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4 stars!

I really enjoyed reading this book, I thought it was well written, well edited and it kept my interest from beginning to end. This is not the type of book that I usually go for but going through an unplanned pregnancy alone (under different circumstances) I wanted to read something that I might possibly be able to relate to...and in some way I did. The reason why I knocked off a star was because some of the author's decisions made me a bit twitchy eyed...but hey it's each to their own. Overall, I did enjoy this memoir about an unwanted pregnancy after a one night stand and I felt good to be able to follow the journey of a woman in a similar situation as me but from a different world.
The Mistletoe Murder and Other Stories
P.D. James | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's getting a bit late to post these festive reviews so I'll keep it short. It's only a short book, anyway.

This book contains four short stories, all crime/detective tales, starting with The Mistltoe Murder. My personal favourite was the final story, The Twelve Clues of Christmas. Every story was great, though, and A Very Commonplace Murder was particularly surprising.

James manages to include a fantastic little hint/twist at the end of the stories, changing your whole perception on what you've just read. This made the crimes so much more interesting and real. They were relatively simple crimes - stabbings, poisoning - but there's always a lot more going on under the surface than you'd expect.

A fantastic little collection, with a foreword by Val McDermid too. 4 stars.
The Giving Tree
The Giving Tree
Shel Silverstein | 1964 | Children
8.5 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
I recently had a go at reading Shel Silverstein's A Light in the Attic which was lovely (even if I am a little too old for these books now), and now I've read his The Giving Tree.

There's not that much I can say about this book as it is only 60-odd pages, but I did find it super sweet. Even at 16, I kind of enjoyed reading this short, childishly simple book...

It tells the unusual tale of love between a boy and an apple tree while the boy grows up and the tree gives everything she has to keep him happy. I thought it was just so cute!

If you have any young family members, I would definitely recommend reading this book with them. I might have to give this 4 stars...
    Snail Bob 2 Deluxe

    Snail Bob 2 Deluxe

    Games and Education

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    Bob is a snail who needs your help to traverse dangerous obstacles and avoid bug baddies. Bob will...

    Feed Me Oil

    Feed Me Oil

    Games and Entertainment

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    iPhone Game of the Week and #1 paid app in the US, as well as many other countries. Thanks to all of...

What Happened to Daddy's Body? by Elke Barber, Alex Barber is a children's nonfiction book about death of a loved one. It talks about cremation and burial. It is a simple and easy to understand, which makes it great for kids who have experienced death of a family member or loved one.

The main character is Alex who is 4 years old and lives with his sister and mother. His father has died and Alex wonders what happened to his father's physical body. His mother explains after his father died he was put into a coffin and was cremated. I liked how the writers broke the story down and explained cremation in a way a 4 year old would understand death and what happens after death.

I was not a fan of the artwork, which I felt took away from the story. A little issue I had with the story was that there was a step-family introduced so quickly to the end of the story. I did not see how it fit in with the timeline and the story. The issue of a new parent and siblings seems a bit too much overload on a child when they are trying to get over one hurdle and not increase anxiety. I would have saved John and his five kids for a later books on step-families.

I give this book 3/4 stars.

I received this book from Jessica Kingsley Publishers via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.