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Two For Tuesday
Two For Tuesday
Fiona McGier | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An erotic ride....

Two for Tuesday is an erotic, very sensual story. Not only does it draw you into a heady sexual relationship but it highlights the differences between different social backgrounds.....Mel being a more country girl and Marcus being from the city.
    Colour is only really referred to once or so, the cheeky stereotype.....which Mel clears up by saying she's gone back and forth over that line haha.

I like both characters, though Marcus was a tad needy, but it didn't make it any less enjoyable......just more realistic.

Bit of a gives hope that things can happen/get back on track after years apart. Also that sexual chemistry can't always be worn out!!

Definitely an adult only be read alone as it gets pretty hot and very detailed!
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
2018 | Horror
Well acted (1 more)
House looks very creepy
Ran out of steam a bit for the last 2 episodes (0 more)
Hauntingly good
Finally got around to watching this after hearing good reviews. It can be tricky to make a TV series that is scary for 10 episodes. This does a very good job.
The atmosphere is very good and generally goes for an eerie, creepy feeling with a few jump scares. The child cast were very good, although it took a couple of episodes to work out which Adult was playing the grown up version. It's quite intelligently done with how it links events from the past and present from different perspectives. Finishes nicely bringing everything to an end. The last 2 episodes didn't really the impact I hoped for. However series as a whole was very good. Worth checking out for Halloween.
Veronica Roth | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (140 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

I have this thing where I have to read books before the films are released, i.e. twilight, mortal instruments, and when I heard this was going to be a film, I just had to read it.

That being said, I wasn't entirely sure what the book was about before I bought it yesterday, just that it was a young adult dystopia story with romance in it.

Either way I was hooked from early on. I think it was when it came out that she didn't fit into any faction, that she was Divergent. Then we met Four, and, the sucker I am for any hint of romance, I was a goner. Hooked.

I really enjoyed this. It had a bit of everything that I like in a story and I can't wait to read what happens next in the series.
120 days of Sodom
120 days of Sodom
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not for the faint hearted 50 shades this is NOT
It's taken me a few years to read this book. It's Sadism at its best and vile
It's based around a group of adults who take a group of children to a castle and during said 120 days they slowly ingratiate said minors into a life of pure Sadism.
The adults have complex relationships between themselves let alone between the innocent children.
Every evening a story is told by an adult, usually an ex prostitute who shares her experiences with the group. Okay we are NOT talking the odd handcuff, 50 shades of boring stuff here, we are talking body fluids, eating shit, using every hole in the body in various ways with both sexes and varying ages.
 This book is why Marquis De Sade is Sadism pure and simple.
The Graveyard Book
The Graveyard Book
Neil Gaiman, Chris Riddell | 2009 | Children
8.1 (28 Ratings)
Book Rating
An interesting tale
My biggest criticism about this book is that it has been written for kids, or young adults, and I feel like this is a big shame as it could have been pretty terrifying. But aside from the fairly creepy first chapter, it falls just a little short of being actually scary (at least for a fully grown adult).

But that doesn't mean it's not a good book, because it is and it's such a wonderful idea for a story. I found it well paced and intriguing, with a lot of interesting characters although j do wish we'd have seen more of some of them. There is a certain lack of threat even considering the death theme, aside for the ghoul gate episode, but this is still such an enjoyable read that this doesn't really matter.


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