Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2275 KP) rated Into the Fire in Books
Mar 17, 2020
Every time I open one of these books I am in awe once again at how well drawn the characters are. Evan and the people who populate his world come vividly to life and continue to grow, which includes Max and the people he brings into this story. But the book never forgets it is a thriller with plenty of action scenes and twists that kept me reading as quickly as I could. Everything comes together for a satisfying climax while setting up Evan’s next adventure. Yes, the book does include more language and violence than I typically read, but I expected that going in. I was surprised at some of the lighter scenes involving Evan’s neighbors. These scenes always break the tension of the story while helping us get to know Evan better, but we got some of the funniest scenes with the neighbors yet. If you aren’t already reading Gregg Hurwitz, you need to fix that. This book is nothing short of superb.

Gareth von Kallenbach (980 KP) rated Penguins Of Madagascar (2014) in Movies
Aug 6, 2019
This lighthearted film takes a break from all others that seem to always tug at those heartstrings. It is packed full of recognizable actors and a great script. The Penguins themselves are voiced by not so recognizable actors but are the ones who worked on Madagascar like animators directors etc. The real recognizable voices are those from the rival espionage crew the North Wind. Benedict Cumberbatch plays the gray wolf leader of a pack, Ken Jeong from the Hangover films, as a cute little seal, Annet Mahendru as an owl and Peter Stormare as a polar bear with a huge heart. Let’s not forget the big purple octopus villain played by John Malkovich whom has the perfect villain voice.
The script is chalk full of great humor for both kids and adults and is very entertaining. The writers used a lot of clever word play and great gags to entertain the audience throughout the entire film. Visually though the film can be viewed in 3D but as in most films it is not necessary to enjoy the 90 minutes of sheer silliness. This is a great film to take the kiddies to and also the adults like myself who are big fans of the flightless feathered quartet.
4 out of 5 herring

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Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated Hawkeye, Volume 4: Rio Bravo in Books
Nov 30, 2020
All four volumes of the Matt Fraction HAWKEYE run were a re-read for me. This volume, and the previous volume, Vol. 3: "L.A. Woman", were compiled slightly out of order. The issues in the Vol. 3 were all part of Kate Bishop's story, as she and Lucky went out to L.A. The issues in this final volume, while out of order, help continue the story, concluding with Kate's return for the series finale (not a spoiler, if you read Volume 3, which if you didn't, I am very disappointed in you. Tch!).
The volume, as a whole, flows like a well-crafted indie action-adventure flick. There is plenty of white-knuckle tense scenes, as well as some genuine "kick ya in the feels" moments. Heck, there's even a small amount of chuckles, too! All in all, a perfect ending to a perfect series!
In addition to Katie-Kate's return, it also brings back David Aja, whose art on the series' run, was nothing short of brilliant! Aja brought a pulp feel to the art, a style that suited Fraction's portrayal of Clint Barton.
All in all, the entire run is worth your time, not just this fourth, and final, volume of the series! In an era where Marvel thinks constantly rebooting series, as well as offering way too many meaningless crossover events, is how you put out quality material, it warms my nerdy comic lovin' heart to still return to good stuff like Matt Fraction's HAWKEYE run! Thank you, Matt, and thank you to all the excellent art choices you assembled for this run!