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The Edge of Belonging
The Edge of Belonging
Amanda Cox | 2020
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Travelers Wife 4 Life</a>
The Edge of Belonging by Amanda Cox was like a breath of fresh air amid uncertain times that cause you to reflect inward to who you really are. It is listed as a dual timeline, but I think it reads just like a complete story of getting to know a person from beginning to end, with some very thought-provoking moments.

<b>“What if this whole thing is really about finding your missing pieces?”</b>

This book and the characters in it made me go on a roller-coaster of thoughts, emotions, and feelings. I was hooked from the very beginning and read the book in one sitting because it was so good. I loved how Amanda Cox used the dialogue to make me feel as if I were in the story observing everything unfolding. She also used everyday life situations to convey hope for every situation tastefully touching on topics like depression, abandonment, abuse, PTSD, and death. It was masterfully done and quite hard to believe that this was her debut novel! (I cannot imagine what she will write after getting “practice” under her belt). The Edge of Belonging has some of the most poignant moments in it that I have ever read before in a book. Ivy Rose, Harvey James, Reese, and Pearl brought to light one of life’s most resounding questions… Who are you?

<b>“You are Braver than you know. And more Loved than you realize.”</b>

The plot is a dual timeline, I do not always like them because they can be kind of wonky, but wow, this one was done to perfection. It was really like looking through a window and watching the characters interact on the other side, definitely one of the best (if not the best) dual timelines I have ever had the pleasure of reading before. Interwoven with great landscape descriptions and interesting background on all the characters plus, the 20 years kept secrets… well this book is one I will be recommending for a long time to come.

While diving deep into the different characters' lives Amanda Cox managed to give many happy endings and bring you on a journey of discovery that I think everyone can relate to and enjoy. I highly recommend this book and give it 5 stars. Great job on your first book Amanda Cox, I cannot wait to see what you write next!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Hellion (415 Ink #3)
Hellion (415 Ink #3)
Rhys Ford | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
very interesting character, is Ivo!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gofted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the 415 Ink series, but you don't NEED to have read books one, Rebel, and two, Savior, before you read this one. You SHOULD though, because it will give you a better picture of this family group and how they work. Plus, they were both 5 star reads.

This one?? Not so much. And I cannot figure out why! Well I can, and I'll try to explain in a bit.

Oh don't get me wrong, its still a fabulous book, very well written form both Ivo and Ruan's point of view. Its well told, its emotional, its sexy, its a good book!

It just doesn't have that sledgehammer to the chest of such heartbreaking emotion that Gus and Mace's story carry. It DOES have deep emotions, especially when Ivo is talking to Ruan about *that* day and how it led him to do what he did and what happened after, but I kept waiting for Ivo to slip back, for *something* to happen to tip him over the edge. Maybe I'm becoming very mean in my old age, and wanting characters to fall apart so badly cannot be a good thing, but thats how I felt here, and I'm all about the book feelings.

I loved how Ruan questioned Ivo about his clothes, his image, the way he is, NOT to make him change, but to understand Ivo better. Loved that Ivo gave Ruan the time to process everything.

Loved that all the brothers pop up, there is a little bit of overlap to Mace's story. There is also a little bit that gives you Luke and his story. Now, when Ivo was at his tattoo thing, I saw this coming at me, what I did NOT see what how James and Luke knew each other and what happened then. I look forward to reading their story!

And Bear? Oh I have a feeling Ms Ford might have saved the best for last. Being the eldest brother in the family looks like he is the last to fall, and I cannot wait for his story!

So, I'm sorry Ivo wasn't quite the a**hole I thought he was going to be, given how much trouble he caused Ms Ford, but I did enjoy his and Ruan's tale, I just did not love it like I did Mace and Gus'

4 great, good stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Victorian (Lavender Shores #9)
The Victorian (Lavender Shores #9)
Rosalind Abel | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
totally surprised by this one! Loved it!
This is book 9 in the Lavender Shores series and I *think* Seth pops up in every one! You don't need to have read the other books, before this one, but I think you should. They are all 4 and 5 star reads from me, bar one.

We met Seth right at the beginning of book one, The Palisade. I thought it was chapter one, but it is in chapter two he makes his first appearance. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad he got his own story, he deserved it!

Seth runs the B and B and Charley has a restaurant in town. They have history, a deep sated hatred of each other that Seth knows not from whence it came. Charley does though. When they are thrown together for a food and drink festival, sparks fly. But sparks is far too tame a word for what Seth and Charley begin to feel for each other. Each man has his demons, and those demons need banishing before they can admit who they really want.

There is an . . . incident . . . at the beginning, though, before all of this and I'm not saying what. It's kinda thrown at them by someone else and I think it was a bit unfair. It does, however, give Seth and Charley a taste of what could be between them, should they want. And they DO want, that much is obvious, even with the tempers between them!

So much passion between these two, it jumps off the page right from that incident (but again, far too tame a word for what happens!) Not just the anger between, or rather from Charley, but the connection that keeps pulling them together. And when Seth sees Charley, I mean really SEES why Charley is so angry all the time? Oh! Seth is just . . ..oh!

I cried a lot for these two. I wasn't expecting any of this, because there was no indication that this was coming! Or at least, I never picked up on it! There was not a single point along the way, in any of the other 8 books, that I can pick up and say ""oh yeah, that story is gonna be good!" And I was going to comment that this was a negative, but actually, I'm GLAD I did not see this one coming, I really am. I'm GLAD I did not see Seth's story unfolding because it might have taken away the surprise out of this story and it's the SURPRISE part that MAKES this book!

So many surprises, and I'm not pointing them out cos of spoilers, but I did NOT see any of them coming at me, and I am so freaking glad I didn't!

There is another story planned, I believe, about the instigator of that *Incident * I don't want to be too hard on him, because he really did think he was helping, but I truly hope he is sorry for the way he went about it, rather than what he did.

This book carries some darker moments, both for Seth and Charley and some readers may find it difficult. I did, because they both have difficult pasts.

But so bloody good! I read it in one sitting, after 6 days straight at work, two back to back 14 hour shifts, starting it at 10pm and did not stop til I ran out of book! And it ain't a short one either, some 330 pages!

So, 5 bloody amazing stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Shadow Healer (Blood Shadows #3)
Shadow Healer (Blood Shadows #3)
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't want it to end!
Independent reviewer for Book Sirens, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is third book in the Blood Shadows trilogy and it CANNOT be read as a stand alone. You need to know what happened before, what James has done, and how he came to be in the mess of his making. And you know, cos I SAID SO!! Both books one and 2 were 5 star reads, and this one did not disappoint!

James knows what has happened before is entirely his fault. He trusted Gordon and look what happened. He lost the woman he loved, his friends, and his Shadows. Riley loved James, but she never actually voiced the words. Finding him again was bittersweet, though, given what he did and what has to happen now. They need to trust each other, but can they forgive?

Quoting from my review for book one, Shadow Guardian: James would be good, as the third in the Triad but that would mean he comes out of this​ mess. And if he does, he will be deeply damaged in many ways. Oh, he's gonna break my heart, I know he is! (Assuming he gets a book! *looks pleadingly at Ms Roberts!

And he did! James broke my heart, big time! But Riley as well. They had so much before, but neither had actually said what they felt, or where they wanted it to go, then Gordon came along and wrecked everything. Both of them suffered, deeply, in very different ways. It takes time for them to even speak to each other, but they need to reconnect to actually get one over on Gordon.

Gordon, the power tripping head of the council, makes his plans far more clearer here and it's not just the Norms of this world that will suffer if he gets his way. The Shadow Weavers will suffer, badly, if he gets his feet under the table and gets his way. One suffers here, and it wasn't easy to read, being Shadow stripped.

I think it does have a higher level of violence than the other books, but it really was needed. What Gordon did to James, and the others meant Gordon needed to be stopped at all costs. And it DOES cost, deeply, but it really was needed.

While heavy on the emotional side for James and Riley, I found it a little less explicit than the other books. The emotions are rife for Elizabeth and David too.

AND! The bad guy gets a say! Oh I love it when we hear from the bad guy! Now, I can't actually recall if we did before, cos I don't mention it, and ya;ll know how much I love getting the bad guy so I will always mention it, and we get Gordon in all his world dominating glory and I freaking loved it!

Writing this, even though it was an amazing third instalment, is making me sad. because it is the FINAL part of the trilogy and don't wanna leave them!

I can't wait to see what Roberts comes up with next. I'm really loving her mind and how she gets things across.

5 full and shiny stars, casting wonderfulyl coloured Shadows around!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Meik &amp; Sebastian (Obsessed #4)
Meik & Sebastian (Obsessed #4)
Quin Perin | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a very fitting end!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Obsessed series, and you MUST read book one through three before you read this one. You need to know how Meik ended up in this position. And they are all 5 star reads from me! I would STRONGLY recommend you don't read these unless you have all 4 parts in your possession. They are addictive, and cliffhangers and you will NEED that next part so badly, it will hurt. So, yeah, all FOUR parts, ya hear me??

But this one?? Not so much. Still really great, just not quite hitting the spot that the others did.

Why?? Because I was CONFUSED!

At the beginning of this book, Meik is drowning his sorrows in booze and sex. Or at least he's TRYING to. The sex thing seems not to be working so alcohol is his drug of choice. What I was confused about was WHY! At the end of book 3, Sebastian tells Meik he loves him, and Meik responds. . .not badly, but with the wrong words. Here, Sebastian is just GONE!!! It took me far too long to figure out Sebastian must have left Meik, and that was why he is drowning in galleons of whiskey. FAR too long, and it spoilt it slightly for me.

BUT!!! We get another side of Meik, while he's drowning his sorrows: the loving, sweet teenager about to have his whole world broken by the loss of Gabe. We get all that, in the memories that flash up between the now bits. Gabe's illness and diagnosis. His failing health as time goes on. Meik and Gabe's growing physical relationship, despite Gabe's illness. The total and utter LOVE that Gabe and Meik have for each other screams at you in every snippet of those memories. And you get to understand a little bit more why Meik fights so bloody hard against the love that he has for Sebastian. So bloody hard! He doesn't want to feel that kind of pain again.

And he does LOVE Sebastian. He just needs to find him to tell him. Pulling himself out of a week long bender took some doing, but I'm so glad that boy did it! Just when he thinks he's lost Sebastian for good, he finds him. And with the RIGHT words, tells Sebastian he loves him.

It would be nice to catch up with these two later down the road, it really would. But for now, a very fitting end to the story of Meik's Obsession with Sebastian.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Shadow and Light (Arizona Raptors #3)
Shadow and Light (Arizona Raptors #3)
RJ Scott, V.L. Locey | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
best of the three!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book three in the Arizona Raptors series. It says that it is not a stand alone and you should read books one and two first, however, I don't think its entirely NECESSARY, but it certainly would help. I have read those two books, and they were both solid 4 star reads.

THIS one, though, is a whole different kettle of fish!

I LOVED this book!

You feel for Henry. His life has taken a turn he didn't expect. The man who was using him, almost killed him. His money is all gone, and he is living in someone else's house, mansion, all by himself. His hockey is on the line, because of the accident and his mind is on a downward spiral.

Enter Apollo.

Apollo is the best friend of Adler, the man paying for the house, who is Henry's brother's friend. Apollo is at a loose end since Adler is all loved up, and Apollo needs some sun. So Apollo goes to Arizona to look after Henry while he gets backs on his feet and back onto the ice.

Apollo is just the kind of man Henry wants, but who would want a washed up hockey player who might go blind? Apollo clearly wants Henry, but he is supposed to be going home at the end of the summer. Can he let his heart take the break?

This one is my favourite of the three, it really is.

It had me crying in places, laughing in others. Shouting at the kindle, and cheering away. I wanted to wrap Henry up in cotton wool and I wanted to smack him upside the head. Apollo too!

There are numerous references to The Harrisburg Railers players and pop ups from all the major players and team from this series. I loved that.

The relationship between Apollo and Henry is slow and sweet, and I loved that. They grow into each other, you know, as the book progresses. It's beautifully written, and gave me so many feels!

Ryker Madsen is Henry's team mate, he plays the same line (although, to be honest, I have no idea what that actually means, I just thought someone MIGHT!) and HIS book was in the Owatonna U Hockey series. I did NOT like Ryker in that book. He does redeem himself in that series somewhat, but HERE? As Henry's best friend, that kid done good! So, as a totally irrelevent point, Ryker? I forgive you!

So, my favourite of the three so far, but I know there is one more out later this year.

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Heard (Breaking Free #3)
Heard (Breaking Free #3)
A.M. Arthur | 2017 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
**verified purchase Dec 2018**

This is book three in the Breaking Free series. While it stands more alone from books one, Saved and two, Seen, I would STRONGLY recommend you read those first. Not least because there is an on-going story arc, but because you need to know how Karter came to this point: you need to know just how much he has changed over the course of the last few months, dealing with everything about the missing and abducted omegas. Also, I mean, I said so, right?? Both are 5 star reads from me too.

As is this one!

Karter responds to a break in, and chases down a scent that tickles his nose. Finding Jax, and his 6 week old son, is the source of that scent, and just what that scent means is a shock and surprise to both Karter and Jax. When Karter gets Jax' full story, the Alpha in him rears up and goes all out protect his mate, he has a good old proper MINE moment! But Jax is wary, not of Karter himself, but of Karter the ALPHA. He has been treated badly, abused by alphas in the past and he won't let it happen anymore. Can they make it work?

These books are quite difficult to read, not the writing, because that is brilliant, but the subject matter. Jax was abducted out of the home that Braun (Saved) managed to escape from, and when we find out what has been happening to those omegas who are missing, it's shocking! I mean, what happened to Kell (Seen) was bad, but this?? Really really bad, and I have a feeling there is a lot more about the missing omegas that will be worse, far, far worse.

Karter was brought up in a very strict household, his father was in control and everyone toed the line. His Omegin is a much softer person, who tries to keep everyone happy. Karter doesn't want to follow in his father's footsteps and works hard to control his Alpha tendencies. But he never realised how powerful the mating bond is, even before he and Jax fully mate, and he messes up along the way. Granted, he is incredibly sweet about it, and once he knows what he did to upset Jax or to anger Jax, he tries, you know, REALLY hard! And I loved him for it.

Jax is STRONG! He went into the home for alpha-less omegas when his previous alpha died. While Orris wasn't abusive, Jax knew Orris was in control and Jax swore to himself, that he would never be in that position again, especially after what happens when he is taken from the home. His reaction to Karter is something he wanted, but he knew that a new mating would muddy his scent and put his abusers off his trail. that he actually begins to FEEL for Karter, well, that wasn't expected and he begins to realise that things are beginning to change: the attitude towards omegas as people, not just baby making machines is changing, and maybe, just maybe, he and Karter and the baby can be really happy.

Loved that Braun, Tarek, Ronin, Kell, Serge and Dex all play a part here and we catch up with them and the exciting news they all have!

I have Serge and Dex' story to read next, followed by Liam's story, who was the omega that Braun saw being kidnapped from the home.

I am totally loving this series, and I WILL be reading them all!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl
The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl
Melissa Keil | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
**I received a copy of this book from the publishers and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

The Incredible adventures of Cinnamon girl takes place in a small town in Australia, nothing ever happens in Eden Valley until one day a YouTube video goes viral. Ned Zebidiah has predicted an apocalypse and the only safe haven is the one and only Eden Valley.

17-year-old Alba loves her little town in Australia where nothing much happens, however she is at a stage in her life when she needs to make decisions, life changing ones. Alba wishes everything could remain the way it is, her friends and family all in one place as she likes it. Her friends on the other hand have different ideas, the majority of them cannot wait to say goodbye to Eden Valley and see more of the world. With an impending apocalypse, the return of an old friend and decisions to be made, can Alba keep it together?

I really like Alba's character, she is artistic, witty and loveable. She is at the stage of her life when she has just finished school and she has to make decisions about what to do with her life, should she go to college? work? travel? Alba also has curves and a healthy figure which is portrayed in this story really well, there is no self-consciousness with the way she looks, she is confident and it's so refreshing to see this in a YA book especially as the younger audience are so impressionable. Alba also loves to draw and Cinnamon girl is her creation, drawing frame after frame trying to get her image right or the background just so. I have recently started being interested in comics and I loved the idea of someone creating them and the illustrators thought processes. Alba was a great strong protagonist and very relatable.

Grady is Alba's best friend in the whole wide world they have grown up and done everything together. Grady has his flaws like most of the characters in this book but he is such a nice boy, knowing what he wants to do with his life and being there for Alba giving her encouragement with her drawings of Cinnamon girl.

One character I didn't like was Daniel, he just appeared to be egotistical, very self-conscious and a bit of a sleaze. With masses of people flocking to the safe have of Eden Valley, Daniel returns years after moving away and has become a bit of star in TV and is stirring a lot of emotions within Alba and Grady.

This book is so cute, it has a slow burn romance with no love triangle, the writing style is amazing and loved that it was set in Australia. I really like that the book incorporated comics and a few famous comics/names were mentioned such as Fiona Staples and Persepolis. This was my first Melissa Keil novel and have been recommended life in outer space

I recommend this book to anyone who reads YA with a slow burn romance, art/comic content.

Overall I rated this 4 out f 5 stars.
Living My Best Li(f)e
Living My Best Li(f)e
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fast and chill reads are always the hit for me. I definitely enjoy drinking my hot chocolate and cuddling my blanket while reading a chill book on my sofa. '' Living My Best Li(f)e '' was a modern-day book, that captures today's problems, and it felt familiar, because I have seen these problems in my surrounding. It focuses mostly on social media, and the differences between what we present online, and who we really are in the real world.

We have one woman - Bell - who is about to turn 40, and her comfort is broken when her man decides to leave her after years of togetherness.

We also have another woman, Millie, in her mid-thirties, and her little son Wolf (who names their child Wolf?). Millie fell in love with a football star Louis and had a child with him. To her disappointment, she realized the man she is in love with is the most unreliable parent in the world. She also happens to be an Instagram star, that only shows the world what she wants them to see.

While the followers see expensive dresses and well-behaved child, the reality shows that Millie takes a picture of the dresses and returns them to the shop, unable to afford them. She is also receiving calls from Wolfie's school that he has not be behaving in his best manners.

When these two women accidentally meet, they turn out to be besties. In fact, they became besties so fast, that I had to laugh out loud at how bizarre and unrealistic that was. Do you ever go to a coffee shop, say hi to a person, and then THE SAME DAY, THE SAME CONVERSATIONS you both start sharing your deepest secrets? Yes - it was that bizarre.

I really wanted to love '' Living My Best Li(f)e '' , as it captured a lot of problems. But it only captured the surface of these problems, then solved them instantly and moved on. And I wasn't satisfied. There were so many little plot problems that the author kept adding to the book randomly to keep the story going, and kept resolving them one by one - no anticipation, no hunger for one more chapter. Disappointing.

First of all, all the characters were not realistic. We have this woman that keeps saying she can be on her own, but she also keeps complaining every second of the day.

Then, we have this other woman, who seems like such a person that everyone is looking up to, but in fact, she is too scared to say no to her ex-love and father of her child, and she keeps up with all his nonsense on a daily bases.

Last, but not least, we have the 5-year-old Wolf boy, who talks like a 20-year-old boy, but behaves like a toddler, and I don't know how to react to that.

And finally, we have ''the rest of the characters'', who were mentioned and had their own roles in the book, but didn't have enough of a back story or air-time in order to be remembered by the audience.

The author also introduced us to a plot twist, that came out unexpectedly - but suddenly the government were about to destroy their community center and it was up to them to collect money and save this place in a record time. How convenient for the story, right? With no building up to it, the problem just raised from the ground... And you can all imagine the happy endings and soppy stories that followed with their success.

So yeah - that got me, and I didn't believe it for a second, and therefore this review. I really wanted to love Living My Best Li(f)e, but nothing worked out. Disappointing characters, plots and lack of thrill. Not a great experience for me. I wouldn't recommend it, but if you choose to read it, I would love to know what you think! <3
Imagine (Black Raven #4)
Imagine (Black Raven #4)
Stella Barcelona | 2018 | Crime, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
too much action but still good.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

 After THAT kiss on Halloween, Leo and Ace have been avoiding the issue.Or rather, Leo has, and it's all Ace has on his mind. Sent together with a team of Black Raven agents undercover on a gambling cruise liner's maiden voyage, they are thrown into the thick of things, with so much left unsaid.

This is book 4 in the Black Raven series, but you don't need to have read the other three for this to make sense, they can all be read as stand alone novels. Books one and three are five star reads from me, though.

But this one?? Not so much and I've no idea why! And ya'll know how much that pains me so! maybe it will come as I write this up.

Leo is emotionally stunted after the death of her father on 9/11. She doesn't wanna talk to Ace about what happened on Halloween but she has been thinking about it. Ace is her best friend, has been since they started working together. That kiss, though, changes everything for them both. Ace wants to move the relationship on, but they have a job to do first. Feelings for your partner cannot get in the way of a job. But they have a way of worming in, and Leo can see those feelings in Ace's eyes, even if he doesn't want her to see.

Told mostly from Leo and Ace's point of view, we also get some of the bad guy in a couple of places, and in the other two books I've read in this series, I loved that. Those bad guys are deeply twisted, and were difficult to read, but it's more of less why I gave those two books 5 stars: the connection I had to the minds of those bad guys. But something didn't quite work here, for me. While clearly insanely greedy (cos it's all about the money) and a lot screwed in the head (cos a LOT of people will die) I didn't feel any connection to the bad guy at all. That makes ME sound a lot twisted in my head, but I think you know what I mean. There seemed to be no background as to WHY (other than the money) the bad guy was doing this, what made them want to blow up a brand spanking new ship, and kill all those people? I needed some background and I didn't get it.

This book is HEAVY on the agents work. A little bit too much for me, I think. I got lost when they were running around the ship cos I have no idea what half of those ship terms meant!

AND!! It's only the first part of Leo and Ace's story. They are Happy For Now, and I do hope they get their Happy Ever After in the next book. Ain't gonna be plain sailing for them I know that much!

So, because on the lack of connection to the bad guy, and because of the heavy action (which gives me the WHY I didn't enjoy this one quite so much) . . .

4 stars, still a really good read, just not on a par with books one and three.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**