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The Ninth Star (The Ninth Star, #1)
The Ninth Star (The Ninth Star, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well I like my dystopian stories and when I saw this free on Amazon, I just had to have it.

I'll admit this started a little slow for me. It seemed very sci-fi for a while but then revelations were made and I started to get into the story. I was intrigued with how everything would play out with Ander and Katya and everyone else.

It plodded along quite happily, keeping me entertained and I was going to give it 3 stars because I had liked it. But then that last 10% or so knocked it up a full star because I was not expecting that! What a plot twist!

It has certainly left me wondering what's going to happen next--since I have been left with several unanswered questions--and I will be getting the second book in the series soon. Very good for a first book!
3.5 stars.

I was enjoying this for the first 60% or so but then it started to annoy me how they were dragging it all out. Why couldn't they just admit they wanted more from each other? Why couldn't they just get together?!

It took until about the 85% mark for me to get into it again and with it being on Scribd that I read this, it ended at the 91% so it was pretty close to the end when everything was working out and the HEA was within reach.

I will be reading the next book, [b:Beautiful Player|17831614|Beautiful Player (Beautiful Bastard, #3)|Christina Lauren||24948167], at some point when I get back off holiday as it's part of a Reading list that I'm working through on BookLikes:
Courting Mr. Cutthroat (Campy Romances #3)
Courting Mr. Cutthroat (Campy Romances #3)
Deborah Camp | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
cute read
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I enjoyed this, it just didn't blow me away.

It's a lovely sweet, small town, second chance (kinda) romance, with some steam, but not too much.

Cutter's art sounded interesting, and I googled nuts and bolts art to see what came up, and I loved them!

I liked that Gemma still held her crush for Cutter, even after all this time. And Cutter too, to an extent, held his feelings for Gemma but it takes time for him to fully admit to them and give in.

I loved that, while Cutter and his brothers appeared to have everything, being born into wealth, it's clear that money doesn't really buy you happiness.

It was a nice book, and someone will love but I couldn't, and for that I'm sorry!

3 solid stars

same worded review will appear elsewhere​