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Little Darlings
Little Darlings
Melanie Golding | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Thriller
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<B><i>Big thanks to Harper Collins Publishers, HQ Publishers and Melanie Golding, for inviting me to be a part of this incredible journey and share my thought on Little Darlings as part of a blog tour!</i></b>

I am very excited to be able to share with you an <b>EXCLUSIVE EXTRACT</B> of this book, that contains the very first pages of Little Darlings. To get this Exclusive Extract, head over to <a href=""><b>MY BLOG POST</b></a>

I am also excited to share that there are <b>THREE HARDBACK COPIES AVAILABLE FOR GRABS!</b> All you need to do is leave a comment on <a href=""><b>MY BLOG POST</b></a> and I will choose three winners in a week’s time (16th May 2019).
<b><i>* (UK and Ireland only, sorry)*</i></b>

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I have read so many amazing reviews about this book, and believe me when I say, I was so excited to devour this book. The book itself is so well written, so captivating, and incredibly well put together. <b>The writing was stunning, and the characters were vivid. However, I couldn’t relate to the story as much as I wanted to. </b>

This is a story of Lauren, who just gives birth two her first children, two lovely boys, and she fears someone might be after them. While in the hospital, a weird creepy woman visits her, and tells her she wants to swap the babies. Lauren is scared and calls the police, and no one can find any evidence.

I understand now that probably the reason why I couldn’t love this book as much as other people did is because the main character is a mother, and being a mother is the main aspect of this book. <b>This is a story that captures all the horrors a mother could have when she fears for her children.</b> We get to feel what Lauren feels, and see the world through her eyes. I remember talking to my mother, and how she once told me she could always feel when something is going on with me. I always wondered why, and I know that until I have children of my own, I will probably not know.

Lauren at first doesn’t have that motherly instinct. Or she thinks she doesn’t. She is troubled that she doesn’t care enough for them, and she is not confident she is the right person for this ‘’job’’. During the book, we can see the love that Lauren has for her two babies keep growing. She can now understand how she knows things about her baby boys that no one else knows. It is a beautiful journey she goes through.

Now, back to the book – let’s not forget – this is a horror story. As much as she loves her babies, they are in danger, and no one believes Lauren. After all, her story sounds like some creepy tale.

<b><i>But what is the creepy tales are true?</i></b>

After the beginning, and some time spent in the hospital, Lauren has to get back home and try to get into the new routine. But weird things start happening one after another another, and before she knows it, her babies have indeed disappeared. In their place are another set of babies, and no one can recognize they’re different, apart from Lauren.

I would like to take a moment here and comment of how big of an asshole her husband is. As women, when we give birth, we give life to a whole new person. With your help, of course, but on our own. Our bodies change, our routine changes, our emotions change. And then some men decide to belittle their wives and partners, make them feel unworthy and go aside and enjoy their lives. Well, life is too short to be surrounded by such douche bags, and if I were Lauren, I would have said bye bye to Patrick after the first night at the hospital.

Little Darlings was not a bad book at all. In fact, it was a very pleasant read, very enjoyable and very relatable to many women out there. However, I just didn’t feel that spark I usually feel when reading this genre. I wasn’t shaking and I wasn’t afraid for Lauren or her babies.

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Andy K (10823 KP) created a poll

Mar 4, 2019  

Haven't heard of the debate? Basically there are two sides to what is being called the "Netflix Wars" whereas certain filmmakers and studios are attempting to change, or make harder, the ability for "Netflix" type, day-and-date, films (like this year's Roma) to receive Academy Award nominations since they are basically "made for TV" movies.

You could even argue this could be one of the reasons Roma did not win Best Picture this years as enough people agreed it should not have been nominated (even though it won several other awards.)

I even got into an argument on Twitter with someone after I expressed my opinion (which was the opposite of hers). She was immediately insulting me for not agreeing with her, so I thought I would ask here before giving my own opinion.

This issue will continue to get more profound considering streaming services are here to stay, and theatrical movie runs are not nearly as important as they used to be. I read over 75% of movies nowadays are not seen in theatres, but on some other format.

In 2019, this will become an even bigger issue with the holiday 2019 release of the Martin Scorsese mob epic "The Irishman" starring Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Harvey Keitel and many others. As this time, the movie, owned and released by Netflix, is supposed to have more of a theatrical run than "Roma", but would still be a Netflix film.

So what is your opinion, Smashbombers? I'm very interested in your opinions as well.

Please feel free to comment below.

"Netflix" type films like Roma and The Irishman should be allowed to compete for the Academy Awards even with a smaller theatrical release and available almost immediately to watch via streaming?
"Netflix" type films like Roma and The Irishman should not be allowed to compete for the Academy Awards since they have smaller theatrical releases and can be watched via streaming almost immediately.
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
Truly unique filmmaking!
OK I'm going to do something a little different this time since this film is not playing in the UK until January I thought I read somewhere.

-Is it good? Yes
-Is it really good? Yes
-Is it great? Yes
-Is it one of the best movies of 2019? Can't ask me that since I don't go to the cinema often.
-Is it remarkable?...Yes
-Is it phenomenal? .................Yes
-Is it maybe a tad overrated? Yes if maybe only by its IMDb rating. It currently holds an IMDb rating as of this review date of 8.5 which is quite remarkable for any film. Not saying IMDb rating is everything, but when 8.5 is equal to films like Back to the Future, Terminator 2 and Psycho, I'll stick by a tad overrated at this point. I'm sure the rating will settle back down a bit once more people have seen, but pretty impressive as of now.
-Will it receive a lot of Academy Award nominations for 2019? Right now I will predict 7 including Foreign Film (obviously), some technicals, screenplay, director and Best Picture.
-Will it win Best Picture? Early Andy prediction probably not, but would have a shot at screenplay (other than Tarantino) or maybe director (or maybe Scorsese), but very early at this point to predict since I have not seen other films yet.
-Is it what you thought it would be? Not sure since I purposely tried to avoid knowing much going in. I had heard it was a good version of Us, or what people thought Us should be, so I was thinking horror and it isn't that at all. More comedy suspense thriller but hard to categorize.

Please let me know what you think once you see for yourself. Maybe I'll write about it again in a few months with more detail. Or shoot me a message if you wish to discuss further.


Erika (17789 KP) Nov 25, 2019

So I should probably move this up on my list of must-see movies?


Andy K (10823 KP) Nov 25, 2019

I would. I liked it.

Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
I enjoyed everything about this movie. Loved the 80s references, soundtrack, special effects and captain marvel is, well... marvellous (0 more)
Absolutely awesome
I thought the trailers looked good and I wasnt disappointed. I wasnt a big fan but this reinvention is awesome. Love the soundtrack, it fits well with the scenes and is a blast from the past. The special effects are awesome, especially towards the end. The humor is on point, and i love the dry wry wit of Carol Danvers. She totally kicks ass. Wonder woman was my favorite growing up. If this version of Captain Marvel was around then, she would definately be on the top of my list of favorite superheros. Shes a strong stubborn female who doesnt take herself too seriously.
The CGI was really well done on Goose and to make a younger Coulson & Nick Fury. Interesting to see a younger, less serious, humorous Nick Fury. I loved everything about it. One of my top movies for Marvel and 2019.
40x40 (23 KP) rated Disney Magic Kingdoms in Apps

Aug 16, 2019 (Updated Aug 16, 2019)  
Disney Magic Kingdoms
Disney Magic Kingdoms
Games, Entertainment
7.0 (6 Ratings)
App Rating
Can get a range of characters (1 more)
Keeps up to date with current movies
So many events (1 more)
New update: having to enchant buildings takes way too long!
I started playing this game within the first few months of its release and i have been addicted to it ever since! Follow the story lines and you find yourself welcoming a range of disney characters and rides to your park while getting to design your park however you please!
Alot of characters in this game howeverare limited time event characters who can only be obtained through chests (costing real money) or if they're part of a tower event.
New update: with the latest update (roughly 12th aug 2019) you now have to enchant rides throughout your park for them to drop tokens. This is more difficult than it seems due to obtaining the tokens needed to enchant these buildings are pretty much none exsistant! I really hope DMK address this in the future!
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Jake Gyllenhaal putting those glasses on. (1 more)
End credit scenes (0 more)
I thoroughly enjoyed this instalment of our web-slinging superhero. It's a nice light addition to the MCU after a rather heavy few films. Gyllenhaal certainly made a good addition as Mysterio, his relationship with Peter in the first half of the film is nicely done and it was good to see the addition of this male figure for Peter to bond with. The film does have some flaws but overall was enjoyable and was a nice come down after Infinity War/Endgame. That feeling was almost completely obliterated for me though by the end credit scenes, I was so angry after watching them that I went from loving the film to hating it in those few minutes of screen time. The implications for the next Spider-man film are surely only a bad thing.

[Full review, with spoilers:]
A Feast for Odin
A Feast for Odin
2016 | Business / Industrial, Economic, Medieval, Puzzle
use of polyominos (Tetris pieces) (3 more)
ridiculously large amount of choices, and all seem viable
Art and Design
Uwe Rosenbergs masterpiece in modern gaming
Full Disclosure: I've only played it 4 times, two player with my wife... but we love it so far. The depth of the game is intimidating with so many pieces and a large price tag. But wow, you get so MUCH in the box.

The thought process that you can focus on Whaling, and Raiding, or maybe you want to do a little animal breeding and making clothing, maybe you prefer to mine the mountains, and craft items from the stone, maybe you want to trade goods with other islands, and hunt. there is so much to do and you can't do it all but focusing on a few things and being really good at it, that is the game.... I cannot recommend this game enough it's the best new game I played last year (2019)