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The Secret Garden
The Secret Garden
Frances Hodgson Burnett | 2017 | Children
8.2 (108 Ratings)
Book Rating
Written and published in 1911 the secret garden started its life as a serialization ten issues of in The American magazine (November 1910-August 1911), before being published by the American publishers Fredrick A. Stokes in August 1911 and by British publishers Heinemann later that year. However Copyright expired in the states in 1987 and inmost other parts of the world by 1995 placing the book in public domain and resulting in several abridged and unabridged editions being published. The book has the theme of Rejuvenation and regeneration, showing that if something is neglected it dies and if its worked on and cared for it thrives (Like Mary, Colin and the garden do).

The story starts at the turn of the 20th century and follows Mary Lennox, a sickly and unloved child born abroad and brought back to her wealthy uncles house after a Cholera outbreak leaves her an orphan. As Mary gets used to her new isolated home she learns of a private walled garden once owned by her aunt forever locked by her uncle and hears crying which eventually leads to her cousin Colin. With Mary telling Colin stories about the moor, her friend Dickon and the secret garden she has access to, Colin is inspired to join her outside and as such both children improve beyond belief.

The books working title was Mistress Mary in reference to the English Nursery Rhyme Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary. Parts of the book was written during Burnett's visits to Buile Hill park, Maytham Hall in Kent, England. She'd lived there for a number of years and the garden was cited as influence for the book. Burnett herself kept an extensive garden however its noted besides the garden Maytham hall and Misslethwaite Manor are physically very different.

Having been marketed to both adults and children the reception may have been affected. The book was not as celebrated as Burnett's other books during her lifetime and paled in comparison to the popularity of her other books. The books revival could be traced by an almost complete eclipse at the time of Burnett's death in1924. With the rise of scholarly work in the past twenty five years the book has risen in popularity and prominence. Its often noted as amongst the best books of the 20th century. It ranked 51 in the Big Read (BBC Survey), was named amongst the Teachers top 100 books for children in 2007 and in 2012 ranked 15th in the all time children's novels in a survey published by School Library Journal.

There have been Six movies (1919, 1949, 1987, 1993 and 1994), a TV show (1975), a Musical (1989), an Anime TV series (1991), an Opera (2013), Even a colouring book published (2013) from the book each one with various degrees of popularity and success. There will be a new 'The Secret Garden' movie which is being produced by David Heyman and Rosie Alison with the Production company Heydey films and Studiocanal. Both Colin firth and Julie Walters are set to star as Mrs Medlock and Archibald Craven and the release date will be the 17th April 2020....I am very excited to go see it.

The Author is Francis Hodgson Burnett and her bio segment is in last Tuesdays book club on The Little Princess if you would like to read it.


I came across the book after seeing the 1993 movie when I was 9/10 years old. I went looking for the book bought it and started reading. I really really like the book and I agree that the theme of rejuvenation and regeneration definitely runs through the book. I love this book and definitely will be reading it to my future children. I give this book 8/10.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Darling Blue in Books

Jul 30, 2018  
Darling Blue
Darling Blue
Tracy Rees | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A little light reading.
Set in the 1920's, the Darling Blue of the title is the main character in this book and follows the lives of not just Blue, but that of her family and friends. Blue's father, on the eve of her 21st birthday party, makes an announcement that Blue will marry the man who sends her a letter that she can fall in love with. She goes on to receive three letters, and some of the novel is about this search for a husband.
Blue also helps to save a woman, Delphine, from drowning in the Thames. She learns that she is in fact escaping an abusive husband. Blue's family take her in and help her. Everything seems perfect until, of course, it isn't.
It's a very bright and breezy book, filled with the hope that everyone must have felt after World War 1, but it all seemed contrived to me. Even the unpleasant 'stuff' seemed glossed over and hurried, and it didn't seem to be taken very seriously. The characters, particularly Blue's father, seemed to have very progressive opinions on certain things. Very modern, late 20th century opinions, in fact. I wonder if a character such as his would really have existed? He seemed to be very understanding of one particular plot twist which involved him and his wife, which I feel that even a man (or anyone else for that matter) today would have really struggled with. And the ending was just far too rushed and 'happily ever after'. It's a shame, because I really enjoyed the only other Tracy Rees book I've read (Amy Snow). I'll probably have to have a look at the other two books she has written between Amy Snow and this one, and see whether this is a blip. I hope so, because Amy Snow really did show promise.
Thanks to The Pigeonhole and to the author for a chance to read along with her.

Dominique Marie (7 KP) rated Hinds' Feet On High Places in Books

Nov 28, 2018 (Updated Nov 28, 2018)  
Hinds' Feet On High Places
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MMD Reading Challenge 2017- For Fun
Category: Book recommended by someone with great taste

Back to the Classics Reading Challenge 2017
Category: 20th Century Classic

I had such mixed feelings about this book. It is a Christian allegory, that has some great themes, and it does make you think, but I wasn't a fan of the writing style. Much-Afraid is called by the Shepherd to make a journey to His Kingdom of Love, where he will give her a new name. It was a really strange mix of biblical language and more modern language. She kept switching between Thee and Thou and You, etc. Also, it was really repetitive. The descriptions were wordy, but repetitive. I felt like I was having De'ja vu. I also felt like I was being spoon-fed a majority of the time. It actually has some very similar themes to Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis, which I will be re-reading for my challenges this year, but Till We Have Faces is far superior in my opinion. There was one part in this book that drove me crazy. The Shepherd asks Much-Afraid if she would still love Him if he seemed to deceive her. She replied that she knows He cannot lie, so she would still love him. Then He asks if she would still love Him if he really did deceive her. She replied that, yes, it wouldn't matter if He really lied to her, she loves him and would still follow him. Now, I'm not a theologian or anything, but this makes absolutely no sense to me. The Shepherd is God. God cannot lie. So, if the Shepherd could lie it would mean he is not God, so she shouldn't follow him in that case. It was just a really weird scene. I do think that some people would really like this book, and I did relate in certain ways, so it's definitely a mixed bag for me.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Orphan Train in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
The Orphan Train
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Steve Brigman’s historical novel <i>The Orphan Train</i> takes place in the Missouri Ozarks during the late 19th and early 20th century. Large groups of orphaned children were transported from New York across to the west where other families adopted them. Ten-year-old James was one of these children and this is his story.

Initially the title implied that the story would be about the orphan train itself or at least the life of James as a child however it was his adult life that the book was focused on. The novel opened with the train journey and James meeting his new parents, Clara and Joshua Crawford but this, as well as his remaining childhood on the Crawford ranch was over in a short amount of chapters. By this point both his parents had died in accidents before James had reached the age of twenty. The story goes on to show how James improved and built on the ranch with the help of friend and employee Luke as well as Henry, an older black man who he let live on the ranch with is daughter and grandchildren – something that sparked prejudices in town.

James soon finds himself a wife and the remainder of the book recounts their life together. I admit that I was a little disappointed not to read more about James’ childhood but I began to enjoy reading about the love he had for his wife and his friendships with those living on the ranch.

One issue with this novel is that it lacks much of a climax. I was forever waiting for something bad to happen as it all seemed too good to be true and slightly predictable. That said, it was a good read and it was easy to become attached to the characters.
Science Fiction has always been at home with the short story. The science fiction magazines from the mid 20th Century onwards was frequently the only way of writers to get their work published. As a bonus the concept of science fiction - taking an idea and seeing where it goes - is a really nice fit for short stories.

This collection is more than just a selection of tales from up and coming science fiction writers; all the stories are set in the same universe and are in some way on the theme of first contact. The introduction sets this up, with a damaged alien ship discovered on the moon. It is able to transmit details of nearby inhabited star systems - and a terrible warning about a dangerous foe - before it shuts down. Mankind learns all it can from the message and the wreckage before setting out for the stars.

Each story then follows the fate of the mission to one of the star systems. This is the point where any similarity in stories ends as each writer brings their own style and ideas for their contribution (although there are some neat nods to the other stories now and again). The result is a satisfying mix of different ideas but all within a consistant whole.

That's not to say that every story hit the spot for me, but that's inevitable given the range of authors here, but every story was interesting to read. There are also the occasional one that felt a little rushed, the idea either too big for a short story, or too many ideas vying for the limited word count. But these are minor niggles and the standard of all the stories is very high.

Overall a really good collection showcasing the talents of current science fiction writers. If you like interesting ideas and gripping stories about aliens and space exploration you won't be disappointed.