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Pather Panchali (1955)
Pather Panchali (1955)
1955 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This movie has been a touchstone for me through my entire adult life. I first saw The Apu Trilogy when I was in art school, and I think I was confused or overwhelmed by it at the time—it was my first encounter with that kind of cinema. But it stuck with me, and I return to it over and over again because it’s endlessly beautiful. I love the economy of Ray’s shooting style; he always does these simple pans, or he’ll just have people walk toward and away from the camera. There are no complicated bilateral moves, and he really just goes with what’s in the frame. And his sound design is so powerful. These films manage to fit big political elements into tiny, familiar stories that follow the course of the life of a family. I got to see Pather Panchali in Portland on the big screen right before I started shooting First Cow, and it definitely had an impact on that film."

Shadow Embraced (Haven, #1)
Shadow Embraced (Haven, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***I received a copy off NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

3.5 stars.

I enjoyed this but we seemed to just jump into the story without any real explanation. I found myself baffled at the beginning; we just start with a fight out of nowhere and I if I'm honest it started a little strange...

I continued to be baffled until we got to the school, that was when it started to pick up for me and I got quite into the story. I enjoyed the mystery of trying to figure out who was behind the disappearances and wondered if Scar had had anything to do with it during her "visions" but no...though I wont ruin it by giving it away.

I did enjoy it, though. It was different and I like different every so often. If you're into young adult stories with a bit of mystery and intrigue then you will probably love this.