports has captured the majesty of the sport of Soccer with the amazing FIFA 14. The game is available for the PC, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360 systems and is due soon for the next generation consoles.

While I played Soccer in High School I will admit that my knowledge of the professional game is limited as names such as Pele, Beckham, and Donovan are the players that I would be able to identify the easiest. Regardless of your level of skill and experience, FIFA 14 has something for you from eye-popping graphics to the most realistic action and player options of any soccer game to date.

Some of the best changes are in the A.I. of your players as they now make much smarter and more tactical runs that allow players far more options when devising their tactics. Players also have better options to accelerate and shield the ball which is very good as the defense has improved and players will have to make sure to put some thought into their attacks and passing and not rely simply on blasting as many shots as they can on goal.

On the subject of passing this is my biggest frustration with the game as I found it often hard to be accurate and that passes were often slow which allowed defenders to get back in time to thwart my strategies.

Thankfully the improved shooting mechanics that allow players to adjust stride, approach, and angle combined with improved ball physics and you have far more options than before on how to attack the goal and in time, get your shots in the back of the net.

As in the real sport, the refs can be a pain as they can really raise your ire by calling fouls in a questionable fashion but that is simply part of the game.

Players can match up against another players online via the Seasons Mode or Custom Match to allow players to test their skills against other players online.

While fans are always going to find something to complain about or nit-pick in every sporting simulation, FIFA 14 is a step forward for the franchise and is well worth adding to your collection.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi
Story: You may spend most of this film scratching you head trying to figure out what the hell is going on, but once you get the reveal you will see how good the story is. Giving the audience plenty of questions makes this something many of the new modern film fail to do with all the spoon feed answers. (10/10)


Actor Review: Keir Dullea – Doctor Dave Bowman who has to react to stop H.A.L taking over the space shuttle and fulfil the mission. Top performance on how to convince with expression and body language. (10/10)


Actor Review: Gary Lockwood – Doctor Frank Poole who goes on the spacewalk mission before starting to question the methods of the computer H.A.L. Great performance using more action than words to signify his motives. (9/10)

Director Review: Stanley Kubrick – Brilliant piece of directing from a man who redefined a generation of film makers. (10/10)


Sci-Fi: wonderful creation of a space like atmosphere. (10/10)

Special Effects: Stunning special effects that have hardly aged a day. (10/10)

Music: Excellent use of music. (10/10)

Cinematography: Amazing usage of cinematography throughout the film. (10/10)

Believability: Space is still a wife unknown so this is down to what you believe is out there or could happen out there. (5/10)

Chances of Tears: (0/10)

Settings: Set mostly in the middle of space, with nowhere to turn for help perfectly for the creation of the edge of your seat atmosphere created. (10/10)
Oscar Chances: Won one Oscar for Special effects.

Chances of Sequel: Nope

Suggestion: All film fans should watch this as it really is a masterpiece. The casual film fan will struggle to get into the film with the drawn out opening 25 minutes of no dialogue and strong use of music. If you were to look back and see where some of the best films come from this is where it is, this is a true history lesson in film watching this. (Watch)


Best Part: The mystery of what is going on.

Worst Part: May be hard to grab the attention of a casual film fan.

Trivia: There is 88minutes with no dialogue.


Overall: A masterpiece that stands the test of time

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Hearts of Stone in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Hearts of Stone
Hearts of Stone
Simon Scarrow | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Simon Scarrow brings to life the horrors of World War II in his latest novel <i>Hearts of Stone</i>. In 2013, Anna Thesskoudiss, a history teacher is contacted by a German research student, Dieter Muller who is interested in talking to her grandmother Eleni. He explains that he is the grandson of Peter Muller who was friends with her grandmother whilst staying on the Greek island of Lefkas until the war made them enemies.

Dieter Muller’s introduction implies that the story is going to be about the relationship between Eleni and Peter, which gets destroyed when Peter returns to the island as an enemy intelligence officer. The blurb for <i>Hearts of Stone</i> also implies this. However, the majority of the book focuses on their friend Andreas’ experience of the Navy and his role in the resistance. Scarrow goes into detail of every dangerous situation Andreas finds himself in, but this is not what the reader was expecting to learn about. Eventually the final chapters turn to Peter’s role in the war and the reason Eleni and he could no longer consider themselves friends.

Despite being full of action and war horrors, it gets a little boring reading about Andreas’ life. Although this narrative leads to what happens with Peter, it occasionally felt unnecessary, as it was the final stages that appeared to be the most important.

From an historical point of view it is refreshing to read a war story that is not focused on either Britain or Germany. <i>Hearts of Stone</i> reveals how Greece was affected even though they were not one of the main fighting bodies. It is shocking how many innocent people were killed purely for the Nazi’s to invoke fear in the hopes the natives would submit to their rule.

Hopefully the vast amount of mistakes and grammatical errors would have been corrected before the final – I read an uncorrected proof – publication. Admittedly <i>Hearts of Stone</i> was a bit of a disappointment as it was not exactly what it appeared to be. However it has educational value as well as entertainment for readers who enjoy war stories. Scarrow has also included maps of the Greek island of Lefkas and the Mediterranean during WWII as well as a character list to benefit readers as they take in the story.