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Purrder She Wrote
Purrder She Wrote
Cate Conte | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Purrfectly Fun Return Visit
It’s opening day for Maddie James’ new cat café on Daybreak Island. However, the day has hardly started when Adele, one of her volunteers, gets into a shouting match with socialite Holly over one of the cats. When Holly turns up dead, naturally Adele becomes a suspect. Maddie is sure the police are missing something. Can she figure out what it is?

I love the setting of this series. Daybreak Island is a place I’d love to visit – between the murders, of course. The mystery gets a bit sidetracked early on here due to some strong sub-plots, but I was enjoying those sub-plots as well, and things get back on track before too long with a surprising ending. The suspects are all strong, but it’s the main characters who made me excited to return to this series. They are all fantastic, and spending time with them was as enjoyable as spending time in the setting.

Tonya (52 KP) rated 25 by Adele in Music

Dec 29, 2017  
25 by Adele
25 by Adele
2015 | Pop
Lyrics (2 more)
Vocal quality
Beautiful music
Her best yet
While I've like many Adele songs in the past, I've never really liked enough of them on one albumn to buy it until now. This one doesn't have a bad one on it. Her music is beautiful and haunting and fun all at the same time. Best part for me though is that this is music that both the kids and I like so we can all enjoy listening together. Not all artists can cross generations like she can.

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Labor Day in Books

May 10, 2018  
Labor Day
Labor Day
Joyce Maynard | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's Labor Day weekend and Henry needs new clothes for school. His mother, Adele, rarely leaves the house anymore, since the divorce from Henry's father. They go to the local store and pick out a few things. There they meet Frank, a recently escaped convict. Frank has them take him to their home and stays with them through the long weekend until he can move on.

Henry and Adele aren't really sure what to do, but they do their best not to be too afraid so they can make it through. When Frank turns out to be more than they bargained for, they are in for a lot of surprises. This is a story about love. Love lost, love shared and new love. What happens when love is lost or gone forever.

Joyce Maynard has put together quite a great book. Filled with different kinds of love without being a romance novel. This book teaches you that you can never judge a book by its cover and that the world is full of surprises.

Henry is your typical teenage boy going through all of the strange changes that happens to a boy at 13. His mother has been so shut off from the world since losing her father and a baby, that Henry often has to play the role of husband as well as son. When Frank enters their lives, it's an interesting change for them both. Adele seems to have come out of her depression and Henry has a relationship with a man, that he has been unable to get with his own father.

Together these three bake, dance, and try not to get caught during the long holiday weekend. This is a must read for anyone who is in love with love.

BobbiesDustyPages (1259 KP) rated 25 by Adele in Music

Sep 5, 2017  
25 by Adele
25 by Adele
2015 | Pop
Okay I find Adele really hard to rate probably one of the hardest for me personally because on one side she has an absolutely amazing voice and as a person I think she is wonderful but on the other side when it comes down to it I have a really hard time relating to her music and because radio and every other source of media tend to play her music out so bloody fast I just don't really enjoy her actual music.

After listening to this album I'm still not a fan of her actual music even though she is seriously talented.
In Harm's Way
In Harm's Way
Owen Mullen | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
9.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Three siblings, all with troubled marriages. Adele and Blair appear to be the perfect couple, but he has started claiming to have to work late. Adele suspects he is having an affair. Gavin and Monica have a new baby and that is putting a strain on their relationship. Mackenzie and Derek.... well Mackenzie is an alcoholic and Derek has seen her getting into a strange car.

She also claims to have a stalker, although in a drunken outburst at a party she claims he's her lover. When she leaves Derek and disappears, nobody seems to be bothered other than Gavin, who gets DS Andrew Geddes involved. But how far can the investigation get when nobody thinks she's actually missing? Meanwhile Mackenzie finds herself chained in a cellar at the mercy of her abductor...

All this might sound like its giving away important plot points but it really isn't; all of this is obvious from the first few pages. What follows is the story of the three relationships, the six people involved key to the story. The abduction itself is just part of the much bigger story, a story about relationships both between married couples and within families.

Added to this is Andrew Geddes, the world weary but sharp police detective previously seen in the Charlie Cameron novels. It is so good to see him with a case of his own to solve, especially as this is one that may be impossible to prove is actually a case at all.

As with his other books, Mullen carefully misdirects the reader all the way through providing twists and turns both small and large. He skillfully hides clues in plain sight then removes the blindfold from the reader's eyes with one deft phrase or scene.

This is a masterful piece of work from one of the best thriller writers out there.
My Trip to Adele
My Trip to Adele
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Trip To Adele is a book unlike any other. We are introduced to three different life stories, all of them connected to Adele in a wonderful way, and every one of them will teach us many lessons, bring tears or laughs on our faces and remind us who we are and why we exist in this world. This is a book of how a singer or a song can connect so many people and touch so many hearts in a way no one else could. A book about keeping traditions and breaking them, a book about love, bravery and most of all - HOPE.

Let’s meet Elias. A Moroccan man that has lived in Rome long enough to believe he is Italian, with a Moroccan dust left in his soul. Through Elias, we will find out about how many years ago, he paid a prostitute for her services and fell in love. His love for Malika is undescribable. While other men would pay hundreds to only have her body, he would pay thousands more to have her soul, even for just one night. He would never touch her body, but they would spend hours and hours talking about meaningful and meaningless things, about what it is like outside this city, outside this country, what can the world offer…

Malika has so many wishes and hopes, she sells her body so one day she would be able to leave this town, leave her family, and explore the world. Get married and have children, and be successful, and learn the English language. When life parts them from each other for eight years, Elias goes back to the same old city to look for her, and Malika has already left town. Sharing one special singer, there is only one place where he can find her - an Adele concert in Rome.

In Las Vegas, we have Yaser and Mariam, a married couple that lost its sparkle many years ago. Both are surgeons and spend a lot of time at work. And when they come home to the kids - everything is a routine. Yaser pretends to enjoy his TV Show evenings and the Prayers that Mariam wants to attend. He pretends to believe in God just to please his wife. They are not a happy family inside the house, but Mariam makes it sound perfect on the outside - they have the perfect social media photos, and they go to the most expensive places on a holiday, what could be so bad? He feels trapped inside a routine and wants to escape, but he also believes in saving his marriage, and following his marriage counselor, they are trying to revive their happiest memories, and that is when they decide to go to an Adele concert in Rome.

On the other side of the world we will meet Nadia and her son Waleed. Nadia is a strong woman that has been coping with her now ex-husband’s betrayals. She raised her son oh her own, and the love she feels for him is indescribable. Only a mother knows how much she adores her son. When her son gets hurt on her ex husband’s third wedding - Nadia decides that she would fight for her and her son, she will no longer be trapped, and she will finally enjoy a lovely holiday with her son - going to Adele’s concert in Rome.

This book is written in an amazing, fast pace, and you will never notice how you have scrolled through the pages and hours have passed. There were times where the character's description was basic, and sometimes Adele’s presence would be too exposed, but all the characters are different in their own way, and every story has its purpose and its lesson.
This was a fun read with a unique setting, and was a great start to a new series. When Maddie and her pal Adele find a body in the Paranormal Museum, I expected ghosts galore. There is a paranormal element to the story, but it has more to do with an historical crime rather than the modern one. One mystery keeps Maddie and her friends busy during the day, and the other helps her decide whether to stay in town and run the Paranormal Museum or keep looking for work elsewhere. I enjoyed both stories, and the cast of characters, from Maddie's friends and family, to the two police officers handling the murder case, and then the attractive neighbor next door. I'm looking forward to reading more about the museum, Maddie, and her friends.

Note: I received a free copy from the author and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Casquette Girls
Alys Arden | 2013
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What an interesting read! The Casquette Girls is centered shortly after Hurricane Katrina, and of course, New Orleans, where the unexplainable happens.

Part One is a bit slow, with Adele coming back from Paris, reconstruction in the city after the hurricane, and the occasional unexplainable situation happening (aka dead people on the rise, and I don't mean zombies) but Part Two is when things really pick up.

Part Two and a bit of Part Three actually goes back to the past as Adele is reading her ancestor's diary, trying to figure out what happened in the early 1700s after being lead to a completely shut – and by completely shut, I mean nailed in – attic of the local convent. Of course, she's not lead to the diary until she accidentally "breaks" open a shutter of said convent and unleashes a threat to her entire town.

(I was sort of disappointed when the end of the diary was reached. *sigh*)

What's really neat is said threat is confined within a specific part of the city based on a curse from centuries ago – it's usually either vampires or witches. If they are together, chances are there's a pack of werewolves running around or they're with others. Plus, everyone hates vampires by then, not that it isn't the case here.

The Casquette Girls was a neat read based on a hurricane, centering around vampires and witchcraft, although Alys really could have added in a translation of the many French words used (Italian was no problem for me). I wouldn't have felt as though I'm reading fragments by then, and I'm sure the translation guide would help other non-French speaking readers too!
<img border="0" src=""; height="320" width="301">
Review copy provided by the author via Xpresso Book Tours
Original Rating: 4.5
This review and more can be found over at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<a href=""><img src=""; /></a>
Labor Day (2014)
Labor Day (2014)
2014 | Drama, Romance
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Director Jason Reitman is no stranger to obtaining a few awards from his varied career, with films like Juno and Up in the Air under his belt, you would be forgiven for thinking that he could put himself on autopilot – however his latest offering Labor Day stays well clear of such drama.

Starring Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin, the film stays on the right side of touching without feeling overly sentimental and cheesy. But is it worth a watch?

Following the story of Adele (Winslet) and her son Henry (Gattlin Griffith) as they comes to terms with repairing their lives after an unsuccessful marriage, Labor Day leaves the story and plot of Joyce Maynard’s hugely popular novel to the audience, who piece things together themselves, culminating in a pleasing if slightly clumsy final act.

Josh Brolin stars as Frank Chambers, an escaped murderer looking for somewhere tolabor-day-poster1 lay low whilst the police continue searching for him. Brolin is a master of playing the bad guy gone good and his performance here is no exception to that rule. His convict-like scowls are brilliantly juxtaposed with scenes involving him cooking and baking, leaving the viewer slightly perplexed by his real intentions – at the start that is anyway.

As the story takes place over a weekend, the film does feel a little drawn out in places but this adds to its simplistic charm, with the characters and their sublime acting doing most of the work.

Winslet is excellent as Adele, a woman so heartbroken and terrified by the painful effects of love she no longer leaves the house. Her fragility is exceptionally intense; her hands and facial expressions talk more than words ever could and this is a theme throughout the film. I wouldn’t be surprised if Winslet is nominated for an Oscar at next year’s awards.

However, by far the standout is Gattlin Griffith’s performance as young Henry. Here is a boy who would do anything for his mother. His transition from moody teenager to vulnerable young adult is beautiful to watch and again, his facial expressions speak volumes.

As the police close in on Frank’s location and Adele and Henry’s behaviour becomes ever more suspicious, Labor Day becomes increasingly intense in a ‘will they won’t they’ kind of way. As much as the film drives home the simplicity of its intentions, you can’t helped but get sucked into their predicament and this, along with the acting, is where it stuns most.

Unfortunately, the simple nature of the directing and cinematography leaves a lot of room for other areas to fill, and this doesn’t quite happen.

The score is mind-numbingly dull which is a true shame. Rolfe Kent has created some stunning pieces of music for films across the decades including his Golden Globe nominated work on Sideways, not forgetting the excellent score in The Wedding Crashers. Despite some lift in the latter half of the picture, it remains a relatively music-free affair.

Tobey Maguire’s narration is also a little dull. Those of you familiar with the Spider-Man trilogy will know how irritating Maguire’s voice can be, and unfortunately it’s the case here too.

Overall though, Labor Day fills the void in between the magic of the Christmas blockbuster and the frantic summer season which is approaching thick and fast. Filled with some fine performances from the three lead actors and a story which really makes you believe in second chances, it’s an utterly compelling and emotional spring flick. Only the poor score and uninspiring cinematography lets it down.
The Moon Dwellers (The Dwellers #1)
The Moon Dwellers (The Dwellers #1)
David Estes | 2012 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unique dystopian world (2 more)
Great character development
Quick read
Amazing first installment of the Dwellers Series!
As an older reader, I somehow find myself being drawn more often than not to the YA Dystopian, Sci-fi, and Fantasy genres thanks to books like The Moon Dwellers.
David Estes has created a unique post-apocalyptic world under the surface of the Earth in which the remaining people live. There are 3 underground realms: Sun, Moon, and Star that fittingly describe the amount of light that each level recieves and thus dictates the class of people that reside on each level.
The story is of 17-year-old Adele who is sentenced to life in the Pen for her parent's treasonous acts, since the abduction of her parents and sister by the Enforcers.
After learning that her family is, in fact, alive, she plots to escape her prison and rescue her family, but not before making a couple of friends in the Pen and developing some very weird feelings for the President of the Sun Realm's son (who apparently has developed the same feelings for her) whom she has never met!
An rollercoaster ride of emotions are what awaits you whilst reading this exciting tale! And I can't wait to read the second installment of The Dwellers Series!