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Runaway Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been sometime since I read a Miralee Ferrell novel. I loved her work when I read her Love Finds You books, but I hadn't read them in a long time. So, when the opportunity arose for me to review her new book, Runaway Romance, I jumped. It sounded intriguing and not like what I am used to from her and I couldn't wait to jump into it. I was very happy that I did!

This book is filled with fun loving characters. I was instantly hooked on Ann and Hunter's characters and they both settled into my heart to stay. I loved the way Ann fell in love with the Amish Inn and their way of living. I feel the same way when I go to Amish country! And Hunter, bless him! I loved his character so much. I really felt for him, watching him be a little cautious when it came to Ann. My momma self came out when his character was introduced.

In Miralee Ferrelly fashion, she throws in a few characters that you will either love, or love to hate. I enjoyed getting to know ALL of the characters within the pages of this new book. Each one brought something different to the tables and really kept me turning the pages long into the night.

This is definitely a 5 star book! I highly recommend it to all who are looking for a book on trusting God, forgiving and learning to accept His will. The characters will take you on a whirlwind ride and leave you wanting more! I am definitely looking forward to more books like this in the future from Ms. Ferrell. Well done!

*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Dark Deception (Defenders of Justice #2)
Nancy Mehl | 2017
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a long time fan of Nancy Mehl's and just finishing Fatal Frost from the library, I couldn't wait to dive into this beauty. I was definitely not disappointed! She is a seasoned author who knows just what to bring her readers. 

I loved the edge of your seat suspense in this novel. From page one, I was wrapped up in Kate's story. She was chiseled perfectly and really came to life while I followed her on this whirl wind journey. Her journey was not an easy one, that's for sure. In the witness protection program, she has dealt with so much in her life already. But, when she finds out she may have to retestify against the attacker that left her in the wfieitness program to begin with, the story line intensifies and I was pulled even deeper into the story. 

Tony Deluca's character was also well chiseled and I loved watching him trying to get a grip on his feelings for Kate once again. The sparks between were evident and when the plot turns to a whole new surprise, those feelings might have to be on the back burner in order to save Kate, and himself, once again. 

This book is definitely going on my top 10 2017 list! It's full of the perfect amount of romance, twists and turns, all while weaving in God's mercy and faith. More often than not, I was on the edge of my seat, wondering just what was going to happen next. This 5 star worthy, heart pounding, nail biting goodness is highly recommended! I can't wait to see what's in store for us readers next. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Awaken Me (Connected, #1)
E.M. Sky | 2011
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“Awaken Me” is the story of Aimee, a young woman about to get married to Derek. She was told that six years ago, when she first met Derek and his mother, Elizabeth, she was recovering from an accident, during which she lost her mother, as well as her memory. However, she suddenly finds that all is not what it seems in her little world, and everything she thought she knew about herself gets thrown out the window in a hurry.

I really enjoyed this story, and it definitely held my interest from start to finish. Learning along with Aimee, about her past, who she actually is, about Derek and his family, was like a roller-coaster ride, and I couldn’t wait to see what happened on the next page. The supporting characters of Alec, Iva, and Marcus are all very fun to read about, as well, and I really like their interactions with one another, as well as with Aimee.

However, there were a couple times that I thought the story was rather repetitive, especially when Aimee talks about who she is, once she learns the facts. It seemed like every couple of chapters towards the end there was a “refresher course,” which would be good if you had set the book down for a while, but as I was reading it pretty much straight through, it did get slightly annoying to read the same thing over and over. It didn’t drag me down from enjoying the story, though, and I don’t think it was worth dropping a star from my rating.

All-in-all, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes paranormal reads with a little revenge and romance thrown in the mix, and if you like a heroine who can kick butt, this one’s for you!

5 stars =)
Dexterity Check (Dungeons and Dating #5)
Dexterity Check (Dungeons and Dating #5)
Katherine McIntyre | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Those damned Care Bears!
DEXTERITY CHECK is the fifth book in the Dungeons and Dating series, and really needs to be read in order to get the full benefit. This is a 5-star series, simple as that.

The thing I adore about this author is, no matter which book I'm reading, it's always my favourite. Does that mean I'm fickle? I'd like to think not. I'd like to think her writing is just that good! This series has been a hit with me from the beginning, and each book is on my "To Buy as Paperback/Hardback" list as I need to have the real thing.

Arjun and Eli balance each other out in so many ways but are both too stubborn to admit it. So similar in so many ways, and yet it is the differences that make them work so well together.

I will say this was a highly emotional book for me. First one strike (Arjun), then another (Eli), and then the final one (Arjun). Three strikes and I was down. Eyes leaking with no end in sight. Those damned Care Bears have done it again. I won't give any clues because you need to read it for yourself.

This has been a fantastic book and I really don't want it to be over. Only one more book to go and then it looks like re-reads are in my future. Ten out of five stars for sheer brilliance. A MUST-READ!!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Charisma Check (Dungeons and Dating #6)
Charisma Check (Dungeons and Dating #6)
Katherine McIntyre | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
saved the best til last, I reckon!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is the final book in the Dungeons and Dating series, and I strongly recommend you read all 5 books previous to this one. Not strictly necessary, but it will give you a better view of Jasper, and how he is with everyone else, and of this amazing group of people. And you know, cos I SAID SO!

Jasper doesn't do commitment, he thinks he's too broken. So crushing after the straight owner of his fav cafe is a safe bet, cos ain't nothing gonna happen. Then, though, Matt turns up at a shibari lesson and is paired with Jasper. Which sets off all sorts of chain reactions from the both of them.

Oh Jasper, Jasper Jasper! I've been waiting, so very impatiently for Jasper to tell his tale, cos all through the other books, he SAYS he's happy with his lot, not having to commit to anyone, just hooking up as and when, but deep down, DEEP down, Jasper needed someone to love him. It comes out in all the other books, and here? Oh my days!

Jasper has crushed on Matt for a couple of years and while Matt looked forward to seeing Jasper every day, he was straight and in a relationship. Then that ends, the lesson occurs and Matt begins to question everything about his previous relationships and why they didn't work. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't that he needed to be more dominant, like all the girlfriends asked for, but the opposite?

Loved the progression of Matt and Jasper, how well they fit together and moved things along. Jasper was always gonna say yes to Matt, but Matt wasn't sure what he was asking for, til Jasper said or did JUST what Matt needed. And I loved that, while there was some questioning of his sexual preferences by Matt, once he decided that he'd had it all wrong, he was ALL in with Jasper.

But then, Jasper does what he does and I was reading in bed, and I must have said out loud, "oh Jasper, you IDIOT!" cos my partner was, who is Jasper and what has he done?? And I rarely react verbally when reading, so it shows how powerfully what he did affected me, let alone Matt!

And then, against Jasper and Matt's story, we have the Tabletop tavern and what's happening there. Granted, Jasper leaves it late, but once he gets his head out his ass and goes to war, they pull that off wonderfully!

So, now, I'm sad. I'm sad cos all these wonderful people are partnered up and I am so going to miss them! There are lots of people here, with the battle to save the buildings from developers, people I don't recall meeting before. People with interesting hints about and I wonder if we'll get a follow up? I'd love one!

So, 6 books, 5 of those are 5 star reads, and one slipping to 4, but a series I strongly recommend.

5 full and shiny, but kinda sad, stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Give It To Me (MacAteer Brothers #5)
Give It To Me (MacAteer Brothers #5)
ML Nystrom | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
saved the best for last!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 5, the final book, in the MacAteer Brothers series. While not strictly NECESSARY, I recommend you read all four of the other books before this one. It will give you a better understanding of just for fast these men fall in love. Also, some references to the other couple's stories are made here, but not fully explained and if you have read them, you might wonder, you know?

We met Angus in the last book, when he and his twin, Patrick, came to work with Connor, Owen and Garrett at their growing home improvement business. Rhyleigh is co-owner at the yoga gym the girls go to. Angus has a powerful reaction to Rhyleigh, but Rhyleigh's to Angus is more of a dawning realisation about what he could do for her, TO her.

When Rhyleigh indulges in her one true secret, someone else pushes her buttons and suddenly she has TWO men who she dreams about. And when Rhyleigh's mother and sister upset her so bad that she does something stupid, everything changes.

These books have been wonderful to read. They are all 4 and 5 star reads, and I *think*, for me, the best was saved for last, I really do!

I loved Angus and Rhyleigh, together and as individuals. Angus knows, he KNOWS Rhyleigh is his, and Patrick (his book, Risk It All, runs alongside this one, so he's flirting at the beginning!) gets the look from Angus to tell him she is Angus'. Patrick gets the message 🙂

Angus gets to know Rhyleigh secret, and he knows that he can really set her free, he can give her what she didn't get from others. He just needs her to let him.

Rhyleigh does something stupid, and I broke for her, I really did. Her mother and sister really are nasty pieces of work, and poor Rhyleigh bears the brunt of that nastiness. After a particularly nasty attack (verbal, but still) Rhyleigh makes a dreadful decision that Angus saves her from. At that point, Angus broke me too, because his heart broke when Rhyleigh does what she does, and he wasn't sure he could get to her in time.

It's quite an emotional book. But also a hawt one! BUT, while the level of heat is possible the highest of all 5 books, the actual smexy stuff is quite low. I mean, there is heat and passion, and when Angus gives Rhyleigh want she so desperately wants, the temp is off the charts, but there is just that one scene between them and I bloody LOVED that!

In a couple of the other books, I said I would have loved the books without any smexy stuff, and I stand by that here. So long as Angus gives Rhyleigh what she needs, cos I needed that bit too! That bit was sensual and emotional and the connection between them was amazing.

I'm starting to ramble, and rambling does not a good review make, so I'll leave you with this:


I still need to go back and read Stud (The second Dragon Runners book) because that book is about Eva, the only MacAteer sister. She pops up here and there throughout this series, but I need to round them all out, I think.

5 full and shiny stars

PS, loved the epilogue!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Redemption (Redemption, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I reviewed this book several years ago, so this is a reread review.  I can tell you that my thoughts then were high on this book and not much has changed through the years. Mrs. Kingsbury's books were introduced to me by my mother many years ago, and I was hooked. Redemption was one of the first Kingsbury books that I read, and it is one of my favorites. I was instantly hooked on it the first time I read it, and the reread was no different. Whenever I find myself in a book funk, or I suffer a tragedy in my life, I pick up Redemption and am reminded that with God's redeeming grace, I can pull through anything.

As someone who went through a bad first marriage, this book truly hits home for me. There are many elements of the book that I went through but I didn't lean on God through it all like Kari did. I loved watching her character again. It truly felt like reuniting with a long lost friend. The pain and suffering she felt, once again became my own. The sadness and the struggling, were mine. I found myself wanting to wrap her in a big old hug and fall to my knees to pray for her. 

This is definitely still a 5 star book in my opinion. Mrs. Kingsbury can create a novel that will suck you in, wrap you up in God's warmth and grace, and set you down in a brand new place. Her words will stay with you long after you've shut the pages, long after you've placed the book back on the shelf. She will leave you breathless and ready for the next book. I highly recommend this book to all! 

*I purchased this book for my personal collection. Cafinated Reads was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
I’m obsessed with true crime novels. There, I said it. I just find them so fascinating, especially when you find a book about a crime / criminal you’ve never heard of before… Introducing Jean-Claude Romand. A narcissistic liar and cheater who swindled his family out of all their money, lied to them about who he really was for 18 years and then murdered them. This sounds like something out of a fictional novel, but ladies & gents, this is all 100% real.

Maybe my 5 star rating is a little bias because I love true crime so much, but this book ticked all the boxes for me. Firstly, it was about such a bizarre and extraordinary crime, I was enthralled by every part of it, and secondly Carrère writes in such a simple and beautiful way that you forget you’re reading fact.

What astounds me so much about this novel is its subject. Jean-Claude Romand lived 18 years of his life (that’s only 2 years younger than I am right now) living a lie. How does a person get away with lying about everything for 18 years without getting caught? I can’t go into much detail in this review, otherwise I’m just going to spoil the whole thing, and once I get talking about it, I’ll never stop. But I mean really, how his friends & family trusted this man so much as to believe everything he said… amazes me. However, it’s also made me very aware that you don’t question the people you trust, I’m sure people could get away with so much before anyone noticed!

This book is incredible, shocking and mind-boggling. It reads like poetry but it packs a very real punch. I loved it! If you’re a true crime fan, like myself, pick this one up quick!

<i>Thank you to Penguin Random House UK & Vintage for sending me an arc copy for review.</i>
Music &amp; Dreams (The Road to Rocktoberfest 2023)
Music & Dreams (The Road to Rocktoberfest 2023)
JP Sayle | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
hits spots I didn't know needed hitting!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This book is part of the Rocktoberfest 2023 series, a multi author series. I haven't read any others, but they are all stand alone reads.

Lorcan is a rock star, high up the food chain. Rogan is his child's nanny slash teacher. Rogan has all the feels for Lorcan, but knows that's crossing boundaries. Lorcan has something for Rogan, but it isn't till there is an accident that Lorcan begins to feel for Rogan.

Sometimes, you need a super low angst book, with some smexy times and some difficult times thrown in. This book delivers on those levels, and it delivers beautifully!

Rogan has crushed on Lorcan from the start of his employment to teach Lorcan's daughter, Amy. Lorcan's feelings weren't so pronounced from the beginning, but having to look after Ro was an eye opener. And when Lor discovers Ro can sing?? The man was a goner!

I loved Lorcan, and Rogan and Amy as a unit. Amy will be a force to be reckoned with, when she gets older! She sees far too much for a little un, but she has a down to earth demeanor that everyone loves. The things she says to make Lor see Ro, REALLY see him, are far too wise!

I didn't find it especially explicit, but its not about that. This book is about seeing what's in front of you, or rather, who. And about Ro getting over his insecurities to finally be able to fulfill his dreams through HIS music, not just everyone else's.

I loved the guys in the band, Tibi and Finlee and I hope they get a story too.

Hitting spots that I really didn't know I needed hitting, and at short notice too, this was a wonderful read!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere