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Legacy of Dragonholt
Legacy of Dragonholt
2017 | Adventure, Exploration
Its an rpg without a dm (1 more)
The biggest book based choose your adventure youve probably ever played
As with any choose your adventure choices can seem limiting (2 more)
The game is the only one of its kind and feels like it should be a series, but unfortunately discontinued
Its a one time playthrough
Largest choose your adventure ever
This game takes on roleplaying games for a single player rpg experience using "choose your adventure" style mechanics. At the beginning of the game a player makes a character, chooses a class and chooses skills. These character design choices do very much affect gameplay, providing different adventure paths/ options for characters of different races or having given skills in a situation. The box includes multiple adventures, each with a rough playtime of 30-60 minutes, though it can become longer with more players. Each booklet is designed to be played as a single gaming session, providing a convenient place to stop for the night or for a breather. The game also has a story tracking mechanic where bubbles are filled in based on choices made. These can affect interaction with npcs or track overarching campaign events that have shaped the world.

 I played through this game once and it took me about 6 hours and feel tgere are not enough alternate choices to merit another playthrough. Even though the game says it can be played with 1 to 6 players I recommend one player because only a single choice can be made with each entry and multiple players may not agree on a single course of action. For this game you fo need some tablespace as there are lots of tracking sheets and books and possibly a map you will have out.

*Minor Spoiler Ahead
My overall view of this game is that I wish it was different in one of two ways.
1. It would be nice if there were expansions to this where a character could carry over to another campaign or an expansion that weaves in more npc drama. At the end there are only 4 possible endings and then the game just ends, I wanted more, but knew it would never be.
2. This game with all of its tracking was more akin to muds and I feel it would have been better suited (at least for single player) as an interactive book for a computer where the tracking is done behind the scenes. This would of provided more mystery and made the game feel more in the moment rather than breaking out of the story to reference tracking sheets to see if a choice was allowed.

Mothergamer (1514 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Persona 5 Strikers in Video Games

Mar 29, 2021  
Persona 5 Strikers
Persona 5 Strikers
2021 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
This is a sequel to Persona 5. Set 6 months after the events in Persona 5, Joker is ready to reunite with his fellow Phantom Thieves for a Summer vacation camping trip. Things take a turn and they end up on another insane adventure. The road trip aspect of the game is great and the combat system is different too. It's an action hack and slash making exploration of each dungeon known as jails fun. Fusing personas is in there as well as a new bond system that levels up the entire party's skills. The art and story in the game keep the spirit of the Persona 5 game alive, but also form its own unique thing as well making for a fun experience. You can read the full review here:

Gareth von Kallenbach (968 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Tomb Raider Definitive Edition in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
2014 | Action/Adventure
I remember the days of Tomb Raider coming out on the PC in the irregular shaped packages and the outcry some people had over the outrageously curvaceous proportions of Lara Croft. As the series has unfolded to not only include two cinematic features as well as entry into the console market the mix of action, adventure, and puzzle solving has been a staple of the series. Square Enix has released Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for next-generation consoles and I was very happy to experience the game on our PlayStation 4 system.

The game has been given updated graphics which really show off the amazing character facial animations of the series as well as the dynamic lighting and other graphical effects that are made possible with the new consoles.

This time out Lara is stranded on an island and must fight for survival against the dangerous people that occupy the island and will stop at nothing to protect its secret.

This is very dark and gritty game as its mature rating would suggest and with the power of the graphical engine you can see Lara in stunning detail down to the beads of sweat on her face, every stranded here, and of course the dirt and damage she takes in the course of fighting for her survival.
Being able to customize her weapons is but one of the many advantages to the series and there of course is puzzle solving which the series is famous for.

One early segment of the game had me moving through a dark cave in order to try to get an injured Lara safety but some very dangerous people in hot pursuit. These are not the typical serial adventure bad guys who shoot first with bad aim and hope to take the heroine hostage, rather these are bad guys intent on killing her and anyone else who gets in the way as brutally as they can.

The collection comes with bonus outfits and DLC and seeing the game in 1080 resolution running at 60 frames per second is truly eye-popping as to a casual observer it would be difficult to see what was gameplay and what were cut scenes. Upon seeing it for the first time, my wife was highly impressed the graphical abilities of the game and became interested in storyline and events unfolding as she sat down and offered me gameplay help and advice.

That is the beauty of the series as hard-core and casual, male and female, gamers are easily drawn to the character and her adventurous.

While I have spent a lot of attention on the graphics and look at the game is important that we focus on the game itself and I’m happy to say that both the solo and multiplayer aspects of the game offer plenty of entertainment. There’s a good mix of action and story to the game and the less linear nature of the game and open environments make it very enjoyable especially to somebody who’s used to the affirmation tombs of the original games. While there is puzzle solving to the game there is also the ability said a difficulty that is best suited to your level of gaming and like any game of this type players have to accept that they are going to have failed or along with their successes as that is the nature of an action adventure game.

I did not play the earlier versions the game as my time with the PS 4 version of the game is my most recent experience with the series in a while. That being said, the graphics and gameplay easily hooked me and reminded me why I became a fan of the original games and this imaginative and immersive new installment is the perfect mix for fans new and old alike looking to experience the game.
Crank (2006)
Crank (2006)
2006 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
7.1 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
First Person Video Game
People forgot that hardcore henry was not the first, first person movie. It seems like people were like oh my god hardcore henry was this first person film, and its the first one and its shot like a video game and your in the charcters shoes.

Crank came out many years before hardcore henry and was a first person film, your in cranks shoes and it is shot like a video game, it is basically a video game. The plot even sounds like a video game.

The plot: Chev Chelios (Jason Statham), a hit man wanting to go straight, lets his latest target slip away, then he awakes the next morning to a phone call that informs him he has been poisoned and has only an hour to live unless he keeps adrenaline coursing through his body while he searches for an antidote.

This film and its sequel i would highly reccordmend, not alot of people talk about these films.

It has action, drama, susepense, comedy, adventure. Hardcore henry is a copy and paste movie minus the everything that crank had.

Dont watch hardcore henry, watch this movie instead.
101 Video Games to Play Before You Grow Up:The unofficial must-play video game list for kids by Ben Bertoli is a great introduction guide to video games that adults may have played while growing up, and will be a great platform for families to meet and have fun. This book begins with a comprehensive table of contents for quick and easy reference. There are fill in boxes to note if you played it, "my rating", "My favorite moment" and "Notes for each game. It has great divisions such as action adventure, sports, and party games. Each game in the list includes platform, rating, other suggested games, and interesting trivia.

The book is printed in bright colors with cartoony type characters which is eye catching. The book is a quick read and a useful reference guide to throw in with your game consoles. Perfect for sharing with kids, revisiting memory lane, or for avid gaming fans.

I give this book 4/5 stars

I received this book fromQuarto Publishing Group – Walter Foster, Jr. and Walter Foster Jr via NetGalley

David McK (3204 KP) rated Twisted Metal - season 1 in TV

May 4, 2024 (Updated May 4, 2024)  
Twisted Metal - season 1
Twisted Metal - season 1
2024 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Twisted Metal, the console game, is a post apocalyptic racer of sorts from all accounts.

I've never played it.

It does seem to be a strange choice for an action-adventure comedy series, but I actually found this to work quite well, largely based in the chemistry of the co-leads (Mackie as the 'milkman' John Doe, hired to deliver a package cross country and encountering Beatriz's Quiet along the way) and the antagonist played by Thomas Haden-Church.

Oh, and never forgetting the murderous clown Sweet Tooth who steals pretty much every scene he is in ...

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Alan Wake in Video Games

Oct 31, 2019 (Updated Oct 31, 2019)  
Alan Wake
Alan Wake
Flash The Darkness Demons
Contains spoilers, click to show
Alan Wake- is one of those games that is highly underrated. It is a great game. It mixs horror with suspense with thrills with adventure and action.

The Plot: The story follows best-selling thriller novelist Alan Wake as he tries to uncover the mystery behind his wife's disappearance during a vacation in the small fictional town of Bright Falls, Washington, all while experiencing events from the plot in his latest novel, which he cannot remember writing, coming to life.

In its pacing and structure, Alan Wake is similar to a thriller television series, with episodes that contain plot twists and cliffhangers. The game itself consists of six episodes, and the storyline is continued by two special episodes, titled "The Signal" and "The Writer", that were made available as downloadable content (DLC) within the same year of the game's release. Together, they make the first season of a possibly longer story. Additionally, a six-episode live-action web series called Bright Falls acts as a prequel to the game, and a number of related books also expand upon the Alan Wake story.

Lets talk about the game: Alan Wake is described by Remedy as "the mind of a psychological thriller" and "the body of a cinematic action game" put together. In interviews, the game's creators hold that the game does not belong squarely in the survival horror video game genre.

The player controls the eponymous protagonist Alan Wake. In the game, a "darkness" is taking over humans, animals and objects. These enemies, dubbed the "Taken", are murderous shadows that attack Wake, wielding weapons of their own, ranging from.

The Taken are protected by a shield of darkness, initially rendering them impervious to attack; they can only be injured with a firearm after exposure to light, which burns the darkness away. This puts significant emphasis on flashlights in conjunction with conventional weapons, such as a revolver or shotgun. Flashlight beams act as a reticle.

The player is often encouraged to take advantage of environmental light sources and placing, and to use other light-based weapons and accessories, such as flare guns, hand-held flares and flashbangs.

So this game mixs survival with fantasy with reality with horror with suspense and so much more.

I would highly reecordmend playing this game.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of The Evil Within 2 in Video Games

Mar 5, 2018 (Updated Mar 5, 2018)  
The Evil Within 2
The Evil Within 2
2017 | Action/Adventure
Gameplay mechanics (2 more)
Horrifically beautiful graphics
A fantastic antagonist
Some odd voice acting (1 more)
Some duff lines of dialogue
A Gruesomely Good Time
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was a fan of the first Evil Within game, which I felt was criminally underrated. However, I must admit I slept on this game. This was due to all of the fantastic games that were released in 2017 that I was trying to catch up on at the time of this game's release.

4 months after the game's initial release, I finally got my hands on it and I loved the time I spent in this insane world.
The Evil Within 2 does what all great sequels should aim to do, which is to take the best concepts and systems from the first game and expand on them, while adding in some fresh concepts and discarding a lot of the excess fat that dragged the first game down.

This game is a much more streamlined action-horror adventure than the first entry and while it starts out with some creepy and uneasy moments, it focuses more on the action element than the horror side of things in comparison with the first game. I do however feel that the game finds a nice equal balance of horror and action, in a way that feels reminiscent of the modern classic, Resident Evil 4. Even though Shinji Mikami didn't direct this game as he did the first entry, this one actually feels more like a traditional Shinji Mikami game.

The villain that torments you for the first third of the game is brilliant, he is engaging, threatening and over the top in all of the best possible ways. The one issue I have with him is, (SPOILERS,) they kill him off far too early and replace him with a more bland, less entertaining villain.

There is also some ropey voice acting present, they changed the actor playing Kidman and the new VO artist isn't as engaging in her performance. The actor playing the protagonist's daughter Lily, is also, quite awkward and stilted sounding. There are also some strange lines of dialogue that don't feel very natural and come across a bit pantomime, but you must remember that this is a Japanese game, written in Japanese and then translated into English. I did experience some technical issues whilst playing through the final third of the game, mostly to do with the use of the radio transmitter and I experienced one slight hiccup with the in-game physics. Unfortunately, although these weren't game-breaking issues, they are still present 4 months after the game's initial release, meaning I am forced to knock a point off of my overall score.

Overall though, this is a damn good time for any horror fan out there. The fact that this game is a great deal easier than the first may bother some hardcore gamers out there, but for me it was fine as I was mostly playing for the story anyway rather than the challenge. The optional first person mode is also a nice addition and adds a cool incentive to play through the New Game Plus.
Uncharted (2022)
Uncharted (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure
Uncharted, because no one knows where their going..
Uncharted is a live action take on the extremely popular video-game franchise of the same name.

Featuring a bunch of top Hollywood names both past and present, the first installment focuses on the fourth installment of the games and changes a lot of the original plot making for some very interesting possible sequels.

A lot of great action scenes and sequences and some light humour (although more humour was needed) and a straight forward plot made this a very enjoyable action adventure.

The duo of Mark whalberg as Victor sully and Tom Holland as Nathan drake is a very odd but fitting piece that seems to work naturally.

Did you know?

Mark whalberg was originally set to play Nathan drake before being bumped to play Victor sully so Tom Holland could play Nathan drake.

Nathan fillion was also poised to play Nathan drake as fans wanted it, although it didn't happen, fillion did make a short film where he played uncharted's protagonist.
(it's on YouTube).

-maybe we'll see MW play Nathan drake one day.
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)
1932 | Classics, Drama, Horror
(Can't see that movie about people being hunted for entertainment as all the cinemas are shut, so went for this instead (the daddy of the genre).) Much mimicked pulp adventure movie. Big-game hunter survives a shipwreck but pitches up on the private island of an insane Russian aristo who hunts people for sport.

Slots very nicely into the development of early-30s genre cinema - the premise vaguely recalls Dracula, while many of the key personnel would go on to make King Kong the following year. Still stands up well as an adventure movie in many ways; above average script, some rousing set pieces, and an enjoyably extravagant performance from Leslie Banks as the bad guy. The short running time does count against it though (the hunt only gets underway in the final third of the movie). One of the progenitors of the modern action blockbuster, and a fine movie in its own right.