Lookbook for Adidas
Shopping and Catalogs
A collection of the most fashionable trend goods of the entire Adidas trend, for you to select the 8...

adidas - Sports & Style
Shopping and Lifestyle
The best of adidas. Personalised sport and style, plus all the latest shoes, trainers or clothing...

adidas Mobile Solution
Business and Utilities
实时采集一线销售人员、店铺人员和公司总部对于零售管理的实时互动和有效沟通,减少书面工作,提高工作效率,清晰统一的数据平台,可视化的绩效考核。 阿迪达斯零售移动应用系统目标是建立一个基于智能手机的零售终端管理工具,满足门店签到,访店管理,后续跟踪,报表生成,办公电子化等工作需求。 软件功能介绍: 门店签到 问题汇报和跟踪 陈列检查 零售标准管理 促销和活动管理

adidas Investor Relations iPad
Business and Finance
The adidas Group Investor Relations and Media App provides you with all the latest investor and...