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ClareR (5608 KP) rated The Winners in Books

Mar 8, 2023  
The Winners
The Winners
Fredrik Backman | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Sport & Leisure
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I finished this book in absolute bits. Awkward on a dog walk. But how does Fredrik Backman do this?!

Over the course of this trilogy I have become involved in the lives of everyone in Beartown and Hed. I don’t watch Ice Hockey (my son plays field hockey, and I imagine that’s slightly less dangerous - although he’s had his share of black eyes and sprained ankles!).

This book is about the lives of the people of the two towns. How, despite their animosity towards one another, there is more that joins them together than drives them apart. They just have to learn that.

The novel starts with the storm of a generation: trees are blown over, houses and businesses damaged. In fact, this is something of a sign of things to come for these people.

Life isn’t necessarily easy for any of the characters in this. We read of the trials and tribulations of their lives, their successes and failures. The observations made by Backman are so full of insight , like he has really taken the time to understand these people.

Emotions run high between the towns, especially when it’s discovered that the council want to shut one of the rinks down. They’ve clearly not thought this one through and have no understanding of their constituents!

This novel contains all of the struggles of so many small towns today: addiction, violence, families in trouble, people in need, corruption, criminality, love and loss.

It’s a long book, but it flies by - and that’s all Backman’s writing (and the translator Neil Smith’s translating!). I’m so sorry to see this trilogy come to an end. It’s been quite the ride.
Gluttony (Seven Princes of Sin #2)
Gluttony (Seven Princes of Sin #2)
S.N. Hunt | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
GLUTTONY is the second book in the Seven Princes of Sin series and, as with book one, is DARK. There are trigger warnings so please take heed.

Leo, the most laid-back of the Princes, rescued Carrie at the end of Donna and Adam's book and we continue on from there. Carrie is addicted to drugs and thinks nothing of doing tricks to get her fix. Leo is determined to help her beat her addiction and live life as his mate.

This book deals more with Carrie and Leo than it does with the overall story arc but there is still enough to keep it moving along. Trust me, I'd sooner bet on the Princes than on the angels! Carrie has some learning to do, not all of which is her fault. We also see a more intense side to Leo, rather than just being fun and jovial, we see what pushes his buttons.

Adam and Donna do play a part here too, but only at the end. Out of the brothers, we see a couple of them throughout but supporting rather than starring roles. Each of the brothers is fascinating and I am thoroughly enjoying this series. I love how the author writes each book, giving the brother the undivided attention they deserve.

A great addition to the series and one I definitely recommend.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
So Sad Today: Personal Essays
So Sad Today: Personal Essays
Melissa Broder | 2016 | Biography
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So Sad Today is a compilation of essays by Melissa Broder that narrates the interior monlologue of a person with mental ilness trying to survive and handle and deal with day to day life. Broder deals with a mariad of issues from sex and sexual identity, to masturbation, to anxiety attacks, to an addiction to the internet.

It was fascinating, enlightlening, entertaining, and relatable. It was violently truthful and brutally honest.

There are two sides of me responding to this book in two different ways.

The fememist inside me wants every young person to read this book for three reasons:

1. you are not alone in what you think it sweirdness and strangeness.

2. Here is someone who has experienced things you are curious about. Live vicariously throug her and learn from her mistakes but do not make the same choices.

3. This book is both a journal and a love letter, and it’s from her to you, so read it understanding it as both.

The other part of me sees the stuff she’s dealing with and ache for her. Broder is dealing with issues and trying to answer questions with no guidance and no purpose and no direction. It’s a battle I’ve never had to fight because I don’t seek for my fulfillment from me, I find it in my identity in Christ. And that part of me that sees her hungry and seeking and lost and confused really wants to take her out to coffee. So Melissa, if you get a chance to read this, I’d like to take you to coffee. Or we could just text. :)

Content/recommendation: mature and adult content. Lots of swearing and sex. 16+

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Solo in Books

May 10, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Blade Morrison has reached a pivotal point in his life. He's graduating from high school, about to turn eighteen and has his whole life in front of him But with a famous father who is always in the media and a girlfriend whose parents can't stand you, it's hard to find your place. When Blade discovers something about his past, it will change his future forever. Set on two continents, inspired by rock and roll, and written in poetic verse Solo is one of the best books I have read this year.

Thank you to Kwame Alexander, Mary Rand Hess, and Blink YA for the opportunity to read and review this book and be a part of the Solo Launch Team.

This is the first book I have read by Kwame Alexander or Mary Rand Hess and I have already picked up another at the library. This book was built on a love of music. Every character has a connection to music in some way shape or form.

Blade is yourtypical teenage boy, but for the fact that he has a famous father, Rutherford Morrison who is a rock and roll star who has fallen from grace. Often in the media because of an incident involving drugs or alcohol, Blade is tired of being there to pick up pieces that eventually fall apart again. After the loss of his mother Sunny, the family was never the same. When Blade discovers something about his past and given a letter his mother wrote to him for his 18th birthday, he sets out on a quest to find out where he really belongs.

Full of love, loss, addiction and music, Solo, although written for the YA crowd is a book people of all ages can enjoy.

The Jinx (Rachel Benjamin, #2)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jan. 16, 2008
I'm close to the middle of the book and am not sure if I want to read on because of these reasons...

(1) I've picked this book up numerous times, in many months I might add, and have only read a few pages at a time. Definitely not a good sign.
(2) It's slow and rather boring
(3) Rachel's been irritating - whiny, pompous, dumb, and she overreacts.. This doesn't sound like the girl from the first book.
(4) I am so sick of hearing about her Diet Coke addiction! WTF?????!!!!!
(5) Ms. Sturman seems to like throwing out words that are hardly used in the English language in attempt to make her look smarter than she might, in fact, be.
(6) I think I already figured out who's the culprit to this mystery (and I use this term loosely since there's hardly any mystery so far). Of course I'm not sure about this, but who's to tell?

I'm still thinking I might read towards the end because I have the next one at the ready. Hopefully it will improve. If not, then it's the end of the line for me. But then again, I might just 'cheat' and read the last chapter or two.

Jan. 17, 2008
I give up! I am not enjoying this book at all and I might as well give it up as a lost cause. I mean there's no sense in finishing it if I'm not liking it. I did read the last few chapters and they were utterly ridiculous - now I'm not even sure if I want to read the next book. I might try though. It's such a disappointment because I really liked The Pact and thought it was a nice change in the Chick Lit scene. *sigh* Oh well. Good luck to future readers.
The Princess Diarist
The Princess Diarist
Carrie Fisher | 2017 | Biography
7.5 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
I want to start off by saying that I was so saddened to hear about Carrie's passing. She was a childhood hero of mine, so to see that she was gone was devastating.

Carrie Fisher was a brilliant woman, but like was not always kind to her. She battled with addiction, depression, and so many other things, but I would have never guessed it.

It was interesting to actually read what she thought of herself when she was younger. With her self worth and self-esteem issues, it was very easy to identify with her journal pages. Now, having read the whole book, I know she would tell me to buck up and don't give a damn about what other people think of me. Which is something I am trying to do now. It honestly hurt to read these things because I can see myself in these pages. People are so quick to put these famous people on pedestals and forget that they are human too. I can say that I did the same thing.

Yes, we get information on her affair with Harrison, but I don't necessarily want to get into that. If you want information on it, feel free to pick up the book.

We also get an understanding of how fame affected her. She often speaks of her own mortality, talking about how people will see her after her death. Many of these things have already started happening. For example, she talked about how she would be forever immortalized by her pictures as Princess Leia with those buns she hated so much. Oh, and she loved fan interactions because it showed why her work was important to others.

I loved reading this book and I am going to pick up some of her other biographies.
Sin Undone (Demonica #5)
Sin Undone (Demonica #5)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one is Sin's - Sinead! - story, Lore(n)'s sister and the only female Seminus demon in existence.

We get to know her a lot more in this one and I feel sorry for a lot of the crap she went through. She tries to be this strong woman who can deal with everything but she doesn't want to be. So thank God for Con - who we met in Lore's book, Ecstasy Unveiled - and who Sin had sex with.

As a dhampire, a vampire/werewolf hybrid, Con is immune to the werewolf shifter virus which Sin unwittingly started in the last book and a great candidate to help start a vaccine against it by using his blood. The only downside to it is that as a dhampire, Con is susceptible to blood addiction if he drinks from the same donor too often yet he needs to keep drinking Sin's blood to fuel his resistance.

Feelings start to emerge beyond their physical attraction as the two are forced to spend so much time together and get to know each other. How he demands that she feel things instead of letting her body do it's physical pain release by bleeding. They'd both been through so much in their long lives and they deserved happiness.

They had a few ups and downs in this. Con had responsibilities within the shifter and dhampire communities and Sin was donating blood and trying to help those infected by the virus before they died and also to her assassin den.

And then let's not forget that last chapter! How cute was that with Lore? I've really fallen for this extended family. They all deserve happiness and I'm really glad they've all found it.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series.