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Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely love this series, and this one might be my favorite so far. Each one builds on the story, and the more crazy stuff Mick and Finley get into, the more interesting their lives (and everyone's around them) become. This time, there are werewolves to contend with, and it takes the whole group to protect the town. We meet a ton of new characters, hang out with some regulars, and (finally!) learn more about Uncle George than I ever could've dreamed up on my own.

Can't wait to see what the boys have to go up against next!

5 stars
Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2)
Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2)
Tahereh Mafi | 2013 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this one much more than I enjoyed book 1 - I think I'd have almost given this 5 stars, there were some parts that I thought were a bit cliche **meh** <spoiler> love triangles for days Warner for the win! if she does not stay with him or hook up with him forever or whatever is happening there or happened and can happen I will be so upset - not sure if it's a spoiler but hey, better safe than sorry </spoiler> - I'm curious what's going to happen in the next book. I was able to predict quite a bit of what was going to happen so that was fun - I actually liked being right in this book !
The third book in Monique Bucheger's Ginnie West Adventures continues right where we left Ginnie last!
     I enjoyed this story although not as much as the first two I will admit. But I did enjoy it and loved the new twists that Monique Bucheger gave Ginnie, Tillie, and Toran. I also enjoyed the dynamics between stepparents/ stepchildren that Monique Bucheger continues to display in this book; its very sweet, real, and covers issues that are apparent in most stepparent relationships. I thought Ginnie (and her family) learned some valuable lessons in this book and that the lesson have real world applications.
Overall, I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for Ginnie
The Bake Shop (Amish Marketplace #1)
The Bake Shop (Amish Marketplace #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book started out very slow for me, I know it is introducing a new series but I didn’t expect it. However, once the first part is over, we get some good characters, who have an enemies to friends relationship (As much as one can in an Amish lifestyle). They work through a lot of hang ups and overcome obstacles from the community, family and themselves. I think this was a good start to a new series and I am excited to see what will come next from this author.
I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars for the scene created, the interesting characters, and the overall theme of faith.
This story was great ! I read it in a couple hours because I couldn't put it down. Shelley Shepard Gray wrote a very detailed and very believable story and it covers some highly relevant topics today; such as depression, suicide, spousal abuse, etc,. She did it in such a way that you really feel for the characters without it being graphic and in the midst of it all she gives us a sweet story of falling in love with your best friend. I truly enjoyed this story and recommend reading it.
I give it 4 stars out of 5 for the great story line, well developed characters, and for explaining some hard topics. I recommend reading this book.



    7.0 (1 Ratings) Rate It


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Debbiereadsbook (1110 KP) rated The Veranda (Lavander Shores #3) in Books

Aug 18, 2018 (Updated Aug 18, 2018)  
The Veranda (Lavander Shores #3)
The Veranda (Lavander Shores #3)
Rosalind Abel | 2017 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
5 star book, 5 star narration
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian I was gifted my copy of this book.

When Donovan met Spencer ten years ago, it was on Spencer's engagement to Donovan's sister. All that time, they had feelings for each but they were never acted upon . But when Spencer's marriage fell apart and he finds himself at masquerade sex party, and Donovan is there too, he can't pass up this chance to have him, even if its just once, and Donovan won't know who he is. But Donovan DID know. And he wants more.

This is book three in the Lavender Shores series, but you don't need to have read the first two to follow this. It might help to read book two first though, because Donovan plays a large part I that book. Not necessary, just might help.

I'm loving this series, I really am. They are easy books to read, and that's a good thing, especially for me currently.

They are told from both men's point of view, in the first person and it flips from chapter to chapter with each change clearly headed. Ya'll know its not my favourite way for a book to be written, but I knew that after book one they would be this way, and I think that helps massively.

You get each man's reaction to that encounter at the party, each man's attempt to stay away and you get it all in glorious detail when they finally, fully and totally give in to each other.

I love how these books have no major break up in them. They are full of story, and plots and people's reactions, but seriously? Lavender Shores is the best place in the damn world to live! I loved how, while obviously hurt by what Donovan and Spencer do, Erica can see they are happy together and she doesn't keep Spencer's kids from him.

While I am loving the easy reads that these books really are, I find myself waiting.....waiting.....waiting.....for that one in the series that has a bit more bite, is a bit more heart wrenching, gut churning, emotionally devastating. One book to tip it over the edge and give it those full five stars. It will be either one alike that, or one that is far too stinking cute and warm and fuzzies all at the same time, that tips it over! But I have no doubt, there will be a five star book in this series, I just gotta bide my time.

An extremely well written, well delivered, well needed...

4 stars

AUDIO Review.

Kirt Graves continues to narrate this series, and he really is growing on me!

His voices for Donovan and Spencer were similar, but just different enough for me, with my crappy hearing, to make out the difference if I had left it off, mid chapter.

He continues to portray much more than I got through reading, and that is only a reflection on his skill, rather than the book. I love the emotion that Graves gets across, that, while reading, you might not pick up. The WORDS are all there, but HEARING them makes it much more real.

His voices for the other guys who have appeared in the series remain consistent throughout, and I love reconnecting with them, each and every time they pop up.

I hope to get the opportunity to listen to the other books, too. Some cracking books in this series, and I CANNOT wait to see how Graves gets them across.

Upgrading the book form 4 to 5 stars, simply because of Graves narration.

5 star book,
5 star narration
5 stars overall

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**