Stuck in the Mud: Independent Reading Blue 4
Damian Harvey and Franklin Watts
Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their...

Angela Carter: New Critical Readings
Sonya Andermahr and Lawrence Phillips
Bringing together leading international scholars of contemporary fiction and modern women writers,...

Reading T S Eliot: Prufrock and the Wasteland
Little Lits are short, sharp introductions to classic works of literature. 'Prufrock' is as fresh...

Who Needs Books?: Reading in the Digital Age
"We look around and feel as if book culture as we know it is crumbling to dust, but there's one...
Why is Your Axe Bloody?: A Reading of Njals Saga
Nijals saga the greatest of the sagas of the Icelanders, was written around 1280. It tells the story...

Polaris Office - Docs, PDF Reader & Editor
Productivity and Business
Already 60 Million Users Across The World, Get the Latest iOS Office App For Free. Experience New...

Speaking Email - voice reader for email
Productivity and Business
Speaking Email reads your email out loud. Simple interface designed to be usable while driving....