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The Hideaway (Lavender Shores #5)
The Hideaway (Lavender Shores #5)
Rosalind Abel | 2017 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loving this series
When Micah Bryant was 9 years old, his future was pulled into his family. It takes Connor Clark a long time to realise that Micah was always The One, will only ever be The One. They just need to tell the family. And avoid Connor's past.

Loving this series, I really am, despite the fact its first person multi point of view ? or maybe even BECAUSE it's written that way, regardless, loving this series.

You don't need to have read the other four books, although they are all 4 and 5 star reads, they can all be read as stand alones, but it would give you a better understanding of the Founding Families of Lavender Shores, and the strong bond they have. It will give you a better understanding of just WHY Connor is so reluctant to become official with Micah.

I enjoyed this one, not as much as book4, The Shipwreck, but it's still a very good read. I think more could have been made of the Moses' (Connor's nephew) return home story line, because let's face it, the Clark family are not the nicest bunch of folks, and I would like to have known how Connor ended up with Moses in his custody in the first place, that was not really explained.

But I am enjoying that there is no real break ups in these books, there is no real violence to deal with. They really are just great reads, books to fall into and forget about the world for a few hours.

Seth though, he needs a story! The poor guy is hard done by here, and I want to see him happy!

A great, well written, well delivered story.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
An Unlikely Proposal
An Unlikely Proposal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me say this book definitely surpassed all my expectations!!

I know we've all been there... that isle of books at the store with the Harlequin titles trying to decide if we want another feel good, know how its gonna end type of story. LET me advise you. This book IS NOT your typical Love Inspired book (of which I will admit to reading ... almost everyone published). I had to do a double check of the page count with this one honestly. Toni Shiloh managed to fit SO much depth of character, layered background, and faith based elements that I was enamored of the book from the beginning and scratching my head wondering how something so marvelous could come out of such a tiny package!

I loved the plot, a true friends-to-lovers/ girl-next-door/ marriage of convenience story that I have.. uhem already reread. I loved Omar's little ones that Toni Shiloh filled with life and love. Plus, I really enjoyed the circumstance that Toni Shiloh put Trinity and Omar into! Great chemistry and awkwardness between the two of them.

Overall, one of my favorite reads ever in terms of modern character development and storyline. A definite 5 star read you DO NOT want to miss!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Jen Gilroy is a highly talented author! I really enjoyed getting to know her characters through this fun summer time read. It was captivating, moving, and the characters made a home in my heart for good!

This first book in Ms. Gilroy's Firefly Lake series is a wonderful one. This story is one of hope, longing, forgiveness and second chance at love. The emotions of Charlie and Sean can be felt as if they are the reader's own. I love when a book can do that! Each character brought something new to the story, each page turn, capturing me just a little more!

If you love a book filled with amazing characters and a plot that will sweep you away, then this is the book for you. However, I can't give this a full on 4 or 5 star review like I wish to. There is some language(not through the entire book but more than once or twice) and a few scenes that you don't find in a clean read, but the over all story itself, with the wonderfully portrayed characters and the messages of hope and forgiveness can pull the reader in despite the issues, leaving me with recommending this as a 3.5 star read.

Book 2, Summer On Firefly Lake, releases in July and I love the cover just as much!! Despite the lower rating that book 1 had, I may give book 2 a try to see where the next story goes. Overall, Ms. Gilroy is definitely a talented author. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ms. Turano is back with her witty, soul capturing characters and brings her fans a novel that you won't soon forget! While this is not the first book in the series, it's easily read as a stand alone, though I do recommend reading the first book, as a series is always best read in order. Ms. Turano's writing style is unique and quirky and I loved every minute of this page turning novel!

Gertrude and Harrison really stole my heart. I loved the way they interacting and watching them blossom into their feelings was a pleasant treat while reading their story. Ms. Turano chiseled them both perfectly for their roles, and threw in a few other characters to round them out, though one character you'll just love to hate, if you're like me!

If you want a 5 star worthy novel that will captivate your stole, make a home in your heart and is filled with historic detail and laugh out loud wit from beautifully created characters, then this is most definitely a book that you do not want to miss! Ms. Turano has hit the nail on the head with this novel and I am already looking forward to the next book in the series. Well done and two thumbs up!

*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit Tours and Bethany House Publishers and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The Seekers (Amish Cooking Class, #1)
The Seekers (Amish Cooking Class, #1)
Wanda E. Brunstetter | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely love Wanda Brunstetter and her work. I was so excited to get the chance to read and review this book, her first in the Amish Cooking Class series. Setting down to read it, I knew I would be in for fun, but just how much, I had no idea! This book is filled with laughter, romance, faith, hope, inspiration and lots of gut cooking!

Ms. Brunstetter once again creates a novel filled with heart warming characters, plot lines that keep you hooked and messages woven that will leave you thinking and reflecting long after the book is closed. All the characters within this novel face a different challenge in their lives, but through faith and coming together to cook, Ms. Brunstetter sends us on a ride that leaves us smiling at these characters that have come to try and learn to cook.

This is beyond a 5 star book. It's the first of the series, and I'm already wishing I had book 2, The Blessing. If you are looking for a fast paced, inspirational book about the simple life, look no further than this fabulous book. As a bonus, you'll get some great recipes from the teacher in the book! Yum! Bravo, once again, Ms. Brunstetter. Bravo.<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Serafina and the Black Cloak
Serafina and the Black Cloak
Robert Beatty | 2015 | Paranormal, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I will confess that it's been quite some time since I read a middle grade/young adult book, but perusing my children's family night book fair, I came across this book. I read the back of it and noticed one thing. Biltmore. Living in North Carolina, a few hours away from the Biltmore, I thought it would be the perfect dive back into the wonderful world of innocence and fun. I wasn't wrong!

Serafina and The Black Cloak is a wonderful start to Mr. Beatty's Serafina series. I read this in two sittings and loved every minute of this read! Serafina's character is wonderful and I loved following her along the halls of the Biltmore Estate. The story is filled with just the right amount of kid-friendly mystery and is perfect for those curious minds that love to seek out clues and solve the puzzle.
Serafina's search for answers on the disappearances within the walls of the magnificently built estate, and the lovely story line, Mr. Beatty has just become my favorite author for books like this. I am already looking forward to reading book 2, Serafina and the Twisted Staff. If it's anything like this book, it will be just as captivating and filled with tremendous doses  of 5 star worthy moments! Fantastically done, Mr. Beatty. Fantastically done. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Amazing! Another amazing novel and addition to the Amish of Hart County series. To date, I think this is her best one yet in the series, though I did love all of them. Ms. Gray, whose talent has always intrigued me, wrote a novel that pulled me instantly to the center of the story with Calvin and his life. I fell head over heels instantly with him and loved following his risky story.

When Ms. Gray introduced me to Alice, yet another character to fall in love with, I knew this book would be one I would be up long into the night reading. I was right. Seeing Alice with the kinner in her class, then watching her fight her feelings for Calvin, really tugged at my heart through the story!

This is definitely a 5 star worthy novel in this series. The ups, downs, twists, and turns that Ms. Gray add to this absolutely inspirational novel of risking all for love, is wonderful and keeps the reader hooked. I can't wait for the next and final book in the series to get back to Hart County and see what Ms. Gray gives us next. Hats off and twenty thumbs up to a talented author on this one!
*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours/Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Healing Love
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where do I begin with this review? No words justify the amount of feels I felt with this book. It is absolutely an amazing read. From heartache and pain to smiles and hope, Ms. Slattery stitches together a novel that will not soon leave the reader's soul. You close the book and reflect on the story and the characters and their faith long into the night. It's forever in my heart, that's for sure!

I have never been on a mission trip but I know of people that have. They come home with stories that will leave you in tears, sometimes from happiness, sometimes from sadness. Ms. Slattery filled this book with such detail that you can't help but feel as if you, the reader,were right there in the center of the mission trip. Watching Brooke along side of Ubaldo really kept me hooked on the story. I loved both of their characters so much. I felt their emotions and their faith as if they were my own. When they came to terms with what God had in store for the two of them, together, I really felt it deep in my soul!

Ms. Slattery has taken on a wonderful theme for this book. Finding love in an unexpected place with an unexpected person, learning of that our plan isn't always His plans, and seeking redemption along the way, really makes for a fantabulous book! I can not simply give this incredibly moving novel a measly 5 star rating. It is beyond that. It is deserving of 5 thousand stars, if you want my opinion. This book, and all it has to offer, will suck you in, cacoon you into it's pages and leave you breathless and in awe of Ms. Slattery's work. Bravo, Jennifer Slattery! Bravo! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Return (Redemption, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This prodigal-son-returns-home story is one of my absolute favorites of Ms. Kingsbury's Baxter family books. Luke's character is the baby of the family, and she chiseled him so well in these stories. I was so excited years ago when I learned he had a book where his story was center. I loved revisiting him!

What would you feel like if everything you ever believed in was ripped away in one tragic instant? That's what Luke battles and I was so angry with him for so long in this book! I found myself on more than one occasion wanting to throw the book across the room. But, in trademark Kingsbury fashion, she weaved messages of hope, forgiveness, understanding and acceptance into her pages, and it wrapped me up instantly. Luke's story is a powerful one and I will forever love it.

This book should be able to get more than a simple 5 star rating. This book is emotional, utterly raw and absolutely breathtaking. The characters are now your family, the lessons are yours. All of it wrap up to make one unforgettable novel in a sweep-you-off-your-feet series. Ms. Kingsbury's shelf is graced with Luke's story and when someone asks me my favorites, his will always be one of the first to slip off the shelf. Well done, once again, on another amazing addition to this incredible family story.
*I purchased this book for my personal collection. Cafinated Reads was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*