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Tim McGuire (301 KP) rated The Endless (2018) in Movies
Oct 7, 2019
277. The Endless. So this has to be one of the cooler films I've seen recently. Its about two brothers Aaron and Justin, that escaped from a cult that believed a UFO was coming to take them away, and knowing how these things usually turn out, Justin decides to take his little bro away and escape. Now a decade later, life hasn't been easy, and after receiving an eerie message in the mail from a member they used to know, speaking of 'the end' the brothers decide to see whats been happening or changed. And what they find is pretty incredible. One of those flicks I'd rather not spoil to much because it was really really good. A pretty awesome sci fi story, with great writing and directing, by the stars themselves: Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead! Lovers of science fiction and good story telling watch this movie! Filmbufftim on FB

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Synchronic (2019) in Movies
Mar 2, 2021
Direction (1 more)
Under The Influence
Getting to review Synchronic was great, because it is a movie that is right up my alley and yet it totally passed me by upon release. I still don’t know how I wasn’t aware of this sci-fi thriller with horror elements since that description encapsulates almost everything that I am into. I recently got to see it for the first time and really I’m glad that I did. I also went into this movie pretty blind having only seen a short trailer and I would suggest doing the same in order to receive the optimal experience here.
Anthony Mackie and Jamie Dornan star as a pair of first responder paramedics based in Louisiana and both of them do a great job in carrying the film. Without giving too many plot details away, there are points in the movie where both have to show fairly intense levels of grief and I feel that both do this very well in how they choose to portray that respectively. Jamie Dornan’s accent does slip a few times, but he is charismatic enough that he can get away with it.
The movie is directed by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead and this is actually the first project that I’ve seen from either of them. The direction throughout the film is brilliant and has a real cohesion with the cinematography and the script, – this is probably because the script was written by Justin Benson and shot by Aaron Moorhead.
The script is an interesting one and the distinctiveness of it means that the film probably couldn’t have been directed by anyone else other than the person who wrote it. The dialogue throughout the movie is well written and I really believed the history and friendship in Mackie’s and Dornan’s relationship. There is also some humour interjected in the dialogue and surprisingly it lands and helps to alleviate some of the perpetual dread that is intertwined in the movie’s plot.
Read the rest of my review at:
Anthony Mackie and Jamie Dornan star as a pair of first responder paramedics based in Louisiana and both of them do a great job in carrying the film. Without giving too many plot details away, there are points in the movie where both have to show fairly intense levels of grief and I feel that both do this very well in how they choose to portray that respectively. Jamie Dornan’s accent does slip a few times, but he is charismatic enough that he can get away with it.
The movie is directed by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead and this is actually the first project that I’ve seen from either of them. The direction throughout the film is brilliant and has a real cohesion with the cinematography and the script, – this is probably because the script was written by Justin Benson and shot by Aaron Moorhead.
The script is an interesting one and the distinctiveness of it means that the film probably couldn’t have been directed by anyone else other than the person who wrote it. The dialogue throughout the movie is well written and I really believed the history and friendship in Mackie’s and Dornan’s relationship. There is also some humour interjected in the dialogue and surprisingly it lands and helps to alleviate some of the perpetual dread that is intertwined in the movie’s plot.
Read the rest of my review at: