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Frosted Yuletide Murder
Frosted Yuletide Murder
Kim Davis | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Delectable Christmas Fun
Emory Martinez and her twin sister Carrie are not happy to discover that their mystery client for a Christmas party is Blair, an old high school nemesis. As the evening progresses, Blair continues with her abuse of Carrie, but she gets into fights with others at the party as well. When Emory and Carrie return to the location of the party the next morning, they find Blair’s dead body. The rumors and evidence seem to be pointing to the sisters. Can Emory figure out what happened before either of them spends the holiday in jail?

Before we go any further, I do want to issue a warning – this book spoils some events in the lives of the characters from previous books in the series. If you aren’t up to date, don’t start here. As a Southern California resident, I enjoyed this book’s setting since its depiction of weather in December made me feel right at home. The plot is filled with events that kept me engaged. I did feel the climax was a bit weak, but overall, I still enjoyed the book. One reason is the characters. Yes, the suspects are strong, but I’m talking the series regulars. I love getting to spend time with all of them, and fans of the series will be interested in seeing the latest developments in Emory’s life. You’ll want to work this Christmas cozy into your reading schedule as soon as you can.
Muddled Matrimonial Murder
Muddled Matrimonial Murder
Kim Davis | 2023 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dead Stalker
Not only is Thanksgiving approaching, and with it lots of orders for cupcakes that caterer Emory Martinez must fulfill, but she’s also working on the wedding of her best friend, Brad, to Gabe. The road to the wedding is going to be rocky, however, as Gabe seems to be having the worst case of cold feet imaginable. Then Brad and Emory find the body of a woman at the wedding venue. The victim is Brad’s stalker, whom he hasn’t seen in years and didn’t even know was in the area. With the police looking at the grooms as the prime suspects, Emory must add finding a killer to her to do list.

I’d kind of forgotten about Brad’s stalker until she became the focus of this storyline. The plot was great since Emory, despite what she uncovers, keeps coming back to the grooms as the best suspects. Yet when we reach the suspenseful climax, things make perfect sense. There are some interesting developments that fans of the series will enjoy. And yes, I do recommend reading this series in order. That’s fine since the characters are so charming, and I enjoyed spending time with them again here. There are another dozen recipes, including some twists on Thanksgiving favorites and lots featuring cranberries. If you are looking for a fun cozy, you’ll be glad you picked this one up.
Justice League Dark, Volume 1: The Last Age of Magic
Justice League Dark, Volume 1: The Last Age of Magic
James Tynion IV | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Horror, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I finally finished up the first JLD volume from new series writer James Tynion IV. I already remarked on how I was quite pleased with his handle of the core members, bringing a real sense of belonging in a very dark (but not THE BOYS dark! THANK GOD!) setting.

I am 50, right? I remember when Zatanna was simply a top hat, coat and tails, plus fishnets. I was a totally fanboying her character back in the day. I even went so far as to request a sketch (back when sketches could run you simply $20, and no attendees were trying to make money off the art acquired) of her from then-new artist Adam Hughes.

When I first saw the art for JLD, wherein Zee's token "top hat and fishnets" were gone. Instead, she was now attired in black slacks, thigh-high black leather boots, white bodice, and stockings are now on her arms as sleeves of a sort. I have to admit, by the end of this volume, as well as the subsequent one (WW + JLD: THE WITCHING HOUR), it gives her a more "sensible sorceress" look. It feels less objectifying, no?

Oh, Constantine, how you've grown as a character! No longer just a likeable (sort of) a-hole with a flair for dark things magical, he seemed to have matured as a character. He seems to, indirectly or otherwise, fit in the team, despite being more akin to a lone wolf character. Tynion really should be given a chance at writing a Constantine mini, perhaps. just sayin'!

The art by Alvaro Martinez Bueno and Daniel Sampiere, with inks by Raul Fernandez and Juan Albarran, is super spot-on. All the regular characters are rendered well, never once veering away from their token looks. Fortunately, DC at least recognizes some good fits, as this seems to be the ongoing art team on the series going forward. Good stuff, indeed!

Now, while the main story held my attention until the very end, the last story, "Tales From The Otherkind", not so much. I get what Tynion was going for, but it just wasn't doing it for me. It was this final story in the volume which prevented this from being a 5-Star review.

But, don't let that sway you! There's some solid creepiness within, as well as some real tense moments. You may even enjoy that last story in the volume. So, that said, I urge you to check this one out. No disappointments, even if you don't like the last story as much as I did!
Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 4: Deus Ex Machina
Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 4: Deus Ex Machina
James Tynion IV | 2017 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Crime, Humor & Comedy, Law
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Back Story (Part Two): So, as I told you all in the preface for my review of Volume 3, there is a similar feeling going on for me. Long story short, as much as I'm a sucker for a good Ra's al Ghul story, I am totally invested when presented with a solid story featuring Zatanna, with or without Bats!</i>

<img src=""; alt="Zatanna" width="240" height="120">

There was a quite a bit in this volume. We were presented with more of where the League of Shadows fits in post-"Rebirth", as well as more on Azrael (who I still care little for as a character), and a sub-plot involving Zatanna and her relationship with Bats. Oh, and at the end, there is a certain someone who shall remain nameless else it becomes a Spoiler, but is totally cool and kinda expected, but cool all the same!
And yes, there is more of "angsty" Spoiler/Stephanie Brown, as she tries to figure out where/how she fits into Gotham, but by herself, not with the Bat-Fam. Fortunately, there was only Spoiler-centric issue, and that was the last issue in this volume. I am hoping Tynion resolves this, as I think she is a good character, but there is only so far you can go with the angst-y, <i>"I don't need Batman"</i> character plotline. Just sayin'..

A plot element I found of particular interest was that there seemed to be a little somethin' somethin' 'tween Bruce and Zatanna. Not necessarily anything of a sexual nature, but I definitely felt there was feelings between the two of them. Something that Tynion seemed to build off of from the B:TAS episode "Zatanna" (Season 1, Episode 50). Damn, this guy is on fire! I can't understand why so many others whine about Tynion. The man is effing BRILLIANT!

Before I close out this review, I want to give some much deserved attention to the art team for this volume: Raúl Fernández and Alvaro Martinez. All the characters and settings were quite, quite good, totally emulating the feeling that this volume was presenting. Also, their renderings of Zee? Fine, fine, fine! Great job, gentleman, great job!

So, that's it. I can't recommend this volume of 'TEC enough, but then again, I am also biased as I am all about a good Zatanna story. And, yup, that's definitely what this was!
K-12 (2019)
K-12 (2019)
2019 | Drama, Fantasy, Musical
At a mesmerizing crossroads between 𝘈 𝘊𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 and 𝘓𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘥𝘦, didn't know what the fuck I was watching half the time and I think that's precisely why I loved it. Blurs the line between sick and sweet exactly the way it wants to. Point of note that I've never been a huge Melanie Martinez fan, so this is my first 'real' experience with her. I think her passion (she co-wrote, directed, starred in, and costumed the thing) clearly shows in this endearingly clunky phantasmagoria of absurdist gore, demon cringe, political hostility, and demented babycore. The type of product where there's people throwing bowls of cockroaches at others, vomiting up orange liquid, then tearing out their eyeballs and swapping them between blunt critiques on American exceptionalism and musical numbers about body image and identity reclamation. The photography, sets, and costumes/wigs/makeup is seriously next level and it helps that the acting - shockingly - doesn't suck. The back half of the album has some clinical bops. For sure the one of these album-long music videos that feels closest to an actual movie, if this were any other artist you all would have adored it 🤐

Strawberry Shortcake > Class Fight > Lunchbox Friends > Fire Drill (should have been on the album) > Teacher's Pet > Detention > Orange Juice > Wheels on the Bus > Recess > The Principal > High School Sweethearts > Drama Club > Show & Tell > Nurse's Office.