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Blood Sisters: The Next Addictive Thriller from the Bestselling Author of My Husband's Wife
Blood Sisters: The Next Addictive Thriller from the Bestselling Author of My Husband's Wife
Jane Corry | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This One Rocked
I Read Blood Sisters By Jane Corry in a few short hours.
No sleep at all for me as I couldn't put the bloody thing down.
so After an awful accident years ago left Vanessa dead, Kitty with severe brain damage living in a home and Alison Introverted and shouldering a heap load of guilt.
The whole trauma is about to be unearthed again for Kitty, Ali and their mother
Many years after the tragic circumstances that left Alison's sister brain damaged and her best friend dead, Alison is trying to move on with her life she has shelved her university plans and is now an artist working at a local college.
Upon spotting an add for a resident artist at a nearby open prison, Alison needing the money applies and surprisingly gets the position.
But then someone starts sending Alison threatening notes saying she will pay.
What is she keeping hidden from that terrible day?
Now what I really loved about this story was the way it jumped from sister to sister while also giving us flashes into the past of the lead-up to what occurred the morning of the accident.
We are first with Alison, Then kitty then back again and even as Kitty resides in the day home with brain damage we see how surprisingly lucid some of her thoughts are, How frustrated she is with the people around her, though she can't remember the past properly and has only flashbacks she struggles to remember more and get her thoughts across.
It gives a whole new perspective into how we interact with disabled individuals, making us think what it would be like to be treated like a child. how frustrating this must be.
Now I don't want to give too much away with Blood Sisters, so all I'm going to say is when you think you know something do not be surprised when its turned on its head. This story takes that many turns with the truth of what happened my head was spinning but in a really good way.
Blood Sisters is an excellent easy read that will keep you guessing until the end, I highly recommend it.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free advance reader copy of this novel. This is my own unbiased opinion of Blood Sisters by Jane Corry.

Arc Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
101 Family Meal-Time Devotions
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is such a great idea. The idea of spending meal-time talking about important things resonates with me, because that’s what my family did. They didn’t do it from a book, or from a list of questions. But I think on the days when our conversations didn’t happen organically, it would have been very useful to have this sort of book.

The stories are (I feel) mainly for younger children who are still feeling their way around in their personality and relationship with God, and still trying to apply basic truths like speaking with love, not getting frustrated, not being afraid to be friends with someone who is a little different.

There are some devotionals that kids read to adults, which I think awesome! Some of the most important moments for me as a kid (and even now) was when my parents were honest with me about their struggles. Some things I’ve heard from my parents that have impacted my life:

-“I wanted so badly to be mean to that person, and it was really hard not to.”
-“Your father frustrated me today but God told me to love him and respect him, and sometimes that means forgiving him even when he makes me upset.”
-“Your mother and I are very different people. But we don’t fight or argue. We love each other and that means sometimes we sit down and have to talk out our problems. Because it’s not about being right, it’s about keeping our relationship healthy and God-glorifying.”
-“Haley, I snapped at you this evening and that was wrong. Forgive me?”

And the thing about devotionals like this is, you don’t use them by themselves: they are a diving board you use to get to the good stuff. For instance, a devotional about wanting to snap at someone could remind you of a time you did snap at someone, and how you should have handled the situation, and then a story of a victory in a similar situation.

The text itself wasn’t edited very well, and I’m assuming it’s because I was reading an ARC. and even if those typos don’t get fixed, it won’t take away from the content.

I think this book is an awesome tool for young kids (ages 4-12) and their parents to get into the habit of having God-glorifying conversations that build each other up and prepare them for life, and empower them to make worshipful decisions.
Baby Teeth
Baby Teeth
Zoje Stage | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
Hanna is seven years old and the apple of her father's eye. In his mind, she is his perfect little girl, his "lilla gumman". Suzette is Hanna's mother and she does all she can for Hanna, by home schooling her. But Hanna refuses to speak and has gotten kicked out of a few schools for her bad behavior. Is she not speaking because something is wrong or because she chooses not to? After countless doctor's visits, Suzette and Alex are at their wits end to find out what is wrong with their daughter. Hanna does not like her mother and will stop at nothing until it's just her and Daddy.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

First, I want to say that I enjoyed this book and the story was very interesting. So, I don't know if it was me in a slump or the layout of the ARC, but I didn't find myself wanting to grab this book as soon as I could. Instead I found myself crushing candies and binge watching The Big Bang Theory.

What would you do if you had a non-verbal child who hated you? Her not speaking can not be explained by doctors, therapists or teachers. You know she has sound cause he makes weird noises and hums. But Hanna is determined to get her point across one way or another and that point is, Mommy must go. Her father is blinded by all her bad behavior since Hanna turns into an angel when he is around. When a series of events seriously harms Suzette, Alex can no longer be blinded by his daughter's niceness. Will they be able to get Hanna the help she needs or will Suzette live in fear of her own daughter for the rest of her life?

I really enjoyed this book. I don't think I have read anything quite like this about kids and their relationship with their parents. I'm thankful I don't have a child with behavioral problems, cause this book would have me watching my back all of the time. I think everyone who reads this will be able to sympathize with Suzette. Most mothers always try to do their best for their kids and at times it's seems it's never enough. But trying to survive your kid is a whole other story. I hope you will pick up this book and enjoy it like I did.
Rainbow Rowell | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I actually liked this one more than I thought I was going to. The whole "reading emails without permission" thing...well, it says something that even the characters in the book don't think it's right. The fact that Lincoln at least acknowledges that what he's doing is wrong helps - it doesn't make the creepy stalker vibes completely go away, but it helps.

The setting worked well for the story. Being set in 1999, and focusing on the Y2K scare went a long way to making the events of the story believable. The internet was still young, and people didn't understand computers as well as we do today. Well, I mean, in general. Some people still don't understand computers.

Attachments didn't quite have the humor of Fangirl. It had its amusing moments and pop culture references, but as a whole the story took itself more seriously. Unfortunately, that made Lincoln's moments of self-pity something of a drag to get through.

And Lincoln's character is the main focus of the story, rather than the relationship between Beth and Lincoln. The two don't actually meet each other (or even talk to each other) until practically the end of the book.

Don't get me wrong - Lincoln's character arc was well done. He changes for the better over the course of the book, one small step at a time. But soooo much of that time is dedicated to Lincoln moping about how he's alone, and still living in his mother's house, or Lincoln being scolded by his sister for being alone and still living in his mother's house. There's no self-depreciating humor. It's just scene after scene of Lincoln being miserable.

I really enjoyed the format of the book, though. It feels weird for me to focus so much on that, but I liked the back and forth emails between Beth and Jennifer. And for all of the stalker vibes that came from Lincoln reading their exchanges, I liked the idea behind the execution. Lincoln wasn't given the entire story between the two women, but saw enough snippets of their lives to piece together their stories. Lincoln was as much of an observer to the events of the emails as the reader.

And despite that limitation, despite the fact that they're only physically present once or twice, Beth and Jennifer were both strong characters. They were very well-written. I'd read a book of just their emails back and forth. Even if Beth *does* love Adam Sandler movies.
The Chosen (Black Dagger Brotherhood #15)
The Chosen (Black Dagger Brotherhood #15)
J.R. Ward | 2017 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Blehc. Definitely not Ward's best...
Contains spoilers, click to show
Yechk. I honestly did not care for 90% of this book. The whole thing kind of pissed me off really.

Although, in general, I love the BDB books and the characters in those books (with only a few exceptions), this one was just... blah. There were really no sympathetic characters that made me want to read forward or 'root' for them. Xcor is semi-relatable with his awful upbringing, but he is kind of like a rip-off of V and Z, so there's no real flair there.

 Quinn goes off the damned deep end and kinda makes you hate him.

Blay's hurt feelings and arguments make sense, I guess. He is really the only character I understood in this book.

V is all emo lonely, woe-is-me, should I or shouldn't I cheat?! and that is nothing if not hella boring.

And. DO. NOT. Get. Me. Started. On. Fucking. Layla. Her whole story arc just infuriates me. I mean, seriously? And she can't even understand why Quinn is so furious? Oh, and, you are told you're to leave your kids because you endangered them by being with a murderous traitor, and the FIRST THING you do is hunt down said murderous traitor and move him into your place?! Really? No matter how Ward wants to spin it, you are a horrible freaking mother, and you absolutely do not deserve to be around your kids ever again. Let me lose my son over a man? I would NEVER see that man again unless it was to cut his sac off to prove we were done and try to get my kid back. ...eye roll... Seriously, she's the worst.

The sideplot with Tres and Trez? Waaaaay too fairy tale, happy ending that honestly? Seems like a way for Ward to backtrack and try to appease fans that were irate at how "The Shadows" ended and also, it went nowhere, fell flat, and seemed waaay superfluous.

The Tohr/Xcor "twist"? At this point in the series... pretty predictable Ward behavior.

Really, the only interesting bit of this book were the 10 pages or so involving Lassiter's new gig in what is SEEMINGLY leading up to the actual defeat of the Omega, which I assume will also signal the end of the books. I never thought I'd say this, but maybe that's a good thing. Ward is truly off her game lately, and the BDB is getting a bit stale. Maybe it's time for an ending.
You Were Always Mine
You Were Always Mine
Nicole Baart | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enjoyable book with a twisty plot and realistic, relatable characters
Jessica Chamberlain and her husband, Evan, have been separated for months, so she's quite surprised when she gets a call from the police regarding him. Even more shocking is that the police believe Evan to be dead--his body found on a hunting ground in another state. As Jessica attempts to figure out what happened, she must also try to mother her two boys, thirteen-year-old Max and six-year-old Gabe, who is adopted. Jess can't believe Evan is dead, however, and the more she digs, the more she starts to wonder if it was truly a hunting accident. She's sure her house was broken into, for instance, and she feels like Evan was investigating something in the months before his death. Soon, she wonders if that had something to do with Gabe's adoptive mother--someone with whom Jess vowed never to be involved. What really happened to Evan? And are the rest of the Chamberlains safe?

It's always exciting to request an ARC on a whim and have it be enjoyable. I've never read anything by Nicole Baart before, but I will certainly be picking up some of her past books. This novel was a little outlandish and unbelievable at times, but it was just so compelling and readable. It was exactly what I needed at the moment.

Jess was a very relatable character: as a mother too, I felt quite connected to her. Baart put in a lot of little details that made her feel real, not a cardboard cutout parent that you so often see. She did a great job at capturing parenthood in all its ups and downs. I found myself very attached to Jessica's two boys, as well. They went through a lot in the book, and you found yourself rooting for the entire family unit.

The plot itself--while a bit of a soap opera sometimes--was really quite fascinating. I couldn't put this one down, even during a crazy time at work. The writing was crisp and the novel just flowed so easily. I was actually really surprised by the twists and turns (it's always so fun when that happens) and certainly along for the ride with Jess and her clan.

Overall, this was just a really enjoyable book with an interesting, twisty plot and realistic, relatable characters. It was a pleasant surprise, and I'll definitely be reading more from this author.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Can a broken engagement ignite the spark of true love?

Sylvia Dowder had almost made it to the altar when her fiancé unexpectedly became a viscount, and dropped her like a stale crumpet to make a more "suitable" match. Though Sylvia's heart has been crushed, her spirit has not. She puts her wits and social savvy to use as a secret gossip columnist—and as the Everton Domestic Society's party planner to the ton. Luckily, she's not in danger of ever falling for an aristocrat again…
Especially not one like Anthony Braighton, Earl of Grafton. Raised in America, Anthony sees no reason to marry when he can enjoy all the perks of being an eligible earl. Determined to convince his family he doesn't need a wife, he hires Sylvia to act as hostess and decorator for upcoming parties. Yet Sylvia is as adept at captivating his interest as she is at beautifying his home. And despite this Everton lady's aversion to titled men, some attractions can't be denied—and love rarely does go where it's told.

A Lady's Virtue by A.S. Fenichel is book Three in the Everton Domestic Society Series. This is the story of Sylvia Dowder and Anthony Braighton, Earl of Grafton. This can be a standalone book.
This is an enjoyable addition to the Everton Domestic Society series. Everton is an employment agency of sorts. They provide ladies to perform tasks such as introducing a debutant to society, planning events, matchmaking, etc. for their clients. All of the proprieties are met and the ladies are provided with chaperones, transportation, etc. during the performance of their tasks. They also live at Everton House.
Sylvia Dowder is the Everton Domestic Society's party planner to the ton. She has decided never to marry after having endured a scandal 3 weeks before she was to marry, being told by her fiancé that she wasn't good enough for him now that he had a title.
Anthony Braighton, Earl of Grafton, hires Sylvia to redecorate his homes, as well as to plan a ball and be his hostess. He has also decided that he's too young to marry and wants to enjoy life and travel with no attachments.
I absolutely loved these characters and they even had some fun banter between them. The writing was exactly what I wanted; shifting perspectives done right.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Lady Sylvia is talented, spunky and will take no nonsense from anyone. She befuddles the new Earl, but also intrigues him.
Highly recommend reading!

I received an ARC download of this story via NetGalley and this is a voluntary review.
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
Funny (2 more)
Good acting
Good diversity
Film seems like it lacks something (0 more)
Amazing! Brilliant! Funny
Contains spoilers, click to show
So if you haven't seen the film then go watch it and then come back and read this review! I am about to go in depth!.. GO NOW!!

Right, so the film centres on peter quill who is a earth boy abducted by an alien race, initially you don't know what for *SPOILER* (it gets revealed in GOTG2) that he was abducted for his father but let's not get in to that.
So, Peter is abducted by the alien race and developed into a thief, he's sent to retrieve this orb that he knows nothing about and is to deliver it to ronin... if your familiar with the comics you'll know all about him. He's big, ugly, strong and quite frankly the evil guy.

Peter is meant to take the orb to yondu for him to deliver it. However after taking a little bit of a detour to another planet, Peter finds himself in a 3-way battle with Gamora, rocket and groot. Gamora is there for the orb and rocket and groot are there for gamora and Peter.

All this being said, they end up in a pretty public fight and end up being sent to jail. This is where the film starts to build it's character, they are put in a maximum security stronghold where Drax is. More on him in a moment. The character building in these scenes are quite intense and you really see gamora for who she is..

Drax, right Drax is also seen as the destroyer because Ronin destroyed his planet and family and Drax has held a vengeance for the entirety of his time. Seeing gamora and knowing she is associated with ronin is enough for him to want to kill her. This is where his character starts his arc. After speaking to peter, he decides to join them anf see where he can go.

Following the stronghold scene, they eventually come against ronin after taking a mahoosive detour.

Coming to the end of the film you have been through intense laughter, even bits of sadness but you'll understand all of there standings and why they do what they do. The visual effects are brilliant and second to none and the action and comedy within is also amazing. Then we get to the performances of the cast, these really bring the film together and show the versatility of some of the actors.

Now even without my biased opinion onnthis film it is definitely a family friends amazing film you should definitely watch!!!
Close To Me
Close To Me
Amanda Reynolds | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo BookReview_zpsdq9da8x6.jpg"/></a>

Really enjoyed Close To Me by Amanda Reynolds, wasn't sure what to expect this being a debut author but I certainly wasn't disappointed.
Close To Me tells the story of Jo Harding after she falls down stairs hitting her head and losing her memory of the past year.
On coming home things feel different and disjointed, Jo feels there is an undercurrent of deceit, secrets being kept from her by her husband and children and as she unravels the mysteries of the past year things escalate to a shocking conclusion.
So this was a great psychological read, it kept my interest and pulled me in, the writing was superb, and the storyline very easy to follow.
Close to me is told in two parts, real-time and snippets of the past year, though it has a slow build this is not a bad thing as you get to understand Jo's life and how she is the person she is.
The characters here felt real and human, some you could sympathise with others not so much.
If I had to pick my least favourite person in this, it would have to be the daughter I found her very self-centred and immature, but she's a product of her overindulged upbringing.
I myself have grown up children there is no way on this planet I would be paying for their accommodation.
what a right spoilt brat Sash is.

<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo 056f5b7_zps2sesp0wq.jpg"/></a>

Close to me delves into the dynamics of family and the resulting aftermath when things ultimately implode.
I did kind of guess where this was going but it didn't detract from my overall enjoyment reading this.
Would I recommend this? Hell Yeah!!!
It was an engaging read.
Thank you to NetGalley, publisher and the author for providing me with an arc of Close to me
This is my own honest unbiased opinion.

<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo Happy-Reading-1_zpsvky3whcs.png"/></a>

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
The One That Got Away
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sarina's life is going pretty smoothly -- she's busy with her own architecture firm, she's expecting to be engaged to her boyfriend, Noah, any day, and she has a good group of friends to hang out with while Noah is away in Argentina for work. She feels so secure she's finally ready to face Eamon Roy, a former Olympic swimmer and Sarina's former-one-night-stand (who broke her heart years ago), and who is making a visit to Austin, Texas.

Suddenly, though, Eamon's visit is no longer temporary, as he decides to move back to Austin and renovate a home -- a job for which he hires Sarina. The two become fast friends, and Sarina finds herself questioning everything she thought was so perfect about her life.

Overall, this was a really fun, enjoyable read. I breezed through it, because Sarina is a thoroughly engaging character. Further, Chase has a way of writing that pulls you in - when Sarina gets bad news, for instance, I felt myself feeling as if I'd been punched in the gut, too. It was refreshing to read a "chick lit" novel about an architect, versus the usual publicist or nanny or such. I enjoyed reading about Sarina's job and she was extremely driven as a businesswoman, which was great. Further, I enjoyed that the novel had a gay character (Sarina's roommate, Danny), who didn't seem completely steeped in stereotype. Also refreshing!

About my only beef was that it all became a bit much about two-thirds or so through the book, as Sarina continues to waffle about Noah and Eamon. For a bit, the book feels very junior high-esque as Sarina goes on and on about Eamon, then Noah, then dreaming of Eamon, then more wrangling, etc. I get that it was a big decision, and she and Noah had been together for four years, but sigh. Get it together, girl!

Otherwise, this was fun, fast-paced, novel, with just the right mix of serious, real-life plot thrown in. Sarina faces some tough choices in life (and not just as she deals with her feelings with Eamon and Noah), but with her parents/stepparents, her business, and more. It's refreshing to see a chick lit heroine deal with real life in such a way. Supposedly the Chase's next book features some characters who pop up in this one. I'll definitely be putting it on my to-read list. (Overall, I'd rate <i>The One That Got Away</i> at 3.5 stars.)

Note: I received an ARC from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.