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Who Do You Love
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Who Do You Love</i> is the latest contemporary romance by the author Jennifer Weiner. Beginning in 1985 it tells the story of two contrasting characters up until the year 2015. Rachel was born with a congenital heart condition that resulted in her being hospitalized a number of times during her childhood. When she was eight years old she met an injured boy named Andy and struck up a very brief friendship. Later she coincidently meets him again during her teens, and the pair fall in love, resulting in an on and off long distance relationship over the following years.

Despite their love for each other, the two main characters come from completely different backgrounds. Putting her heart condition aside, Rachel had a fairly pleasant Jewish upbringing, with well off parents, a pool in her back yard, the chance to go to any college she wished to. Andy, on the other hand, attended a Roman Catholic school where he was constantly getting in to trouble for fighting when others teased him about his poor, single parent home life, or his deceased black father. However, regardless of their upbringing, Rachel grows up to become a fairly successful social worker, and Andy an Olympic athlete.

The reader gets the chance to learn about each character through the alternating points of view. Ultimately we wish that Andy and Rachel could live happily ever after together, but as we read, life and differences often get in the way. This will they, won’t they idea exists throughout the entire novel making the ending rather predictable, although not at all disappointing.

Personally I preferred the narrative toward the beginning of the story. It was interesting to read about Rachel’s heart problems, and Andy’s struggles growing up. Once they reached adulthood their relationship became more sexual, something that was written about in far too much detail.

<i>Who Do You Love</i> is the kind of book suitable for women to read over the summer, or anytime they have the opportunity to sit back and relax. It is not a quick read due to its lengthy chapters, therefore the less distractions the better!
The Psychology of Time Travel
The Psychology of Time Travel
Kate Mascarenhas | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Engaging, fully formed world (1 more)
Complex female characters
This book had my interest on the premise alone, enough to give it a shot - but I didn't expect it to be such an enjoyable ride.

Usually when fiction tackles time travel concepts you get glaring paradoxes, intentional blurring of details or overdone tropes but this book actually pulled it off well. Rather than focusing on the usual quandaries faced by time travelling instead we had a plethora of content I'd never even considered before!

From the humble beginnings of the four 'pioneers' in the '60s (which most books would have kept focus on) we jump forwards to the modern era and have what happened between was filled in through very natural exposition and character discovery. The result is a rich and vast world I wanted to know more and more about. What a fantastic concept to show modern day Britain with a history knocked off course by the creation of the conclave and decades of shared knowledge.
I was repeatedly impressed by the level of detail that Mascarenhas took things to (the time travel terminology/slang definitely being one of them!) and the areas she covered.

Over the course of reading this book I found myself bringing up the book in conversation at work and home. I couldn't help but talk about it. It was also at this point, in describing the book, that I suddenly realised there were no male characters of note in the book at all. This absolutely took nothing away from the story. The women in this story were fully formed and real enough to be flawed. Such a refreshing experience in sci-fi! I was pleasantly surprised by the romantic sub-plot between two women as well. This was such a natural progression of the story, with no fan-fare or overdue focus - it was just right and wonderfully depicted.

The themes covered by the book are equal parts beautiful and painful - just like life itself. What an incredible debut novel from a voice I am keen to hear more from.

Thank you to NetGalley and Head of Zeus for an ARC of this book in in exchange for an honest review
The Plus One
The Plus One
Sophia Money-Coutts | 2018 | Romance
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Did Not Finish it...
Full review can be found on my blog:
I love romance, and chick-literature. I love fast reads, and enjoyable nonsense. The cover looked so cute, and when I got approved the ARC on The Plus One from Sophia Money-Coutts on Netgalley, I was excited to read it. And then, it all started going downhill…

The Plus One is a book about Polly Spencer. She is thirty, single and works for Posh! Magazine. I didn’t like the Poly Spencer of now, and I thought, this might be a book where the main character is a lady with no self-respect, gets dumped, doesn’t have any ambition in life, and that’s okay.

People learn, people change, or if people don’t change, they start to be happy in their own world, without bothering what others think about it.

But Polly - she is all of these things, and on top of that she is not a happy bunny. She keeps complaining about things without trying to act on it, and her day consists of her checking if the phone has a message of her ‘crush’, and asking herself eighty-six times whether to send a message first or not.

I usually love these types of books, but not in cases where the character is just so… I don’t even have the words to explain.

And the book is full of words used too often (Shenanigans is such a lovely word, and Sophia destroyed it for me), lame pick up lines (‘I carry farm animals. I can manage you.’ - WHO SAYS THAT?), dialogues and useless waste of pages with people deciding what to eat:

‘So let’s get some onion bhajis to start. And then I’m going to have a butter chicken. And it comes with popadoms, right?’
‘Yes’ - I said, taking the menu from him.
‘And I’ll get the chicken jalfrezi. And plain rice. Mums, do we have any chutney?’
And it goes on…

At 42%, I decided to store this is my DNF stack. I really wish I had loved it, and I am so sad I didn't.

But life is too short to read the books you don’t like...
Slave (Finding Anna, #1)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was provided as part of a blog tour for Lily Loves Indie. The full review can be found here but here is a snippet for you...

Well, that being said, you could be forgiven for wondering where the four star review comes from. Let me tell you that despite my niggles, there are plenty of things that are very enjoyable about this book. One of which is the way the story is told from both perspectives quite evenly. Hayes usually splits the chapters equally between Brianna and Stephan, which means we get both of their views on the situation. However, it is the way she does this that makes it so effective and enjoyable. The switch between them isn't the other one simply repeating things from their viewpoint, far from it in fact. Rather, they may recap any major thoughts directly relating to the previous passage, but the 'next' character then moves the story further on. This keeps the plot ticking over nicely, and means that the reader can engage with both characters equally. Something that can be quite difficult has been carried out with a high level of skill and makes for very engaging reading.

The plot is another aspect that is worthy of positive praise. Although at times a little repetitive, it does have a strong arc that develops well. The idea of a submissive being abused by their previous Dom is not a new thing, but Hayes brings a unique twist to this aspect with the introduction of Brianna as a slave. It is sensitively handled throughout, and incredibly well portrayed by Hayes, who doesn't linger on the suffering, however she doesn't dwell on it either. Although it's clear from the start that Brianna has a lot of issues relating to her servitude to Ian, it's not constantly referred to and the emphasis is on her getting over those experiences. This makes it incredible engaging, and it's also very easy for the reader to empathise with Brianna as she takes the proverbial two steps forward, one step back.
ƒire's Viking (ƒire's Viking, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this, the second in the Eire's Viking Trilogy, Agnarr has returned to the Emerald Isle with his heart set on finding himself a wife and making a life amongst the people he had pillaged long ago. Cared for by Charis' adoptive daughter, the relationship quickly spirals into more than that of just a patient and his healer.

This story has a great continuation from the first book, flowing smoothly and sucking you straight back in to the trilogy. That said, I would advise against reading this if you have not already read the first in the series. I was sucked instantly into the series, my attention thoroughly grabbed and it kept me wanting to read more and more. It felt like I was actually there in Ireland, the history was so splendid and totally immersed me in the tale being told. It's just enough history, but it never detracts from the story, rather it enhances it as it makes it so much more real and believable.

The romance in this story is well written, as you'd expect having already seen how Layne developed the relationship between Cowan and Charis. Agnarr and Aislinn seem well suited to each other and their initial resistance is balanced, rather than overplayed. The development of their feelings for each other, and their realisation of that fact, is written with skill.

Charis and Cowan remain wonderful characters to read, and their development, both of their relationship and their characterisation in general, is well continued from the first book. The revisiting of other characters like Tuirgeis was a great addition as, not only is it great to see them again, but it helps build a greater degree of reality to the story.

All in all, this was a very pleasant read, a story I enjoyed and one that developed the trilogy well. If I had to, i'd have a little niggle over the pace, as it did slow slightly, but, nevertheless, it was still a very good read. I am, as with the last book, very excited to see how this trilogy will end.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
The Guardians (The MORE Trilogy, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to be honest when I say I abso-freaking-lutely LOVE this author, her style, and her books. SheÕs just absolutely amazing, and I really, really cannot sing her praises highly enough. That said, IÕd best give some justification for my gushiness ;)

Firstly, there is an amazing transition from the first book, with the drama and tension carrying over perfectly and just, well, seamlessly if IÕm honest. I read a lot of series (theyÕre like good shoes, you find a good one and you just keep going with it) and this is most definitely one of the best I have seen for a long while. This is all linked in with an absolutely incredible plot line. The twists and turns are immense, well developed and truly amazing from start to finish. The perspectives of the different characters are always completely crystal clear, showing a very good grasp of the craft.

Characterisation, as with in the first story, is incredibly well written and just, quite frankly amazing. They are all so enigmatic and developed slowly to make sure you really do invest and get to know them. It was great to see more of Tiernan and Emma is such a dark horse! I shanÕt say more so as not to spoil it, but she is most definitely a good addition to the character lists! Caleb and Ava are, as always, a delight to read and are perfect for each other, even if outside events are trying to meddle in that. Throw in the brilliant intrigue and mystery surrounding Ava and you have exceedingly compelling reading.

To conclude, I can do nothing more than repeat my words from my first review Ð EPIC, PHENOMENAL, AMAZING (capitals most necessary!) and I loved it. I devoured this book, reading in every available minute (even lulls in conversation in the staff room) and I cannot recommend it highly enough. I honestly could not wait to read the final installment and I was truly gripped by the book from start to finish.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
A Spark Of Light
A Spark Of Light
Jodi Picoult | 2018 | Contemporary, Crime
8.0 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Center for women's reproductive health offers a last chance at hope - but nobody ends up there by choice.

Its very existence is controversial, and to the demonstrators who barricade the building every day, the service it offers is no different from legalised murder.

Now life and death decisions are being made horrifyingly real: a lone protester with a gun has taken the staff, patients and visitors hostage.

Starting at the tensest moment in the negotiations for their release, A Spark of Light unravels backwards, revealing hour by urgent hour what brought each of these people - the gunman, the negotiator, the doctors, nurses and women who have come to them for treatment - to this point.

And certainties unwind as truths and secrets are peeled away, revealing the complexity of balancing the right to life with the right to choose.

NO MATTER YOUR OWN PERSONAL VIEWS ON THE SUBJECT MATTER.... this is a very well written story that is going to divide us all.

Characters and situations that you can relate to on a personal level either yourself or someone you know brought to light and in a way to reveal the things that brought them to where they are and how they collide.

The timeline is an important structure of how this story flows so you do need to be aware that the timeline actually counts back in hours beginning at the end with each previous hour becoming the feature of the next chapter.

I am a mother myself so I have my own personal feelings around the subject line and was able to put that to the back of my mind and enjoy the thorough research the author has done to represent each side of the abortion debate that exists.

All of this aside it is a very emotional story that gripped me til the end as always.

I was fortunate enough to have been able to read this as an ARC and found it hard to stay away from other reviews already posted before finishing. I do hope you give the book a read and enjoy as I have.
The 5th wave (2016)
The 5th wave (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
Story: The 5th Wave starts as Cassie (Moretz) shows just how deadly she has become before flashing back before everything has changed when alien ships turned up above towns. The first wave of the attack was taking out all the electricity in the world. The second wave was flooding the Earth. The third wave was a deadlier version of the bird flu crippling the surviving number. The 4th wave is the ‘Others’ becoming humans taking out any other survivors and this is where Cassie gets separated from everyone.

With Cassie along we see how Sergeant Reznik (Bello) building a new defence against the Others which is most child soldiers from the remaining survivors. This brings us to the 5th Wave and that is saved for a twist in the film but it this the beginning of the next franchise of young adult stories.

The 5th Wave is the latest in what feels like an endless run of them which luckily is dying out now. This one stands out slightly more because it jumps straight into the battle between the humans and alien invaders instead of wasting too much time building up to this in a later film. I do think this would be a good addition to the genre if we hadn’t had too much rubbish before it.

Chloe is good in the leading role but the character isn’t written as strong as she could have been, while the known adult actors are clearly having the story arc to make them the villainous roles. the rest of the teens are or children are very basic never really getting time to make the impact with the Robinson struggling to make the true impact in his role. This would be an interesting addition to the world of teen young adult films but came too late into the flood of them.


Overall: I do feel this would have been a good addition to the young adult genre but I feel we won’t see the whole story now.
Book Review | Boys Don't Cry: A Story of Love, Depression and Men by Tim Grayburn
I have chronic depression and acute anxiety.

This means that sometimes without medication I can sink very deep and think about killing myself.

But it also means that most of the time I cam perfectly happy and I forgot it even exists.

I have recently begun to become proud of it.

I haven't read much non-fiction books I'm always stuck in a fiction world. But when I saw this book I thought I want to read more about Mental Health with Mental Health Awareness Week coming up next week I thought why not.

This book is about Tim Grayburn a 'real man' who opens up and publish this book it about love, being diagnose with depression and acute anxiety. I feel this man is brave for sharing is struggles with mental illness.

It shows through hes life how he kept the secret for 8 years because he felt ashamed that he didn't feel like a man, so it got so worst that when he was aged 23 he had a nervous breakdown.He hide all this from hes work mates, family and friends for so long he put on a happy face to show people he was coping okay. But he kept having thoughts of his existence like who am I? Why am I here? What is life for? they kept repeating and playing over and over.

But I was happy that he found someone to settle down with and understand what he his going through and not run away. Now Tim is a father to his son Frank.

I love that he and Bryony made hes life into a award-winning show Fake it 'Til You Make It after he quit working in advertising what he was doing for 10 years.

Thank Tim for showing people who suffer with depression and anxiety that you can achieve amazing things like this show and your book.

*Thanks Hodder & Stoughton for sending me out this ARC copy of Boy's Don't Cry.
Etta and Otto and Russell and James
Etta and Otto and Russell and James
Emma Hooper | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Emma Hooper's novel Etta and Otto and Russell and James explores both the present and the past of three particular characters. Etta is an elderly woman suffering with Alzheimer's who decides to go for a walk and never come home. She first met her husband Otto in her late teens shortly before he enlisted in the army to fight abroad. Russell lives on the farm next to Etta and Otto and was also a childhood friend of Otto and quite close to Etta whilst Otto was away.

Etta's walk becomes public knowledge as she is observed walking through long grass in the company of a coyote whom she named James. She has very little on her, the most important being a note reading " Etta Gloria Kinnick of Deerdale Farm. 83 years old in August." This is to remind her of who she is in case she ever forgets.

The character's pasts are interesting to read about, in particularly the contrast between Etta's more comfortable upbringing and Otto's life on the farm being the seventh child in an extremely large family. The present day, however, was not as interesting. I never understood the significance of Etta's walk and the latter half of the novel became really confusing. At some points I was uncertain which character was being spoken about. Although the name Otto was used, the scene seemed more appropriate for Etta's situation. Whether this was intentional or a mistake I am unsure.

Another thing that made the story confusing to read was the lack of speech punctuation. Occasionally it was hard to determine who was speaking and who was replying; what was speech and what was not. I have read other books that use this structure and even though it's purpose may have related to the type of story being told, it does make it hard to fully comprehend.

This book gets off to a shaky start but I was always expecting it to improve. Unfortunately I was left disappointed.