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The Shepherd's Crown
The Shepherd's Crown
Terry Pratchett, Paul Kidby | 2016 | Children
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating

Those four words were always going to make a long-time Discworld reader feel quite emotional, making it hard to objectively review the novel itself: are you reviewing this last peek into Pratchett's mirror reality, or are you reviewing the entire 41-book series? I'm going to try both:


The first Disworld book I read (I'm pretty sure it was [b: Pyramids|64217|Pyramids (Discworld, #7)|Terry Pratchett||968512]) wasn't actually the first in the series (that would be [b: The Colour of Magic|833512|The Colour of Magic The Illustrated Screenplay|Vadim Jean||17589693]), although I did later go back and read the earlier works. Reading them in order released (as opposed to one of the numerous Discworld Reading Order Guides: I'm quite partial to the 'Unofficial Discworld Reading Order Guide'), you can see how Terry Pratchett's writing style evolved, how he moved from outright satire to a more subtle comedy fantasy that holds a mirror up to real-world issues. Personally, I feel he was at his best at around the mid-way point of the series (say, [b: Maskerade|64305|Maskerade The Play|Terry Pratchett||62427] or [b: Men at Arms|7557548|Men at Arms The Play|Terry Pratchett||9910828], after he'd found his feet (so-to-speak), but before the 'embuggerance' of his posterior cortical atrophy set in and the novels - perhaps understandably - started becoming almost too serious.

Throughout the series, there was a rich tapestry of characters introduced, from CMOT Dibbler through to the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork, with certain groups of characters (e.g. The City Watch) effectively becoming a sub-series in their own right. One of those groups - Granny Weatherwax (first introduced in [b: Equal Rites|34507|Equal Rites (Discworld, #3; Witches, #1)|Terry Pratchett||583611] and The Witches of Lancre (first introduced in [b: Wyrd Sisters|233664|Wyrd Sisters The Play|Terry Pratchett||17589683] - would later themselves have 'guest spots' in another group of such characters, ostensibly written for Young Adult Readers but still very enjoyable for older; the Nac Mac Feegles (Crivens!) and Tiffany Aching, both of who first appeared in [b: The Wee Free Men|7881001|The Wee Free Men The Beginning (Discworld, #30 & #32)|Terry Pratchett||22017239]. Which nicely brings me to:


'The Shepherd's Crown' sees a return of both Tiffany Aching, now a young Witch setting out on her career path, and those Nac Mac Feegles. There's a strong sense of change throughout, kicked off by the surprising early exit of a previous major character in the entire series, leading to old foes - the Elves - to try to make their way back into the world. These Elves, remember, are *not* the dainty do-gooders of Tolkien: these are nasty, malicious, self-serving creatures who last attempted to invade in [b: Lords and Ladies|34529|Lords and Ladies (Discworld, #14; Witches #4)|Terry Pratchett||1185086], before eventually being defeated by Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat Garlik. Those three characters make a return in this, as well as bit-parts for the Arch-Chancellor of Unseen University, Ponder Stibbons (and HEX) alongside King Verence and the Patrician. Despite all these, the novel, however, is really Tiffany's story, and of how she finds her feet in the circumstances into which she is rather abruptly thrown. There's also a plot element that recalls [b: Equal Rites|34507|Equal Rites (Discworld, #3; Witches, #1)|Terry Pratchett||583611]: that of a person wanting to do a role that is generally considered to be that for a member of the opposite sex.

As always, footnotes are present and correct, with the novel even raising a few laugh-out-loud moments. While the story does finish with the words 'THE END', the world itself will continue on: all that has come to an end is our ability to peek into it.

In the words of the Nac Mac Feegle: "Waily waily waily ..."

Rating for the series: 5*
Rating for the novel: 4*
The Crown (The Selection, #5)
The Crown (The Selection, #5)
Kiera Cass | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Apologies for the influx in reviews but I'm bored and thinking.
Overall I like this series I love it in fact and couldn't put the first few books down.

But Evelyn oh, Evelyn (Sorry for possible misspellings)

The book prior to this she was cold, hard and I suppose she had reason to be.

 [bc:The Heir|22918050|The Heir (The Selection, #4)|Kiera Cass||42484814]

It was still enjoyable.

This book was even more so at first.

But the twist near the end really tore me from this beautifully constructed, utterly engaging world.

I think I prefer America's journey to hers but I still recommend the series
The Demeter Code
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

**I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.**

Ridley Fox and Dr. Nita Parris are two of the CIAs best operatives. They travel the world eliminating the bad guys. When they are given an assignment that doesn't turn out as planned, their whole world is turned inside out and upside down. Then the mission gets changed and Fox and Parris are sent in different directions. This book has enough twists and turns to give you whiplash.

After reading the description of this book, I was very excited to read it. I love a good thriller and this one did not disappoint. The Demeter Code captured me from page one. The first scene is set in Washington DC and when books are set close to home, I always am intrigued. The book had a really great start and lots of action to keep my attention. A little over half way through it started to slow down a bit for me. It got more technical and I found myself reading the words without actually absorbing what it was I was reading. That happened a couple of times which made me drop my rating from 4 to 3.5 stars. This is the third book in the series, the first two being [b:Pandora's Succession|11435761|Pandora's Succession|Russell Brooks||14368142] and [b:Unsavory Delicacies|10997415|Unsavory Delicacies|Russell Brooks||40898431]. I will be going back to read these books as well as his standalone [b:Chill Run|13152361|Chill Run |Russell Brooks||40898429] and I look forward to whatever he has coming in the future.
Body Count (Sophie Anderson, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After a somewhat rough and slow start, give or take the first 150 pages, BODY COUNT picked up steam with the turn of each page. Told in first-person, present tense narrative, the book introduces Australian transplant, Sophie Anderson, who now works as a profiler for the F.B.I. and is intent on catching the D.C. Slasher before he strikes too close to home.

Sophie is a sympathetic and smart protagonist, and I liked her even though she felt slightly distant to me; although her distance quite fit with her character. While many books feature headstrong females who idiotically go off half-cocked into precarious situations, I am happy to say Sophie was sensible enough that I don't remember her ever doing anything overtly stupid throughout the duration of the book. At first, I thought too much of the book was given to the romance between Sophie and Josh Marco, a fellow profiler, but luckily that trailed off and it became less of a focus. The psychic angle actually doesn't play as much into this series' first outing as I was led to believe from the synopsis, but it works in the book's favor, as it helps set up the characters and background, especially Sophie's.

Some parts of the book I thought unnecessary but they weren't anything big or too distracting to the plot as a whole. While it is easy to figure out who the serial killer is, if you've read enough mysteries, you're bound to determine who's the one; the fun is in how Sophie and the others get to that point. I did like the main motivation behind the killer and found it fresh and interesting. The passages told from the killer's perspective were especially well-done, very chilling and realistic, and they were at the end of most chapters.

Fast, fun, thrilling and full of twists and turns, BODY COUNT kept me riveted and refused to let me put the book down. Yes, it has some faults but they're minor and this book is a pretty darn good starter to the series.

Sophie Anderson series in order:
[b:Body Count|2440333|Body Count (Sophie Anderson, #1)|P.D. Martin||2447527]
[b:The Murderers' Club|2354961|The Murderers' Club (Sophie Anderson, #2)|P.D. Martin||2361686]
[b:Fan Mail|3578656|Fan Mail (Sophie Anderson, #3)|P.D. Martin||3620904]
[b:The Killing Hands|6980016|The Killing Hands (Sophie Anderson, #4)|P.D. Martin||6439761]
[b:Kiss of Death|7975977|Kiss of Death (Sophie Anderson, #5)|P.D. Martin||9636582]
Book #5 in Michael Arnold's 'Civil War Chronicles', this picks up not long after then end of the previous ([b:Assassin's Reign|16281347|Assassin's Reign (Civil War Chronicles #4)|Michael Arnold||22383365]), with Stryker and his men off to retrieve a treasure from the Scilly Islands for the cause of King and Country.

Of course, agents of Parliament are also after the same treasure.

Meanwhile, Stryker's friend Capt Lancelot Forester is also sent deep into Parliamenterian held country in order to shore up the will of an outpost that is still holding out for the king ...

Surviving shipwreck, imprisonment and torture, the two distinct plot strands (Stryker and the treasure/Forester' mission) eventually mesh at the defense of Basing House, in another enjoyable entry in the series.
Only the Good Spy Young (Gallagher Girls, #4)
Only the Good Spy Young (Gallagher Girls, #4)
Ally Carter | 2010 | Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This series always end up being a quick read for me--or at least for a paperback, anyway--but that could be down to the large font size.

Anyway, to start with I thought this series would be a bit like the authors [b:Heist Society|6574102|Heist Society (Heist Society, #1)|Ally Carter||6767235] series--same characters, different mission every book--but it's turning out to have one big story arc that you get bits and pieces of every time you read a book in the series while still containing enough fun bits and bobs to make each story complete.

I'm still waiting for books 4 and 5 to arrive but as soon as they do, I'll be continuing this series to see what happens with my fave foursome and Zach and Mr Solomon.

David McK (3248 KP) rated Mort in Books

Jan 28, 2019 (Updated May 23, 2021)  
Terry Pratchett | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
'Death comes to us all. When he came to Mort, he offered him a job'

An extremely early entry (#4) in [a:Terry Pratchett|1654|Terry Pratchett|]'s now-complete Discworld series (which spans 41 full length-novels), and the first in which the character of DEATH - HE WHO TALKS LIKE THIS - takes centre stage.

As this is an early novel, this is even before the introduction of DEATH's grand-daughter Susan Sto-Helit, even before the City Watch and (possibly) even before the introduction of The Witches - I say possibly as, although Granny Weatherwax has already put in an appearance in [b:Equal Rites|34507|Equal Rites (Discworld, #3; Witches #1)|Terry Pratchett||583611] there's a strong argument to be made that she is not the 'real' Granny Weatherwax.

This one does, however, introduce us to DEATHs flesh-and-blood horse Binky ('He'd tried skeletal steeds, but had got tired of constantly having to stop to wire bits back together'), as well as to some of the more memorable ancillary characters who continue to appear in his later novels, such as Albert, with a large part of that character's back-story filled in here.

It may not yet be up to the standard of the mid-series Discworld novels, but you can definitely see Pratchett's style continuing to evolve, with this an improvement on those that had come before.


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Confession (David de Morrissey, #3)
Confession (David de Morrissey, #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been many years since i read books 1 and 2 of this series and as much as i wanted to read them all together, it took me a long time to find them in paperback considering how old they are (1992). Because of their age, they are rather old fashioned in style, using terms like "vampiress" and it took me quite a bit to get back into. Once i got past the first third of the book, I was used to it and though it took me a while, i got into the series again.

I feel a little bad for Darienne, though i do think she brought it on herself and the fact that she's off to London is not looking good. As for David and Veronica, I'm happy for them. It's taken three books but they're finally getting their HAE.

And because they got their HAE, I'm confused by book 4, [b:Eternity|1935575|Eternity (David de Morrissey, #4)|Lori Herter||1938087]. I always assumed it would be David and Veronica as vampires spending eternity together, but maybe it has something to to with Darienne?

I'm off to go find out.