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Upgrade (2018)
Upgrade (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
#upgrade #upgrademovie is insane & possibly the biggest surprise of the year. Its dark, dirty, gritty, raw & I absolutely #loved every second of it. Upgrade clearly wears its influences on its sleeve right from the start, there's elements of #Dredd, #Robocop, #TheMatrix & also #Terminator & its style is a straight #nostalgic mash up of #80s & #90s #scifi. What's so good about it however is amongst all this influence is an intricately woven style of its own. Its a low budget #film but you wouldn't know it as cgi is fantastic/minimal & works so well with some of the best #practicaleffects I've seen in ages. Gore is so realistic/#savage & shocking at one point I almost stood up out my seat in sheer shock. Cinematography is #beautiful/creative & at times wouldnt look out of place in a #bladerunner film. Environments look nasty, hostile & damn right grimy giving the film such a raw & depressing quality like it too is also a character. Ive always loved #loganmarshallgreen his physical acting here is next level. How he moves his body in this movie is out of this world impressive (especially when the system takes over his body). He plays the role perfect making his body act robotic while his face reacts with sheer fear & panic (its not only hilarious but terrible & utterly fascinating too). Camera work when he's moving is seriously impressive too moving in almost a robotic kind of way twisting, turning & jolting with every move #logan makes. With an unnerving/memorable score & an over all message of #technology enslaving us all/how no matter how much we hate machines we all eventually become reliant on them in some way Upgrade is a must see. Its not very often a small film like this comes along so we must all go see it to encourage directors to make more. One hell of a great time & a film I can't wait to own. #odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic #filmreview #saturdaynight #horror #gore #violent #cyberpunk #grindhouse
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent idea (1 more)
Doesn’t alienate you
Only true fans will get the most out of this (1 more)
Some characterisation is a bit weak
A unique adventure where you want the hero to really win!
I was inspired to read this book when I found out Spielberg was adapting it into a film. One quote described it as the matrix meets willy wonka and the chocolate factory. Although I think such matchmaker comparisons are lazy, it’s almost unavoidable in this case as that seems an accurate description.

The basic plot is a gazillionaire has past away and locked his vast tonnes of money away in a virtual reality game. To get the money, players have to obtain three eggs. The hunt is on. The story is told through Wade Watt’s eyes and his character is likeable for the most part. There are some choices he makes that don’t seem in tone with the character but the focus here is on the journey and being led from one clue to the next.

The movie has some big differences so there’s no advice on which you do first except for me to utter a cliche the book is better than the film. But only just. Spielberg masterfully puts the unfilmable book up on screen and the changes that are made are probably contractual ones rather than artistic. The bonus for readers of the book is that they are treated to different kinds of Easter eggs. Some could argue there are too many. I argue that makes it rewatchable numerous times. Cineastes will get the majority of the references straight away but there will always be something missed. The book and its references mostly appeal to kids of the 80s. I grew up with 90s references but that’s not a criticism because it would be difficult to be more universal. Either way, like watching The Matrix for the first time, I will be envious of anyone reading this for the first time as it is an amazing and original adventure.
Destroy All Human Life by Country Teasers
Destroy All Human Life by Country Teasers
1999 | Alternative, Country, Indie, Punk
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"From one extreme to the other. Belle and Sebastian were one side of what was happening in Glasgow, and Scotland, in the ‘90s when I was really young and just starting out and to me Country Teasers represent another parallel, a much darker and more sinister side of what was going on. “They came out of Edinburgh, where they were all from, apart from Ben Wallers, the singer, who’s English. They’re another band I put on in The 13th Note and another band I was drawn to both sonically and lyrically. As you’ll know if you’ve heard this record, Destroy All Human Life, some of the lyrics are extremely difficult. Ben’s attitude has always been to try to make people as uncomfortable as they possibly can be and to explore issues that are usually not talked about at all. “This song, weirdly, I find to be quite beautiful; the melodic line is really wistful and melancholic, which as I said, is what I was aiming for with this collection of songs. There’s a sort of perverse humour to this particular track too. That’s what makes it all the more vivid for me; he’s talking about his bandmates, who I can picture because I knew all those characters at the time. “He rips into them mercilessly! He’s saying Richie’s so weak he almost can’t be seen and something about Eck being skinny and Alan, the guitarist, having a big hook nose. Simon, I think, he said had funny feet and then at the end, he says, “I am the perfect image of mankind / Made by god to remind him of his son / My back is straight like a straight white line / Golden apples issue from the hole in my bum.” It’s really fucking funny! “And also, it captures a particular sense of humour that was shared by a lot of people I hung out with in Scotland at that time and still do. It’s quite dark and sadistic.”"


Judy Greer recommended Singles (1992) in Movies (curated)

Singles (1992)
Singles (1992)
1992 | Comedy, Drama, Romance

"I think I’m going to go with Singles, and it’s because of a very specific time in my life. Soundtrack is really important to me, and I’m a child of ’90s grunge. That movie was Seattle, Nirvana, Pearl Jam — it’s the greatest soundtrack. My favorite band was Smashing Pumpkins and my favorite song by Smashing Pumpkins is “Drown,” and that’s on there. Plus, I loved all the different storylines being woven together. I love Cameron Crowe, and the idea of these people living in Seattle and looking for love. I was a senior in high school when it came out. I mean, I saw it in the theater like three times. I was like, “Oh my God, this is gonna be my life. I’m gonna move out of my parents’ house, and I’m gonna go and try to make it in the city somewhere, and it’s gonna be like this.” And, you know, Bridget Fonda as Janet was just the greatest character. I was like, “I’m gonna be like her. I am kind of like her. But not the pathetic parts of her, the great parts of her.” But everyone was just was trying to find themselves, find love, find a career, find a path, find their life. It was really aspirational for me at the time that it came out, so it really scratches that itch that I had then, and it will always be that meaningful to me. I recently made my husband watch it. I can’t remember if he had seen it or if he just didn’t remember it, but I just could tell, even though he loved it and appreciated it, like, it didn’t kill him the way it killed me. And you know, he was like, “Yeah, no, it’s good. I like it.” But he is obsessed with Almost Famous, and I love Almost Famous, but that was more meaningful for him. Singles is just… the movie, the music, the time, the look, the actors, the wardrobe, the backdrop of Seattle. Just all of it."

Fear Street Part One: 1994 (2021)
Fear Street Part One: 1994 (2021)
2021 | Horror
A young teen, Heather, is finishing her last shift of the day in the mall, upon closing time she agrees to meet her friend Ryan outside so they can walk home together. Once Ryan leaves to gather his things, Heather is chased through the mall by a masked stranger and murdered in an almost identical way to casey becker in scream! When the credits start, the 1994 is blood red and someone screams as it is splattered against the screen, again just like scream! Either purely coincidental or the writers are a fan of the movie.

Anyway, the next day we see a number of teens talking and apparently this isn't the first murder in this town, in fact almost every decade has had a massacre, which many of the teens believe is the result of a witches curse. After a fight breaks out at a vigil held for Heather and Ryan, the rival schools threaten to kill each other and a killing spree starts shortly after. However, it is not the teens going through with their threats, in fact the killers aren't even alive! The teens must find a way to stop these creatures.

The movie is filled with so many feels of the 90s, as someone who was a teen in that decade herself I enjoyed all the nostalgia, from the mention of AOL to calling someone a dilweed. I liked the fact that the teens in the movie actually did look like teens unlike many other movies, though it did the almost sex scenes seem wrong. I enjoyed the teen Slasher part of the story as Slashers are my fav movie genre and we don't get many of those anymore, what ruined I for me though was the addition of Supernatural beings, I really wanted a teen Slasher with a big reveal at the end but sadly that isn't what I got. Still a good film though.
Doctor Who: Sleepy
Doctor Who: Sleepy
Kate Orman | 1996
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a re-read for me, as I had read SLEEPY when it first came out in the late 90s. While I remembered parts of the book, it was, more or less, like it was fresh. Most of my time was spent "gobbling" as many books as I could, allowing me to "escape" the humdrum life I was leading and my not-so-cool bachelorhood. So, yeah, a fresh start of sorts to this read.

SLEEPY is the first book that begins the overarching "Psi Powers" story line. Author Kate Orman wastes no time, throwing us right into the deep end of the pool as the book opens! The ride that begins never lets up, providing with well-fleshed out characters and minor characters, as well as providing an intriguing and thought-provoking backstory.

In both the Virgin <i>New Adventures</i> as well as the BBC's <i>Eighth Doctor Adventures</i>, Orman was always favorite of mine, as well as a number of the pre-NuWHO fans. Her characters, goodies <b>and</b> baddies, were always full of depth, giving something than us tropes. The Doctor, regardless of the Incarnation, was treated properly, offering a much better Doctor than the new series has shown us.

The book requires focus when reading. That is, it works better if you can read it in room without distractions (musical film scores playing in the background don't count as a distracting), without anyone trying to talk to you while you're trying to read, i.e. my wife (!). There's some truly heady stuff going on the pages within, and if you ride it out, you will not be disappointed!

In the 61 <i>New Adventures</i> that Virgin Books published from 1991-96, there are several that stand out as cornerstones of the WHO-niverse. SLEEPY is one of those "cornerstones". If you see this out in your travels, perusing a cool used book shop, pick this book up, as it well worth the time!
Seinfeld  - Season 1
Seinfeld - Season 1
1989 | Comedy
I always assumed I wouldn’t like Seinfeld in the 90s. In fact I was opposed to the very idea of it on principle. And that principle was: I’ve never heard of this guy as a comedian, and American stand-up usually isn’t funny. I never saw a single episode until six months ago – in my head it was some dumb, canned laughter show with very forced scripts and little charm. I just didn’t get why it was always quoted amongst the best sitcoms of all time, and I wasn’t willing to find out. This is called “being ignorant”. Guilty.

One random day with nothing else inspiring me I finally took the plunge and put an episode on. Guess what happened? I laughed, I found it completely charming and witty and easy to watch, with some great lines and likeable characters. 3 hours later I had done 6 episodes and was as hooked as anyone can be with anything. It was just so nostalgically and completely 90s! And I loved that!

A show doesn’t run for 9 years and over 170 episodes without being some kind of special, especially taking into account the depreciation due to being dated, as all sitcoms eventually are, and it really is quite remarkable – deserving of a place in the conversation of the greatest ever American half hour shows. Sure, there is an element early on in the preoccupation with everyone’s sex life and dating habits that is a little creepy in 2020, but I am totally willing to forgive it.

Shows that are hyper aware of themselves and the audience are odd creatures the minute they take themselves too seriously, and Seinfeld never does that. It knows it is trivial, essentially about nothing and going nowhere, and style-wise it is always winking at us for being in on the joke and a part of it, even to the point of applauding new characters on their entrance, which is a uniquely American thing to do.

The secret of the show is undoubtedly the chemistry of the four leads, so mismatched that it someone works a spell and creates magic, much in the same way Friends managed to do, times six. Jerry Seinfeld himself is a very likeable everyman, and the schtick of each show beginning and ending with 30 seconds of stand up is a gimmick that grows on you, as does everything about it: the more you watch, the more you love it for what it is.

Jason Alexander as the balding, quirky, self-conscious, opinionated best friend is perhaps my least favourite of the regular quartet, but he has some amazing moments over the course of things, and plays great dead-pan. But the other two are on a plane of equal genius. The verbal timing of the super cute, super smart Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Elaine (who I have fallen in love with a little bit in 1993) and the physical slapstick timing of Michael Richards as Cosmo Kramer (surely one of the most memorable characters in sitcom history) have both left me aching with laughter time after time after time. Just a glance or an expression is often enough.

And the great thing is, it never seems to get old. They are always finding new ways and new situations that keep it fresh. Some trick! Even in the final season of the 9, when there is a small melancholia creeping in because they all know it is coming to an end, it still manages to create moments that aren’t just repeats of previous gags. Which means, as future background watching it is 100% perfect. Leave it on whilst doing something else, look up once in a while, and like the best of all long running US comedy shows each episode is indistinguishable from any other in the best way – it is like having a friend in the room.

I can’t imagine ever saying it is amongst my very favourites, maybe because I missed out on it first time around – which I put down to an inherent middle aged appeal, rather than a youth appeal – but I wouldn’t also ever argue with anyone that did say that it was one of their favourites. Because I get it now. And I’m so glad I got to do it, no matter how late to the party!
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Captain Mehvel
#captainmarvel isnt a bad movie its just not a very #super one, instead feeling hollow & lacking in excitement & wow factor. I was actually really #hyped for this movie but at just 40 minutes in I was not only bored but feeling extreamly exhausted. Feeling like a strange mix of #powerrangers, #buffythevampireslayer & a #startrek episode from the #90s Captain Marvel certainly feels tone wise very different to other #marvel films. This i found to be a blessing & a curse leading to the style a lot of the time coming across as outdated/low budget & also made the film seem silly ruining all the serious plot points & making characters feel very out of place. Another problem i had was the #nostalgia bombardment it becomes so distracting to the point where i felt like i was watching a #PeterKay stand up show "remember this? remember that? wasnt this good?" etc. #brielarson & #judelaw stand out acting wise yet i feel we dont really get to know their characters intricately enough, meaning when the films final act hits i wasnt emotionally invested in either of them or the struggles they have overcome & internal progress they had made felt a bit flat/less exciting. Theres a cool theme explored about people & how we never give up no matter how many times we are knocked down but this was possibly the only time i felt the #film going deeper or in a unique direction. Action is done well with some awesome sound design but again there's nothing incredible or that memorable its all just ok completly watchable stuff really. Now don't get me wrong it is very well made (as you would expect) the special effects are stellar as are the fantastic costume designs, the score is electrifying & the soundtrack is really #fun. I think the problem with this movie is that it has to fit & tie all the other movies together while bringing us this cool character & because of this it suffers as a #film feeling more like filler until #avengersendgame. Theres no omph, wowness, interesting relationships, engrossing story or high stake moments that make you stand up & shout HELL YEAH! its just very Captain Meh-vel. #wonderwoman did it better. #disney #mcu #avengers #stanlee #superhero #nationalwomensday

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Captain Marvel (2019) in Movies

May 14, 2019 (Updated Jun 22, 2020)  
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Captain Marvel delivers a solid and safe chapter into the MCU
Contains spoilers, click to show
After 10 years of connected movies, Marvel are finally introducing one of their most powerful characters into their cinematic universe, and there's plenty to be excited about.
It's Marvel's first truly female led movie for a start, and the decision to forgo the original Mar-vell from the comics, and dive straight into the story of Carol Danvers is a wise move.
This decision routes the film in a 90s setting, with plenty of nostalgic call backs (Blockbuster anyone?), and a solid grunge filled soundtrack, that compliments a world that is yet to see The Avengers.

It's fun to see a non jaded Nick Fury, blissfully unaware of the extent of the cosmic universe, and a pleasure to see Clark Gregg return to the MCU as Coulson (a short but sweet roll). Side roles for Anette Benning and Lashana Lynch are nicely fleshed as well.
At this point, I'm still not 100% sold on Brie Larson, but she carries the film well enough for it to be an above average origin story, but honestly, the supporting cast outshines her at times (even Goose the cat threatens to steal the show at times).

As for the villains, well, the trailers painted the long anticipated Skrulls as the main threat, but the movie pulls a right turn midway through, and reveals that Talos and his Skrull followers are actually refugees, trying to escape the clutches of Jude Law and his murderous Kree death squad.

The Skrulls are a welcome edition to the MCU, and sets up a possible Secret Invasion storyline in the future, however, the direction of the story and the script pummels Jude Law into one the most underwhelming MCU villains we've had so far.

By the same merit, this film is all about it's titular character, and I would imagine the writers never wanted that focus to stray - Carol Danvers is here to stay after all.

Captain Marvel is a low stakes, colourful comic book adventure that nicely and safely fills a gap in the MCU, and sets us you nicely for post Endgame stories.
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
Dantes Inferno
#johnwick3 is an adrenalin shot to the #heart, delivering on almost all of its promises to be bigger, better & smarter than its previous instalments. #johnwick films have always risen above the generic & mundane action films we get bombarded with nowadays as they seem to understand what makes action thrilling as well as learning from the best action #classics of the past & #johnwick3parabellum is no exception to this either. JW3 (like John Wick the character himself) shows just how much its evolved, learnt new skills & matured as a film realising that action its self is too an art form just as graceful, elegant & smooth flowing as a #ballet. In fact the comparison to ballet, #dance & #theatre is present during most #action scenes making them a beautifully choreographed, atmospheric & visually stunning display of bullet barrages & swooping movement. Comparisons dont end there either i was thrilled to see John compared to #Dante (from #DantesInferno) & there are countless scenes inspired by or paying homage to old #westerns, #90s action films, #Korean #revenge films & old #kungfu/#Japanese mob films which was #respectful & added to the films #charm too. World building is expanded on more in this one also as are some characters stories & I absolutely #loved seeing John evolve & learn from each fight to help him progress/gain an edge over his opponents. #Fights are thrilling, wincingly #violent & so exhilarating that I once again found my #heart racing with highlights being a #knife in an old shop & gunfight involving attack #dogs which was incredibly fresh & intense. Cinematography is ravishing always especially when smoke, #neon & rain is being pumped out all across the screen with #electrifying & mood drenching effect. Sadly I do have some negatives, I found the last act shoddy compared to the intelligence, thrill & beauty of the first two. In this act an odd #humour creeps in that felt a bit off, #action feels subpar compared to what we've just already seen, the ending a little silly & i also found the main #villain under used & under developed. That being said its still a fantastically made, must see showstopper thats learnt from the best. #keanureeves #matrix