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WINCHESTER: The House That Ghosts Built - Teaser Trailer

Inspired by true events. On an isolated stretch of land 50 miles outside of San Francisco sits the most haunted house in the world.

The Silent Companions
The Silent Companions
Laura Purcell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Old fashioned creepy
A good old fashioned ghost story. A creepy old house, odd servants, a pregnant widow left to her own thoughts in a big empty house.

And wooden people! Wooden people who multiply! And move on their own!

The story is set over 3 time periods. In the 1600s and in the 1800s. What happens in the earlier time is revealed through a diary found by one of the later characters.

Is it witchcraft? Is it insanity? Or ghosts? Read this book to find out. I really enjoyed it.

Dean (6921 KP) rated Thir13en Ghosts (2001) in Movies

Jun 18, 2018 (Updated Jun 30, 2021)  
Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
2001 | Horror
Another cool Dark Castle entertainment horror re-make. Didn't know of the original until I saw some reviews mention it. This reminded me a lot of the House on Haunted Hill remake made 2 years earlier. It's fun, not too serious, has a good mix of humour and gore/kills. The cast is ok and well known with Shannon Elizabeth and Matthew Lillard, but it was a nice surprise to see Tony Shalhoub (Monk) appear in this. What really makes this film enjoyable in my opinion, along with House on Haunted Hill, is the set design, make up and ghoulish characters created. Both films have a great wacky house setting, good SFX and the ghosts in this look awesome. A great way to enjoy 90mins. So if you liked House on Haunted Hill you will like this just as much.
Show all 3 comments.

Dean (6921 KP) Jun 19, 2018

Yes I think the original was in the 60's or 70's.


Chrissie-ann (78 KP) Jun 19, 2018

I also didn't know this was a remake!


Brecoles Nine (16 KP) rated The Haunting of Hill House- Season 1 in TV

Mar 12, 2019 (Updated Mar 12, 2019)  
The Haunting of Hill House- Season 1
The Haunting of Hill House- Season 1
2018 | Horror
Spooks, Horror, Easter Eggs (0 more)
Predictability (0 more)
Haunting of Hill House Review
Haunting of Hill House is a Netflix Original released mid 2018. The show caught me off guard as I suspected it was just another show on Netflix thst was hyped up and failed to entertain. However, I was surprised to find myself binging the season every chance I got in my spare time. The first thing that intrigued me was the "Easter Egg Ghosts" is what I have labeled them. These ghosts would appear somewhere in certain scenes that the characters never notice but we, the audience, noticed. They're not in every episode or every scene, but they're there. The spookiness of this show was far better than I thought it would be, the story was unique enough to leave me wanting more, the ending took a different turn than it was leading up to, not a bad turn, definitely a different turn. The show in my opinion deserves a lot more attention than I feel it has received as it isn't just another ghost story, it's one that had kept my wife and I on the edge of our seats but also on guard in the dark. Check The Haunting of Hill House out on Netflix if you're brave!
Ghosts of Manor House
Ghosts of Manor House
Matt Powers | 2017 | Horror
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ghosts of Manor House by Matt Powers is a book with a lot of unmet potential, to put things nicely. It’s clear the author spent a lot of time planning his story out, but beyond that… well, it’s lacking. It also doesn’t help that the majority of the book is written in passive voice–a pet peeve of mine. Passive voice really disrupts my flow and, despite having read the most recent edition sent to me by the author, I feel the book could use another go-over from an editor.

The characters of Ghosts of Manor House exist, in so much as the fact that they are present in the book. If you’re looking for a reason to get attached to any of them though, you won’t find it. There’s a strange sort of distance between the reader and the main characters, Edmund and Charlie. There’s also no depth to either of them. In fact, there’s more of a connection to minor characters. I absolutely hate it when I can’t feel any sort of emotion for a fictional character; it makes whatever happens to them less severe. When it comes to horror, this is a huge letdown. I want to feel fear for the protagonist in a story, I want to be on the edge of my seat with excitement. In this book… there was none of that.

When it comes to plot, Ghosts of Manor House is a mixed bag of tricks and treats. There’s several continuity issues and the whole use of some wacky sort of time travel is a huge turn off. It took me a little while to realize what was going on because Powers doesn’t explain or note the presence of this science-fiction element. Additionally, the locale changes from Hope County to Salem County, though after that change, Powers sticks with the latter. On the good side of things, Powers certainly excels at detailing a haunted location. If you’ve read Kill Creek, you might remember the main character, Sam McGarver, lecturing about the importance of this in horror novels. A well-thought out history for these spooky places is paramount to maintaining interest and in Ghosts of Manor House, Manor House’s past is most definitely intriguing.

Overall, I feel like there’s a lot that went to waste with this book. While it is deliciously short, I would have preferred reading something longer, where I could actually develop feelings and connections to the characters, as opposed to feeling like I watched a dull movie. I would like to thank the author for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
The Others (2001)
The Others (2001)
2001 | Horror, Mystery
I Am Your Daughter
The Others- is a great haunted house film that has a great twist at the end. Its scary, haunted, horrorfying, thrilling and terrorfying.

The Plot: Grace (Nicole Kidman), the devoutly religious mother of Anne (Alakina Mann) and Nicholas (James Bentley), moves her family to the English coast during World War II. She awaits word on her missing husband while protecting her children from a rare photosensitivity disease that causes the sun to harm them. Anne claims she sees ghosts, Grace initially thinks the new servants are playing tricks but chilling events and visions make her believe something supernatural has occurred.

Its a excellent haunted house film.
A House Of Ghosts
A House Of Ghosts
W. C. Ryan | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Paranormal, Thriller
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The binding is gorgeous (1 more)
Had everything
A House Full of Ghosts
Well I loved this. It had everything. A thriller and a murder mystery with romance and ghosts as well. The story flowed magnificently, the characters were endearing and shone from the pages and the history and setting were also deliberate and engrossing. This is a book you can imagine being timeless and far reaching, I can imagine my teenage son or my grandad in his nineties enjoying it. A fantastic story difficult to put down and to top it off presented beautifully in this gorgeous black and gold hardback. Imagine Downton Abbey meets Sherlock Holmes with a bit of Spooky Dickens chucked in for good mrasure. Bring on the movie, it would work so well and I have absolutely no doubt that we will be seeing these characters again and I for one can't wait.
61 of 230
The Demonic ( Supernatural Horror book 1)
By Lee Mountford

Danni thought she knew fear…

But this house will show her what it is to be truly afraid.

Called back to a childhood home, she must lay to rest a father that made her life hell. But something else waits for her in that house. Something far beyond what she could possibly imagine. Restless spirits and an insidious demon ensure this homecoming is one of nightmares.

Can Danni save her family… and her very soul? To do so, she must face the ghosts of her past as well as an ancient and malevolent evil.

You will love this haunted house novel, because who really needs to sleep at night?

So to get the most out of this book read it during the night in the pitch black! Well that’s what I did 😂 got to admit a few times I actually got seriously spooked and had some crazy dreams! A really good haunting of the demonic. I really enjoy Lee’s books another brilliant British horror writer.
Berkley Street (Berkley Street Series Book 1)
Berkley Street (Berkley Street Series Book 1)
Ron Ripley | 2016 | Horror, Mystery, Paranormal
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wouldn't necessarily call Berkley Street "bone chilling" or "spine tingling", but it was certainly interesting. Kind of put me in the mind of Rose Red, not that I've actually read the book, but it's how I imagine the house is explained. I was curious about the ghosts - who they are, how they got there, etc. The bonus chapters in the end gave me insight that I truly appreciated. I'm not sure if I'll continue with this series, but it's a possibility!
Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
2001 | Horror
Spooky Scary Ghost
Thir13en Ghost: is a remake horror movie that was distributed by Dark Castle Entertainment, that relased the remakes of The Haunting and House on Haunted Hill both terrible films. So how is this film, its not terrible, but not great.

The plot: A state-of-the-art remake of the classic William Castle horror film about a family that inherits a spectacular old house from an eccentric uncle. There's just one problem: the house seems to have a dangerous agenda all its own. Trapped in their new home by strangely shifting walls, the family encounters powerful and vengeful entities that threaten to annihilate anyone in their path

The main problem with this movie is that their dont explain the ghosts backstories and you have to look them up. Their are distubing and i wish the film explain them.

Other than that, i think the film is good and is better than the pervious dark castle films remakes.

I think this movie is underrated and should be watched.