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Vice (2018)
Vice (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
Christian Bale piles on the pounds for Adam McKay’s The Waist Wing. Vice (2019) #Review
In taking on the story of Dick Cheney, the apparently unassuming bureaucratic Washington insider turned Vice Presidential master of the universe, Adam McKay seeks to shed light on the breathtaking constitutional chicanery which saw the executive branch of the American government vastly increase its own power whilst at the same time enormously enriching those in power who hid behind the lightning rod figurehead of George W Bush...
Crawl (2019)
Crawl (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Crawl is absolutely everything you could want from a Summer movie – the experience of watching it is like being on a theme park ride, it’s UNDER 90 minutes (praise be!) and refreshingly, it is not a sequel, a reboot or franchise fare. It’s actually a pretty taut (almost) two-hander that focuses on a father-daughter duo facing off against a giant alligator duo (relationship unknown) in the flooded basement of a Florida home during a hurricane.

    The Family Man

    The Family Man

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    TV Show

    The Family Man is an Indian espionage action thriller streaming television series on Amazon Prime...

    Yasmin Verissimo

    Yasmin Verissimo

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    YouTube Channel

    Muito obrigada pessoal chegamos a 4,45 milhões de inscritos e + de 1 BILHÃO e 200 milhões de...