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Drunks and Dragons - Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual Play
Drunks and Dragons - Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual Play
Games & Hobbies
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Funny members, (1 more)
Good story
Not for young audiences (0 more)
Fun for the whole group
This is a very funny series, it starts in 4e, but has a clever way of switching to 5e after episode 165, I love it
    The Dungeon Rats

    The Dungeon Rats

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RPGMP3 (211 KP) created a post in RPGs Rock

Apr 23, 2018  
Played a DnD 5e one off over the weekend. It went reasonably well, we had a new player who enjoyed herself. My friend Glen, is in the process of converting a lot of the old Mystara content to 5e and wanted to test the balance of the adventure. The party consisted of a Variant Human Cleric of War (who worshipped Nob Nar, the Halfling god of adventure), a Gnome Wizard and a Phanaton (flying squirrel person) Rogue.

The adventure was called The Khan and the Duchess and started with the party working as caravan guards for a gnome caravan that gets attacked by Goblins. The party fared well in the attack and even recovered some of the stolen goods, drovers and guards from a nearby goblin camp. The sessions wrapped up with the party attending a high society social gathering with the caravan master as thanks.

There is more to come but we seem to be off to a good start. We used it as a way to do a streaming test for recording out tabletop games for future sessions and it seemed to work pretty well.

Looking forward to more playing, as I am most often found in the GMs chair.