Reading the Grateful Dead: A Critical Survey
In Reading the Grateful Dead: A Critical Survey, Nicholas G. Meriwether has assembled a collection...
Disability, Space, Architecture: A Reader
Disability, Space, Architecture: A Reader takes a groundbreaking approach to exploring the...
The Ghana Reader: History, Culture, Politics
Kwasi Konadu and Clifford C. Campbell
Covering 500 years of Ghana's history, The Ghana Reader provides a multitude of historical,...

The Routledge intermediate Polish reader
The readings are taken from an assortment of contemporary Polish writing, including extracts from...

De Profundis, the Ballad of Reading Gaol & Others
Oscar Wilde, Anne Varty and Keith Carabine
With an Introduction and Notes by Anne Varty, Royal Holloway, University of London. De Profundis is...

Reading Theories in Contemporary Fiction
Even after the upheavals wrought by Theory, literary criticism has generally ignored the act and...

A Rasa Reader: Classical Indian Aesthetics
From the early years of the Common Era to 1700, Indian intellectuals explored with unparalleled...