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Thirst of Steel (The Tox Files, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sweet Lord Above. Yes, that's the best way to start this off as I reflect back on all that I just read in the final Tox File novel by the brilliant Ronie Kendig. Lord have mercy on my soul, she absolutely took my breath away with this incredibly moving, powerfully suspenseful, amazingly addictive novel. Ronie Kendig is a master of epic proportions when it comes to writing a Christian romantic suspense novel. This book will leave you like me: reflecting and wanting more.

The characters within this book are wonderful. They are created with a  real-to-life feel about them, and when I followed their story, I felt every emotion, every action, every message they did. The intensity of the suspense, the splash of the romance, the powerful faith that flows with Kendig's words is beyond captivating. I loved these characters, and I don't want to say goodbye! 

Mrs. Kendig has created a final addition to the Tox Files that is worthy of the highest recommendations. Her research, her creativity, the way she knows what to give her fans, is awe-inspiring. I loved every second of this 5 star novel and I can't wait to recommend it to everyone that asks for one of my top reads of the year. Hats off to you, Mrs. Kendig and I can't wait to see what you have in store for you fans. Bring on another fantabulous novel please! 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
A Gift-Wrapped Holiday
A Gift-Wrapped Holiday
Amy Aislin | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"A Christmassy hug-in-a-book!"
A GIFT-WRAPPED HOLIDAY is a brilliant book for the Christmas season. It will give you the warm fuzzies, even though serious topics are covered.

Luca and Mal are the perfect pair even if they don't act on it immediately. I loved that about the book though. They don't play games and mess around but they also don't rush into a relationship where a child is involved without thought.

There is little-to-no angst in here but it didn't need it. The characters move the story along brilliantly by themselves. The pacing is wonderful and it shows the connection between Luca and Mal, giving it time to deepen before there is any steam. I loved the world of Lighthouse Bay and now I want to read the other books. I don't feel that it impacted me negatively at all that I hadn't read them before this one.

One thing I have to add is I LOVED all the research that went into Luca's shop. It was a brilliant idea that worked perfectly. I just wish there was a store like that near me!

This is the second book by this author I have read (the other being On The Ice) and both books have been 5-star reads. Absolutely brilliant and highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
First, I just have to say how gorgeous this cover is! If I hadn't been intrigued by the synopsis, I would have grabbed it up for the cover alone. Second, if you are not already a fan of Angela Hunt, then you will be after reading this amazingly chiseled novel. She is absolutely talented and truly captured my soul with this new novel. This is Biblical fiction at it's finest! 

I am a lover of Historical fiction and this book fits the bill for best of 2017 so far! Reading about Cleopatra and Chava really moved me. I've heard of Cleopatra, of course, but never really read a book that centered around her time. So, getting to know Chava, the young woman waiting to take her place at the Queen's side and Cleopatra, and all that was Alexandra, was truly an event I don't want to forget. The detail that Ms. Hunt adds to this novel is breath taking and I won't soon forget the feel of being in the heart of the story. 

If you want a novel that will whisk you away to a time in history that isn't often written about, then I suggest this book with high flying colors! If you want to be captivated and become the characters, then this 5 star novel is highly worth getting! This book kept me turning the pages long into the night and I am already anxiously awaiting another book by this author who knows just what her fans love! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Deadly Proof (Atlanta Justice #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy smokes! Ms. Dylan is AH-mazing!!! I was so excited to get this book and review it. I sat down the minute I got it and DEVOURED it! I was done almost as quickly as I began it. Her writing style is just THAT good. The intensity that she creates the story with, I felt every bit of it. It was a wonderful time, reading this story! 

I have always had a fascination with crime dramas and the legalities of it all, so when I had the chance to review this for the author, I jumped on it. The plot line was intruiging and the characters sounded absolutely fantastic. I was right. Kate and Landon's characters were both beautifully chiseled for their roles and instantly stole my heart. The sparks that pass between them are awesome and the suspenseful twists to the story really bring out the intensity of both of these characters as the heart pounding, page turning scenes come to life. 

This book is in my top 10 favorite reads of 2017. It is a wonderful story, filled with edge of your seat, fast paced circumstances. Learning to lean on God in times of crisis, and focusing on the future and not the past really make this book beyond 5 star worthy. I can't wait to see what book 2 in this incredible new series has in store for us. Hats off and gavels down to the awesometastic author, Rachel Dylan!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers/author and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Hard To Hold (Haven&#039;s Cove #3)
Hard To Hold (Haven's Cove #3)
Jaclyn Quinn | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
not quite as good as one and two
I purchased my copy of this book.

We met Jonah in book one, Hard To Let Go. He was Pwen's partner, and they amicably split, staying good, close friends. Jonah watches Own fall in love with Brody and he watches Nate and Gabe get married. And he wants those things for himself. Cameron, a member at his previous gym, pushes ALL of Jonah's buttons. And when Cam turns up at Jonah's new gym, all tongue tied and incredibly shy, Jonah knows that its Cam he sees in his future.

Book three in the series, but you can read them as stand alones. Personally, though, I would recommend you do read the other two books first. They will give you a better picture of what Jonah sees happening to the men in his life. And they are both 5 star reads from me.

But this one?? Not quite so much, and *insert wailing sound* I've no idea why!

Oh, don't get me wrong, it's still and excellent read, with all the gut wrenching emotions I'm coming to expect from Ms Quinn. The story is well told, from both Jonah and Cameron's point of view. So we get all of Jonah's reactions to Cameron; all of his (almost) jealousy at watching his friends pair off; all of Cam's internal wrangling with himself, and his external wrangling with his family.

I can't put my finger on WHY it didn't quite push my buttons, I really can't and I hate not being able to word what I want to say! So, I'll leave this as is.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Songs of Red Current Wine (Colors of Love #6)
Songs of Red Current Wine (Colors of Love #6)
V.L. Locey | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Because of Carl, this becomes a much darker read than the others, but Ms Locey nails it here.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 6 in the Colors Of Love series (you have NO idea, how many times I typed the spelling of Colors!) But you do not have to read the others. Books one and 4 were 5 star reads, from me, and 2 and 3 were 4 stars. I missed book 5!

This is, I thought, a much darker read than all the others, and I read this book in one sitting, 200 odd pages before 8am!

As with the other books, only one of the two main characters have a say, and Carl's voice is powerful. Damaged and broken, but powerful nonetheless. His strong, but often depressive voice makes up for the lack that Tigh doesn't have a say.

Going home for his best friend's funeral would have caused many pain, but for Carl it pushes him over the edge, and into a faster path of self destruction. Only Tigh's strength and help helps Carl pull himself out of that pit of despair, along with a couple of surprising people who I didn't think would help him.

Tigh is Carl's best friend's younger brother, a LOT younger than Carl, but it's not thrown about too much. I liked that it pops up at key points, but only really when it's needed.

Carl's self destruction is painful reading, it really is. You can see it happening right in front of you, and you can't stop it. He was already on a downward spiral when we meet him, but Mike's death was the straw, really.

Because of Carl, this becomes a much darker read than the others, but Ms Locey nails it here. It's very difficult reading, but also, you get sucked in so bad because you want to see how Carl pulls out of it, you NEED to see how this plays out with Tigh and before you know it, you've ran out of tears, of cheers and of pages.

And Arn pops up, I love him! Love the little digs he makes about his clients, who are the subjects of the previous books. That made me laugh. But Arn is sad, and I don't want him to be. Will he get a book?? I hope so.

Trigger warnings for alcohol abuse (Carl) and PTSD recovery (Tigh)

5 amazing stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Solder Who Killed a King: A True Retelling of the Passion
David Kitz | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When it comes to fiction books that are centered around Biblical times, it takes a really good author to hook me into the story line. Don't get me wrong, I love reading my Bible, however, not every author can create a story that brings the Biblical portion off the book pages and to the reader like a movie screen. David Kitz, however, truly hooked me with this book, and took me a first-class whirlwind ride through history. 

I absolutely felt every emotion of this book, watching, most often on the edge of my seat, as Christ was cruxified. This book really brings to life the Biblical and the historical detail. As I watched the Roman Centurion who was tasked with awful task, I found myself with tears in my eyes, both for him, and for Christ. It was a heartwrenching, gut twisting, thought provoking story of sacrifice and pain. 

This book......anything less than a 5 star review would be a disgrace. The style of which David Kitz wrote this novel is stunning and captivating. This book is definitely not for everyone though. If you are a reader of Biblical fiction, if you want to see what happened during that eventful week in time, then this book is for you. You will not be disappointed and you will want more! I know I am already ready for another beautifully written novel of Biblical times by this superbly talented author! Grab this book and be prepared for a jaw dropping experience of watching the cruxifixion come to play. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Imperfect Justice (Hidden Justice #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy Justice, Batman! This book was AH-mazing! Having read book one in this incredibly addictive, incredibly chiseled, incredibly captivating series, I was anxiously awaiting the chance to read this novel. When I got my greedy hands on it.......well, let's just say that this book right here, was absolutely one of the best books of 2017! I am always looking forward to a new Cara Putman novel now, and when she delivers one, I. Am. Hooked.

This book is powerful. It's filled with edge of your seat twists, as Emilie and Reid work together to find the clues, the pieces of the puzzle, to find Reid's neice. The roller coaster ride that follows these two incredible characters is enough to take your breath away. I felt every bit of emotion that these two felt, every heartache, every heartpounding piece of evidence within the pages left me wanting to wrap them up and hug them close!

If you love suspense with a dash of romance, then this intricately woven novel is one that you don't want to miss out on. It's 5 star worthy. It's a book that you must stay up past your bed time to finish, as you'll not want it to end. Every page turn will leave you breathless. This is absolutely, simply put, award winning. Once again, Ms. Putman has used her skills to throw her fans a book that will satisfy their hunger for the intense justice, and Godly messages that is Putman trademark! Bravo and hats off to you, Ms. Putman!
*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
I am new to Ms. Miller's work but I will tell you now, I will not be missing any more of her work! She is fabulous! I came into this series on this second book, but I wasn't confused in anyway and I loved Charlotte and the Duke so very much. I am a big fan of the regency era when I read historical books so this book is going on my keeper shelf for sure. 

Charlotte's character really gripped me. I loved how Ms. Miller portrayed her and her unsuredness in having to choose who to marry if there aren't feelings there. I really felt for her so much through this story. And the Duke!! Oh my heavens, yes please! I loved his character possibly more than I loved Charlotte's! He's a Godly character and I loved that in him, as it's often times you see the women in stories as the more Godly ones. These characters truly came together in a wonderful way and I was so excited to feel a part of the regency era, watching them come to light in the faith and feelings! 

I definitely recommend this book to all historical romance lovers. It's the perfect blend of hope, longing, faith and God's timing, and love. The characters will quickly become a part of you and you will get lost in a society of regency. This is 5 star worthy in my opinion and I can't wait to go back and read book one, as well as anxious for the next faith-filled novel from this talented author. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After reading Written In Love, I couldn't wait to get my hands on book 2. I finally did and let me tell you what. I absolutely adored it! Book 2 is wonderfully written and instantly captivating, just like book 1. Ms. Fuller once again takes us to Birch Creek where her readers get to fall in love all over again with past, and new characters. 

Roman and Leanna's characters really gripped me! I loved them both for different reasons. Roman's character really pulled at my heart, perhaps because I always felt like I couldn't please anyone know matter what I did. Watching him and seeing how he reacts to the letter from his grandmother, really tugged at my soul. I loved him! And sweet Leanna. Bless her. She's so different from your typical Amish women and I loved that about her! Ms. Fuller truly did a good thing with her character. Seeing Roman and Leanna together, following them through this story, was a wonderful time. 

This book is so full of messages of God's understanding and forgiving grace. I loved that. I felt His presence while taking this journey with Leanna and Roman and I couldn't wait to get to the end of the book to see what God's plan was for them. I was not disappointed! Ms. Fuller made it into a 5 star worthy book for sure, and it leaves me wanting book 3! I need more Birch Creek Amish and God's grace in these books. Hats off to a wonderfully talented, truly fantabulous Amish novelist who knows how to throw a curve ball and hook her readers! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>