Just Mercy (2019)
Movie Watch
Based-on-fact courtroom drama. Civil rights attorney Bryan Stevenson (Michael B Jordan) comes across...

Countdown (2019)
Movie Watch
When a nurse downloads an app that claims to predict the moment a person will die, it tells her she...

Slayer: The Repentless Killogy (2019)
A super cut of three music videos (Repentless, You Against You, Pride in Prejudice) from the metal...

Dark Waters (2019)
Movie Watch
Fact-based legal drama. A corporate defense attorney antagonises his colleagues by taking on the...

Witches in the Woods (2019)
Seven friends set off for a weekend on the slopes. On the way, their car breaks down in the middle...

A Witness Out of the Blue (2019)
Three months after a robbery in a jewelry store, one of the criminals is found murdered while the...

Extracurricular Activities (2019)
A mature, intelligent high school student has a side job arranging "accidental" deaths (no 2 alike)...

The Buddy Games (2019)
A group of friends reunite to play The Buddy Games, a wild assortment of absurd physical and mental...

Benny Loves You (2019)
Jack, a man desperate to improve his life throws away his beloved childhood plush, Benny. It's a...

High Moon (2019)
A gunfighter from the old west returns from the grave to stop a blood thirsty werewolf motorcycle...