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David McK (3496 KP) rated Sea Lord in Books

Jun 13, 2021  
Sea Lord
Sea Lord
Bernard Cornwell | 1989 | Thriller
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm sure if you mentioned the name Bernard Cornwell to most readers, they would immediately think of historical-set 'boys-own' mainly and-based action-adventure novels, which I once read described by one critic as 'men behaving badly, but with incredible brio' (which I had to go and look up what that meant).

So, not a contemporary (at the time of Cornwell's writing) set mystery, then, with a heavy slant towards nautical matters.

Yet that is precisely what this is.

While I can't comment on the accuracy (or otherwise) of the naval segments - other than to say they seemed plausible to this land-lubber - I have to say, I also found this to be rather predictable fare, with it startlingly obvious - at least to me - just who stole the priceless Van Gogh (the McGuffin that provides the drive for the plot) further early on, not long after that character is introduced.

Sorry, Mr Cornwell: not your best effort.
Gold Like the Sun (Sol #2)
Gold Like the Sun (Sol #2)
Erin Kellison | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pilar has already had one wedding to Hakan, but now she needs to proceed with the pomp and ceremony on The Hub. Things are fraught here and not always as they seem, so things don't go exactly smoothly. Unfortunately for Hakan, he underestimates Pilar as have so many before him. In his defence though, he is only trying to protect her because he loves her. Pilar is determined to sort things out - both in The Hub and also with Hakan. In doing so, she has a bigger adventure than she anticipated.

This is a well-written and fast-paced book, with no editing or grammatical errors to distract the eye. We learn more about Pilar and Hakan as well as what they have to face. Mica also makes a guest appearance, which was nice to read. A short, fun read full of action and romance. Definitely recommended.

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Ant-Man (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
Ant-Man is so much damn fun...

It has a great cast, who all share great chemistry, it has some decent and different action scenes, it's frequently funny (the Thomas the Tank Engine crash is iconic by this point), it deals with the Scott Lang Ant-Man whilst providing a satisfactory backstory for Hank Pym, it's a damn good heist movie, and above all, it's its own thing, even if it does have a scene connecting it to the larger MCU.

It's not perfect - once again another MCU film suffers from an expendable villain, a lot of the plot is just Iron Man (genius scientist gets ousted from his company by an angry bald white man who then tries to kill him whilst wearing a variant of his own super suit), but if you can manage to mute that nagging part of your brain, you'll find an intelligent and hugely entertaining heist adventure, all wrapped up in an MCU filter. It's great.