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Survaine (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #6)
Survaine (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #6)
Sarah Westill | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SURVAINE is the sixth book in the Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria series and we finally get Ramsey's story! Oh boy, but I've been waiting for this one. She is smart and sassy, with a strong sense of right and wrong. Due to her circumstances, she has been protected by her brother as much as he can. But unknown to Jonathan, she met Caiden one night when things were bad. A connection formed and he returned to her when she needed him most, even if she wasn't aware of it!

I love this series. Honestly, each book is great in its own way. This one - it was Ramsey and Caiden that were the stars for me. I mean, obviously, it should be; it's their book. It doesn't always work that way though. I loved how Ramsey was uncomfortable and even a little whiny as she dealt with things she'd never had to do before.

It was also good to catch up with others from this series - Sean and Katria plus Jonathan and Sylphine - to see what's going on with them. Others are mentioned as this story moves the story arc along in a big way, which although needed is one of the reasons I felt a little disconnected from Ramsey and Caiden. Take them as separate characters and they are both outstanding. Both of them are strong but not infallible. They draw strength from each other and have an attraction to top the charts - BUT - I felt as though something was missing.

After thinking it over, I've come to the conclusion that it's because this is such an action-packed book. And I know it's necessary and helped move it along, but they never got any downtime. When we're with them, it's either action or wannabe sexy times. There was little in the way of just 'them.' And I missed that as, in the bits we did get, Caiden was so caring and attentive, with Ramsey being so strong and cheeky, I wanted more.

All in all, this was a fantastic read and a wonderful addition to the series. I can't wait to read Deklan's story and I'm really hoping Ryan and Delanee get one too! Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 13, 2023
Hunt In The Night (Blood and Bonds #3)
Hunt In The Night (Blood and Bonds #3)
S.J. Coles | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Saved the best for last!
Independent reviewer for GRR, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Blood and Bonds series and you really MUST read book 1, Touch in The Night and book 2, Bleed in The Night. It is a continuation of the ongoing story arc, and much is NOT recapped.

Book three has to be my favourite!

This book follows Mason, the police detective tasked with finding out who is killing haemophiles and humans, and more importantly, WHY. He is joined by Cai, a former police dective who wa turned against his will. There is some clashing at first, but Mason finds himself attracted to Cai and he is straight, right?

So, book three. It wraps up everything that has been happening, with a big fat bow. BUT! I did NOT see that coming at me, not at all! I had it all worked out, who was doing all this and why. Then, I'm thrown for a loop as to who turned Cai those ten years ago, and it appears the bad guy was playing the long game.

THEN! There was another thing thrown at me that I did not see coming as well! I mean for the most part, this book kinda threw me, but in the best way!

Again, the book is told only from Mason's point of view but I knew it would be, so I was prepared.

I'm being deliberately vague, I know but I don't want to give you spoilers.

We get, eventually, a wonderful wedding of Jesse and Emory (from book 1) and there is a return of Tyler and Lucien (book 2) for said wedding. So it was nice to catch up with them.

But the best bit?? The epilogues! Told from Emory, Lucien and Cai's points of view. While I would have LOVED to hear from them in their respective books, getting this little glimpse into the minds of the haemophiles was the best thing! We get the fear of these guys, at falling for a human, and the joy they feel at finally admitting they needed someone in their lives. I loved it because it was so unexpected! This is not a spoiler thing, either, cos other reviews have mentioned it already, and I NEEDED to say how much I loved getting into THEIR heads, just for this little bit.

I cannot fault this one, I really can't so...

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Roanoke Girls
The Roanoke Girls
Amy Engel | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review may be a bit spoilery concerning the theme of this novel, this couldn't be helped but I've tried to be as vague as possible.

"Roanoke girls never last long around here. In the end, we either run or we die."

These were the words that originally captivated me, pulling me in and compelling me to pick up The Roanoke Girls by Amy Engel.
This was quite a read, an unusual one, reminiscent of bygone authors, setting a stage of intrigue, mystery and dysfunctional family dynamics.
The secrets surrounding Roanoke are subtlely revealed early on leaving the reader highly aware of what flows beneath the seemingly normal surface.
This is a definite page-turner despite the exploration of (view spoiler)
This tale is told in two parts "Now and Then" and the storyline seamlessly hops between these two timelines.
We also get to jump briefly into the heads of each Roanoke girl that came before, which I found very enlightening, I really loved this touch and it greatly added to the storyline giving the reader an insight into what each girl was feeling deep inside her own skin.
Jane, Sophia, Penelope, Eleanor, Camilla, Allegra, Lane there is also little Emmaline but she died of a crib death as a baby.
All Roanoke girls, all carrying the same secrets down through the years, messed up heads and lives affected tragically.
The echoes of this rebounding out through each new generation.
This story is told through Lane Roanoke's point of view after her mother commits suicide and Lane comes to live with her Rich grandparents and cousin Allegra on the family estate.
This is the "THEN" portrayed in the narrative.
The "NOW" is Eleven years later when Lane returns to the family home after a frantic call from her granddad informing her that her cousin Allegra is missing.
After vowing never to return, Lane reluctantly returns home confronting secrets shes buried deep down inside.

I loved Lane as a character, she was a bit of a messed up headcase, but who can blame her.
It's obvious Lane Loved Allegra so deeply and this was the only thing, I think, her disappearing, that could have dragged her back to the bowels of Roanoke.
It was also very thought-provoking to observe Lane's former teenage toxic relationship with cooper rekindled as adults and I really did like him he had his own past baggage but really seemed to have evolved from this, unlike Lane.
I was so rooting for these two and I thought they made a great match, neither party having had it easy in life, they both deserved a bit of stability in the now.
Now Lanes connection with her grandad this was a strange one, confusing even I think to lane herself she really seemed to feel equal measures hate and love towards him.
Struggling with her mixed up emotions, greatly wanting to loathe him but feeling a strange pull, maybe because Lane feels he was the first person to actually seem to want and love her after enduring a lifetime of apathy from her mother.
As for the gran, well, What a cold selfish bitch she was.
I felt she herself held a huge role in what had been allowed to transpire, isn't it a mothers job to protect her daughters.
In this Lillian Roanoke has failed epically actually blaming her daughters instead of shielding them, she was such a cold fish only seeming to feel any affection towards her twisted husband.
Turning a blind eye and looking the other way is her game.
Surprisingly she was my least favourite character even over Myles Roanoke himself.
I think it was the whole lack of maternal anything that contributed to my dislike of her immensely.
The Roanoke Girls has so many diverse flawed individuals that all do their part in making this an enthralling page-turner.
This is a portrayal of a family that is so not right and has not been for a very long time.
It is Love expressed so wrongly and out of context that it has become a sickness consuming from the inside out devouring till nothing remains standing.
A Dysfunctional family with dark concealed secrets at his core.

So I felt the author Amy Engel did an amazing job of dealing with such an explosive subject matter. she has handled it beautifully with finesse and a great understanding of such a delicate topic. Not everyone could have done this so sensitively and without sensationalising it so Really well done.

So that's it from me folk's, I could waffle on all day about this fascinating story, but I'm going to leave it here, but before I go a trigger warning The Roanoke Girls deals with themes of incest, but bar the one small kiss it is only referred to in words not actions and it is really not graphic in its content at all, but if this is a trigger for you please do avoid.
So all that's left is for me to say Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author Amy Engel herself for providing me with an arc of The Roanoke Girls this is my own honest unbiased opinion.

Arc Reviewed By BeckieBookworm
The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 Years Old
The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 Years Old
Hendrik Groen, Hester Velmans | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hilariously Honest
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Think Adrian Plass but with octogenarians and this is the result. The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 ¼ Years Old is a years long journal beginning on 1st January 2013. Hendrik hates old people, an unfortunate predicament as he live in a home for the elderly. He set himself the task of writing a daily account about the “life of the inmates of a care home in North Amsterdam,” with the purpose of it being read after his death by readers, or “inmates” who wish to know what to expect in their old age.

Whether the contents of this diary are true or exaggerated does not matter, as what it produces is a laugh-out-loud story, a pleasure to read. From cake in the fish tank, to complaints about leaky nether regions, Hendrik provides a brutally honest account of the highs and lows of being an OAP.

The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 ¼ Years Old encompasses a selection of unique and presumably real characters. Readers are bound to discover someone who reminds them of an elderly relative, or even themselves! There is the diabetic, rude, gin loving Evert – Henrdik’s best friend of many years – who is never without a witty comeback for the bossy, self-important director of the home. On the other hand, levelheaded Eefje, who Hendrik is rather fond of, shows a completely different view of elderly mentality. Despite the stereotypes associated with care home patients, Hendrik and friends still have as much fun as possible; after all, they may be Old but not Dead.

Speaking of dead, Hendrik makes a number of jokes and references to euthanasia, which may seem like poor taste to some readers. However, when all the friends around you are literally living the final years of their lives, why not joke about it instead of worry? Naturally there are sad diary entries about the inevitable deaths of his contemporaries throughout the year, but Hendrik does not let it get him down for long. Hendrik and his close friends make the most of the time they have left, and if that involves speeding along the roads of Amsterdam on their souped-up mobility scooters, then that is exactly what they will do.

The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 ¼ Years Old is a gem of a book and comes highly recommended to readers of all ages. Hendrik ‘s effortlessly funny, sarcastic remarks stress what the average citizen is too polite to voice. Once you begin it is hard to put down. Unfortunately a year is not long enough and you will end up wanting more. Whatever the future holds for us, let’s hope we become someone like Hendrik Groen.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated You Know Me Well in Books

May 25, 2017  
You Know Me Well
You Know Me Well
David Levithan, Nina Lacour | 2016 | Children
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

David Levithan is a well-known young adult author particularly in the LGBT communities. Throughout his career he has teamed up with other authors to write contemporary fiction that explores romantic relationships and feelings between teenagers. You Know Me Well is the result of a collaboration between Levithan and Nina LaCour, another American YA author.

Alternating between two points of view, You Know Me Well is about two homosexual teenagers, Mark and Katie, who are both going through difficult times in terms of their love life. Mark is in love with his best friend, but clearly the feelings are not reciprocated. On the other hand, Katie has run away from the chance to meet the girl of her dreams. A case of being in the right place at the right time results in a great friendship blooming between the two characters. Whilst relationships are breaking down all around them as a result of their actions, Mark and Katie discover that they understand each other more than anyone else has done in the past. With each other’s help, they begin to repair or come to terms with their current situations.

Although set near San Francisco during Pride Week – a positive festival to promote the stance against discrimination toward homosexuality – Levithan and LaCour write so freely about the topic that it appears a “normal” way of life, which is ultimately what people are campaigning for. Neither of the main characters experience any judgment on account of their sexuality.

Whilst You Know Me Well is a deeply honest novel about coming to terms with the truth and the heartaches of love, it does not particularly work well as a story. The ending feels ambiguous leaving both Mark and Katie in very similar situations to the beginning of the book, although marginally happier. In a way this enforces the point that there are not always “happy ever after” endings, but in terms of literature it does not make much of a story.

You Know Me Well comes with all sorts of messages about love, coming up with plans for the future, running away from your problems etc. but it is arguably a disappointment for readers who want a fictional tale to delve into and take them away from their everyday life. The subject matter, whilst listed as young adult, is more appropriate for school leavers or college students due to the unrealistic lack of parental intervention. On the other hand, if you are already a fan of David Levithan and know what to expect in his novels, You Know Me Well should live up to your anticipations.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Flawed in Books

May 25, 2017  
Cecelia Ahern | 2016 | Children
8.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Author's new direction
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Cecelia Ahern is the well-known Irish author of contemporary women’s fiction, particularly P.S. I Love You. However, Ahern has decided to branch out and has penned her first dystopian, young adult novel, Flawed. It is dubious when an author, who is loved for her work, changes their style, but it appears she has pulled it off.

Seventeen-year-old Celestine is a logical girl who is soon to learn she lives in an illogical world. In an attempt to create a perfect society, citizens must avoid making moral or ethical mistakes; otherwise they will be branded as Flawed. And branded means literal branding with a hot iron, there is no hiding the fact that they have flaws. Celestine, like everyone else, has been brainwashed into believing that Flawed people should be avoided and do not deserve the same privileges as the “perfect” people. However, after seeing an elderly Flawed man choking on a bus, her logical brain kicks in and goes to help him. Big mistake.

After finding herself accused of being Flawed, Celestine reaslises how corrupt society is, yet there is nothing she can do about it without enduring further punishment. Despite her bleak outlook on her future, her hopes begin to rise when she discovers that there are people on her side – people that want rid of the government that disciplines people when they should not be punished in the first place.

As a reader of Ahern’s previous works and a fan of dystopian fiction, I honestly did not expect Flawed to be any good. Ahern has proved she has the talent to write women’s fiction, but this book was a complete contrast. The first few chapters of the novel were admittedly a bit shaky. It did not look promising. Yet eventually Ahern found her flow and produced a pretty good young adult novel.

When I saw the title, Flawed, I immediately assumed it would be a book about physical appearance and was hesitant about reading it. Therefore I was pleasantly surprised when this was not the case at all. The concept is fresh and original and does not become apocalyptical like many other dystopian fictions.

How the majority will receive this book is difficult to say. Fans of Cecelia Ahern may be disappointed by her change in genre. Fans of dystopia may be put off by the author’s previous novels. I urge readers to approach this story with an open mind; you may be pleasantly surprised. Flawed will not look out of place amongst other books of similar themes, and for those who do enjoy it, there will be a sequel, Perfect, next year.
The Shimmering
The Shimmering
Susan Kearney | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sci-Fi Romance
The shimmering By Susan Kearney was a sci-fi romance that was very reminiscent of the stories I have read in my younger days and I was such a sucker for these, So this book had me feeling rather nostalgic, wanting to experience this all over again.
This was my main reason for wanting to read this novel and I have to admit I was also looking for something light, fluffy and just easy to read, a bit of romantic instalove to warm the old heart, sigh.
And The Shimmering does all that, you get exactly what it says on the tin.
This was an ok read, not amazing, but it passed a few hours and was enjoyable in an easy non-brain taxing way.
Basically, you have our intrepid heroine journalist Sandra Lowell testing out an astral projecting machine for a story.
This device manages to, with a little help from an ancient Totem the Zorash, to send Sandra across the universe and into the body of a woman about to be married to Daveck. Daveck is intent on marrying his enemies daughter to force her to reveal the location of the same object that has helped propel Sandra here to his planet from across the stars.
So what worked for me and what didn't.
well, I felt that the storyline here is so imaginative that much more could have been done to expand on this, I would have liked to see this more of this new world, to explore and meet its alien people properly.
Sandra also seemed a lot more fleshed out than Daveck, who I really struggled to get a fully dimensional picture of and to connect with, also I'm all for instalove but I felt that Sandra after lamenting all through earlier chapters why she didn't have a man and how important her career was gave up that job unbelievably fast.
Now that is out of the way, why should you read The Shimmering?
Well, This is a charming uncomplicated tale of instalove across the stars, it's very imaginative and though it's a simple angst-free story it does kind of give you a warm nostalgic glow, This wasn't quite a three for me but a two seemed too low so I've rated this 2 1/2 on the Goodreads rating I would have rated it slightly higher if I was able to connect more with the book's characters, for me this was an ok read that pleasantly passed the time.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free readers copy of the Shimmering. This is my own unbiased opinion.

Arc Reviewed By BeckieBookworm
An Earl to Enchant by Amelia Grey
Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance

Rating: 1

After the first two chapters of this book, I was ready to give up. I gave it a little bit more just to see if it was worth it, and I sort of regret it. I could have been reading something else.

I felt like I knew everything after the first chapter, and that there was no reason to keep going. The character spilled her guts, the sexual tension was immediate and way too strong for a first meeting, and it felt typical. I knew what would happen: They’d meet, they’d sleep together, they’d get married, they’d fall in love. In that order. There was no mystery, there was nothing keeping me reading.

The characters seemed dense and melodramatic. For instance, Arianna fainted in the first chapter, and woke being “carried in strong arms” (the Earl). She “felt safe there for some reason.” But I was thinking the whole time, She doesn’t even know the guy. It felt wrong that she was so attracted to him and “felt safe” and “felt at home” when she—and I as a reader—didn’t even know the character very well. Also, after one argument she’s convinced herself that he’s ill tempered—when he’s not—and that keeps her from being open to him.

The writing wasn’t that great, either. The prose felt forced and hard to read, and the dialogue was awkward. It was as if the characters said more than they needed to, and said everything they thought, and described things unnecessarily. For example,

It’s just that I’m so happy to be outside for the first time in such a long time. I seldom left my room on the ship, and this is the first time I’ve been out of your house. Everything looks fresh and new.”

(Page 108, ARC)

I would have said “It’s just that I’m so happy to be outside for the first time in such a long time.” She had seldom left her room on the ship, and it was her first time outside of his house. Everything looked fresh and new. It’s less awkward... or maybe just less wordy.

There was just too much against this book to keep me reading. I will say that from what I read, Grey is good at developing the sexual tension. But that was another thing that was just too much for me.

All in all, I was expecting a lot more from the plot and characters than I got from An Earl to Enchant.

An Earl to Enchant was published April 6th. It got 4- and 5-star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Please consider other reviews before making purchase decisions.
Abandon (Abandon, #1)
Abandon (Abandon, #1)
Meg Cabot | 2011 | Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read Meg Cabot's Vanished series (previously published as 1-800-WHERE-R-U) and have drawn the same conclusion about Abandon as I did about that series: She's a fabulous story teller and can weave a wonderful intriguing mysterious story that is highly addicting (I read Abandon in five hours without stopping) but she's not a very good writer.

Let me explain: The ARC was 304 pages. If she had cut out all the unneeded phrases, descriptions, and dead wood that slowed the story down and made it harder to read, it would be closer to 200. If it were shorter, she'd have more space for more of that great plot line that she's so good at developing. But instead, I'm stuck tripping over ungrammatical sentences and awkward phrases—and let's not forget whole unnecessary paragraphs with details that don't matter, set off by dashes right in the middle of the sentence, because that's just such a good thing to put in a novel—that force you to go back and read the sentence several times so your brain doesn't get to twisted.

As for the story itself: I can't praise it enough. It was a mystery I had to solve, and some of the small clues I figured out, and others I didn't. I loved that I could figure out stuff about the same time Pierce did, but I also loved that I didn't figure out the major mystery of the story until I was supposed to. Some novelists make it too obvious, but Cabot had just enough to make it work.

I liked Pierce, but there were a few times I wanted to shake her and tell her to grow up and be honest. That is one of the reasons I couldn't stop reading, though. I wanted to see what happened because of the choices she made. And then there was the time I wanted to slap her: of course John was in love with her, why did she think he was acting like that? silly girl. Yet I couldn't have mean thoughts towards her because I liked her (and, okay, I have a soft spot for crazy main characters). John? He was quite amazing. Wild thing. Dark troubled boy. Dangerous. John needs to climb out of that novel and through my bedroom window and be my boyfriend.

The pacing and tension was perfect: I started reading and didn't stop until about five hours later when I closed the book at the end. I couldn't stop reading. That's the kind of book I like.

Now if only Cabot could write. Yes I have read worse writers, but she would be so excellent if the interior monologue of the character was less frustrating.

Content/Recommendation: No language, no sex. Ages 15+
The First Time I Died
The First Time I Died
Jo Macgregor | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating An Engaging
I was completely (and unexpectedly) bowled over by this book! Why you might ask? It leapt out at me to be read as it is a thriller which is one of my favourite genres. My enjoyment was unexpected as I am usually wary of anything to do with the paranormal, but not on this occasion. It is not a crime novel where the reader is buried under loads of supernatural information. The thriller and mystery parts are well interwoven along with the paranormal aspects and as a result, I was hooked from the very beginning!

Garnet McGee returns to her home-town in Pitchford, Vermont, at the suggestion of her college professor, who thinks she needs some time away from her studies so that she can re-evaluate what she wants to do with her life. Whilst there, she vows to solve the mystery of a murder which shattered her life ten years ago. But after dying in an accident and being brought back to life, she starts hearing voices, seeing visions and experiencing strange sensations. Are these merely symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and an over-active imagination, or is she getting messages from a paranormal presence?

This is the first of Jo Macgregor’s novels I have read and as always when reading a mystery, I started guessing who the main suspect was. Well, I was wrong because it was someone else…

THE FIRST TIME I DIED is unusual in that I had imagined that it would be about Garnet's death, but it was, in fact mostly about someone else’s. I found that this gave the novel an edge that was both engaging and enjoyable. I found it easy to empathise with Garnet and I wanted her to succeed in what she was looking to achieve.

I loved Jo Macgregor’s writing style and some of her descriptions in the novel were so atmospheric, especially those about Plover Pond. The first half of the novel is written in alternating chapters of time, giving the reader clarity, which really worked for me. "Then" referred to a time period of ten years ago, when Garnet was a seventeen-year-old schoolgirl.

Jo Macgregor brought everything together for a fabulous conclusion even though I never did manage to accurately guess who was behind the murder. I haven’t got anything negative thing to say about this book. I loved it and it has left me eager to read more from this author. THE FIRST TIME I DIED is an exciting and action-packed crime/thriller that I highly recommend.

Thank you to Hidden Gems and the author for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.
Show all 4 comments.

Christine A. (965 KP) Feb 5, 2019

Great review! Added it to my want to read list. Thanks for the suggestion.


Midge (525 KP) Feb 6, 2019

Thanks to all of you for your lovely comments! ??