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Conjure Women
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
102 of 235
Conjure Women
By Afia Atakora

The pale-skinned, black-eyed baby is a bad omen. That’s one thing the people on the old plantation are sure of. The other is that Miss Rue – midwife, healer, crafter of curses – will know what to do.

But for once Rue doesn’t know. Times have changed since her mother Miss May Belle held the power to influence the life and death of her fellow slaves. Freedom has come. The master’s Big House lies in ruins. But this new world brings new dangers, and Rue’s old magic may be no match for them.

When sickness sweeps across her tight-knit community, Rue finds herself the focus of suspicion. What secrets does she keep amidst the charred remains of the Big House? Which spells has she conjured to threaten their children? And why is she so wary of the charismatic preacher man who promises to save them all?

Rue understands fear. It has shaped her life and her mother’s before her. And now she knows she must face her fears – and her ghosts – to find a new way forward for herself and her people.

I liked it but it didn’t completely grab me I lost my way a little in the middle. The story and telling we’re really interesting. I just couldn’t pick back up from where it lost me.
Echoes of Fear (2019)
Echoes of Fear (2019)
2019 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Alisa sees her last family die suddenly, she must head back to the house where she was raised to decide what to do with it next in what seems like a routine, tidy up and sale plan. Her plans are thrown off when she starts hearing noises, suffering nightmares and experiencing visions, which leads to her wanting to learn the truth, going through the house to unlock the truth, which each clue becoming more disturbing for her. Steph is the best friend that can visit at times and will help her with the investigation. Brandon is the boyfriend who is happy to help plan the changes, looking for a quick sell and start of a new life. David is the neighbour that does offer a few answers and is willing to help Alisa with any problems.

Performances – Trista Robinson is the star of the show, she is the one getting haunted, trying to solve the problems she is experiencing and you believe every moment she is going through. Nobody else is getting too much outside the simple to do, with none of them doing anything wrong through the film.

Story – The story here follows a relative that inherits a home and soon starts getting haunted by the ghosts of the house, leading her to try and solve the situation. This is a story that does keep us wondering what is going on with us learning more just as Alisa does, which is why this story works so well, because it enters the most interesting sub-genre of horror, with the haunting helping unlock the mystery. We could have a couple of questionable moments including a bit of miss-direction when it comes to what could be going on, this doesn’t really add up, but is nice to guide us away from the truth. This story does try to break certain rules created and does a wonderful job at this too, but lets just ask, why is there a sniffer mouse?

Horror – The horror side of the film does use a couple of ideas, with the haunting being the biggest moments, while others come off more disturbing by the end.

Settings – The film does keep most of the action inside the house, being a location, that Alisa would know, but hasn’t been to in a while, with he changes adding to the horror of the film.

Special Effects – The effects are used to create certain moments of horror, which most coming in the haunting moments.

Scene of the Movie – The final 20 minutes.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The sniffer mouse is very strange.

Final Thoughts – This is a horror that does keep us guessing, it has a disturbing outcome with the haunting being the highlight of the scares.

Overall: Horror with Plenty of Scares.
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
2018 | Horror
The Haunting Of Hill House has brought horror back.

In an era of horrors which use chewed up, over used clichés - ridiculous, poorly times jump scares, unrealistic gore and mundane character profiles, to name a few - this Netflix series was both nostalgic and fresh at the same time.

From the moment the series started, I was on the edge of my seat. It does such a good job of building tension and fear that it's impossible to take everything in, indeed, on second viewing I noticed things I had completely missed during my first viewing. This series doesn't rely on simple jump scares and musical scores to make the view scared - it's so much more polished and intricate than that. It isn't just a series of blood and gore, of murderers chasing pretty girls with a kitchen knife or teenagers playing with ouija boards. Yes, there are ghosts. Yes, it's based in a haunted house but there is so much more to it!

The depths this series goes to draws you in from minute one. The well fleshed out characters, the great acting, the clever dialogue all mingles together to create an atmosphere the viewer gets lost in and a family the viewer grows to love. The family which this series is centred around is relatable, charasmatic and mysterious all at the same time. The horror is sometimes simple, sometimes obvious but always believable.

It's not very often that a series can have you crying from fear and heartbreak at the same time. The Haunting of Hill House not only manages this but does it splendidly. It's beautiful, harrowing and haunting all at the same time.

This series should be welcomed by anybody who loves the horror genre. It echoes some of the classics and is capable of redefining modern horrors at the same time. It's so refreshing to see the genre stripped back and cleverly delivered. So much of the genre is so repetitive now that my expectations for this series were low. Needless to say, it smashes those expectations.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Abattoir (2016) in Movies

Aug 13, 2017  
Abattoir (2016)
Abattoir (2016)
2016 | Horror
3.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Absolute nonsense
Let's face it, I wasn't expecting much from a film that had gone straight to dvd/sky but i was hoping it could be fairly enjoyable like Thirteen Ghosts or House on Haunted Hill, however this was when worse than I ever would've thought. The acting and script was awful, it was ridiculously cheesy and the plot made no sense whatsoever. Even talking it over after the film, we couldn't figure out what on earth was going on and why. There's also the fact that the plot summary gives away the main part of the film and this doesn't actually appear on screen until there's only around 20 minutes remaining. And the film's title Abattoir is a little misleading and maybe slightly misused.
This book is the most recent in a mystery series, but the first book I have read by Josi S. Kilpack. I do not read much in the mystery genre, but the cooking aspect of the book interested me enough to try this one. All of the page numbers to the recipes are listed nicely on the back of the first page, so I was able to check those out without having to search for them, and they do look like quite delicious recipes, perfect for this time of year.
The main character is an older woman, Sadie Hoffmiller, who has recently opened a P.I. business in her hometown in Colorado, but has taken a vacation to Boston with her love interest, Pete, to house-sit and watch over his three grandsons. Right away she strikes me as both ultra-conservative - Sadie and Pete sleep in separate bedrooms - and a perfectionist. Not only is her cooking described in detail, but also her cleaning and personal grooming habits. She also comes off as a "busy-body" as she very quickly gets involved in the life of the woman who lives across the street and bears the reputation of a witch, the eccentric Mrs. Wapple. It is as if she is so addicted to her job back home that she must continue its nosy approach wherever she travels.
The city of Boston is obviously chosen for its proximity to Salem, Massachusetts and the many references and allusions to ghosts and witches throughout the plot. When pranks begin to strike in the house that Sadie and Pete are staying at, the obvious choice is ghosts, but their sensibilities and penchant for detective work prevent them from embracing this as the solution.
When something dire happens to Mrs. Wapple halfway through the book, Sadie is right in the thick of it, her curiosity taking prominence over even her duties as babysitter with Pete. Not even a vacation will deter her from solving yet another case.
On the whole, the book is entertaining, though Sadie can be annoying at times. Like any mystery, I want to know who is the responsible party, but my favorite part of this book is definitely the recipes.
Beetlejuice (1988)
Beetlejuice (1988)
1988 | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Micheal Keaton (1 more)
Tim Burton
Say His Name
Beetlejuice- is a halloween classic. Its also a tim burton classic. The cast is really good, the fantasy gothic horror element is really good. Its also a dark film, and its PG and it does have some not PG moments. Its a excellent movie.

The plot: After Barbara (Geena Davis) and Adam Maitland (Alec Baldwin) die in a car accident, they find themselves stuck haunting their country residence, unable to leave the house. When the unbearable Deetzes (Catherine O'Hara, Jeffrey Jones) and teen daughter Lydia (Winona Ryder) buy the home, the Maitlands attempt to scare them away without success. Their efforts attract Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton), a rambunctious spirit whose "help" quickly becomes dangerous for the Maitlands and innocent Lydia.

Burton cast Ryder upon seeing her in Lucas. O'Hara quickly signed on, while Burton claimed it took a lot of time to convince other cast members to sign, as "they didn't know what to think of the weird script.

Warner Bros. disliked the title Beetlejuice and wanted to call the film House Ghosts. As a joke, Burton suggested the name Scared Sheetless and was horrified when the studio actually considered using it.

Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian is in development hell and now its shelved. So the likely chance of it coming out is unlikely, but who knows.

Like i said before Beetlejuice is a excellent Halloween Classic.
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
2018 | Horror
Genuinely creepy (2 more)
The tall man
The amazing 6th episode
Horror done right
What is the chance that I would watch the original "The Haunting" movie, only to see that the following day, a TV show based on the book that spawned the original movie, would appear on Netflix? Well, this is what happened to me. I'll start by saying I love the original movie. I love the psychological aspect of the horror. Sounds & shapes can be so much more terrifying that gore & jump-scares. When I saw the show under my recommendations, I couldn't wait, so I just jumped in.
I am not one to binge watch shows. My time is limited & I watch lots of stuff. But I was immediately hooked on this show. I watched half the season in one day & the rest the following.

The show does a very good job in taking the original movie's plot, changing things around & creating a terrifying tale that takes the psychological horror of the original, mixes it with some minor jump-scares & a compelling story of a family dealing with it's own demons as well as the spirits that live within Hell House. Yes, that was a very long sentence, which reminds me of the 6th episode, which is filled with long shots. The camera spins around, while things change around them. in fact, throughout the series, things change all the time. Sometimes statues turn their heads, ghosts appear in the background, faces appear in the furniture. Once I noticed one of these faces, just there, staring at the family. My fiance didn't even notice. I backed it up to show her. She went "Ooh! How did I not see that?"

The story does jump around in time, showing when the family first moved into the house, with 5 children & their parents & then in current day, still being haunted & compelled by the house. Every actor in the show is fantastic. Even the children really pull it off.

The ghosts in the show are creepy as all hell. My favorite is the tall man. I haven't been freaked out by a movie or TV show in decades, but I held my breath & stared as he...well, just watch.

I have recommended this to all my friends & those who watched it all got back to me to thank me. So, I'm recommending it to all of you too.
The Lost Girls
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In 1935, on the last evening of summer vacation, six-year-old Emily disappears from her family's vacation lake home. Emily's doting mother is devastated, and she and her two daughters (Emily's older sisters) spend the rest of their lives at the lake house, waiting for Emily to return. Six decades later, only Lucy, the middle sister, is still alive. Afraid of dying without telling her story, she writes the tale down in a notebook and leaves it, along with the house, to her sister's granddaughter, Justine. When Justine receives the news that her great-aunt has left her a house in Minnesota, she's shocked. They've only met once, after all, and Justine's flighty mother is still living. But Justine realizes the house represents a way to flee the suffocating life she's living now, and to give her daughters a better life. So they pack up for Minnesota, only to find the house run down, the Minnesota winter cold and isolating, and their only neighbors two elderly men who live in the nearby lodge. Justine's older daughter, Melanie, becomes interested in Emily's disappearance; her mother, Maurie, returns, bringing her usual craziness; and ghosts from Justine's own past threaten their safety. Justine doesn't know what happened at the lake sixty years ago, nor does she know if it's safe for her family now...

This novel was a quick read, which pulled me into its tale immediately. The POV alternates between present-day (late 1990s) with Justine and then flips back to the 1930s, as Lucy tells her story via letter. In this way, we get snippets about the past in chunks, allowing for the story to unfurl slowly, building up suspense. Young does an excellent job in creating her characters: Lucy and her older sister Lilith practically jump off the page, as does little Emily. Lucy was the star of the show for me, both as her younger self and via her letter-writing. Her sadness is easily apparent as she tells a tale of a family trapped by their own secrets.

This is a somber book with serious themes; it's not always an easy read. Still, the back and forth POV works well in this case, and you'll quickly become enraptured in Lucy and Lilith's past, in particular. Justine and Maurie (her mom) are more frustrating characters, but their story is still interesting, especially as you learn about Maurie's life growing up at the lake house with Lilith and Lucy. Overall, this was a different book (in a good way), with insightful and well-drawn characters, and an intriguing plot. Lucy sticks with you, even after it's over.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 07/26/2016.

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The Mark
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
95 of 235
The Mark
By Lee Mountford

It isn’t the house that’s haunted…

It’s the person.

Kirsty is no stranger to trauma, but when her house is invaded one night, she is left with a strange mark carved into her skin.

And that is when the horrifying ghosts start to appear.

As the experiences grow more frequent—and dangerous—Kirsty must fight for her life and unravel the mystery behind the occult symbol etched into her flesh. This forces her into the terrifying world of the occult, where she learns of a Bible written by the Devil himself.

Can she save her very soul from damnation?

You will love this gripping ghost story, because it ramps up the fear and doesn’t let go until its thrilling climax.

I clearly didn’t learn my lesson from the last Lee Mountford book! So I read this at night in the dark and it truly scared the living daylights out of me. I actually had nightmares it doesn’t help that I one read it in the dark and two have an overactive imagination. It takes a lot for a book to genuinely scare but that creepy shadow and his puppets from under the bed and stair climbers were enough to do it! Ok so bring on the next one!
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
2018 | Horror
Fantastic thoughtul and moving horror
The much-hyped horror series, telling the story of the Craine family who lived in "Hill House" during an ill-advised renovation project until the mother died in mysterious circumstances. The story moves between the present day, when the 5 Craine children are all grown up, and the past when they lived in Hill House.
The bulk of each episode is more focused on the drama of the family, and less focused on the horror aspects. But in each episode there are moments of utter, heart-stopping terror - either through true unexpected jump scares (there are few of these, but when they come, they are effective) or just complete bone-chilling creepiness.
As is so often the case, the viewers reaction to the ghostly interactions relies heavily on it happening to a child, really hitting hard at times.
I'm not a fan of horror films going all metaphysical and time-travelly (Paranormal Activity for one) but it is reasonably well handled here and isn't a forced point.
The cast is decent, if not outstanding, especially the younger child actors who are fantastic. And there's still something about Carla Gugino that makes me feel all funny.
I got a little distracted looking for the hidden ghosts throughout the series (there are over 40 of them, some are pretty much impossible to spot, others catch your eye after a few seconds and totally creep you out).
The series is somewhat toned down horror, there is virtually no gore and the jump-scares are few but effective, with much more focus on the drama. For me this was a refreshing twist on the genre and made it a much more enjoyable series than if it were all-out horror. A nice alternative to American Horror Story.