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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
Great movie, even to a Spiderman purist.
I've always been a purist. I enjoy the classic comics and their stories the most. Just how I was raised and what I grew up with. I know of the Morales storyline, just never gave it much credence. So, I was a little hesitant heading into this movie to say the least. That all aside, this little flick was a lot of fun. A fun, though not original, story leads all the various Spider characters together in a fun ride through Marvel lore. Was also very pleased with the adult overtones to the story while keeping it an animation movie for kids, which so many new cartoon movies do so well these days. In the end, while I may still believe that Peter Parker is the Spiderman, I now have a better understanding and appreciation of Morales and the other variations of Spiderman and their place in the Marvel Universe. Well done, Sony. And, of course, RIP Stan Lee. You will be missed.
Above the Timberline
Above the Timberline
Gregory Manchess | 2017 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm calling this a graphic novel because that's really what it is - it's not a comic, though. Each spread of pages is a mixture of text and oil painting - sometimes just a painting.

If it was just the text, it would be a very lackluster book. There are aspects of the story that are unexplained, and aspects that are explained only by the accompanying paintings. It's really the paintings that make this book unique. It's almost like - an adult picture book, I suppose. It actually reads more like someone found the series of paintings and constructed a story to support what they imagined was happening in the pictures.

Regardless, it's a unique experience. Manchess is a remarkable artist. The paintings are gorgeous, and the book does that thing where the text and art play around each other on the page, creating unique formatting that helps tell the story on its own, like when a full two-page spread of a painting has two lines of text to emphasize them.

Fascinating, beautiful book.
The Queens Corgi (2019)
The Queens Corgi (2019)
2019 |
2.0 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The first 2 mins (0 more)
Everything after the first 2mins (0 more)
The Queens Corgi needs putting down
Contains spoilers, click to show
Wow what did I just watch.
It started well a cute and funny 2mins showing the new corgi arrive. The interaction between the dogs and the palace servants was good.

From here:
Trump shows up and flirts with a random woman which is cringy and just feels wrong

The animation of anyone outside of the palace looks rushed

Trump brings a final dog to breed with the queens corgi, so proceeds a scene where the queens dog is sexually harrassed whilst the American dog declares shes on heat and wants him.

Queens dog ends up in dogs pound where dog fights occur, one dog is dragged out after one such fight in a mess.

The animation of the other dogs is poor

Nothing fun or interesting in the final half hr.

It is a poor kids film, that poorly tries to insert adult humour that is just cringeworthy or in bad taste.

Avoid at all costs. The worst animated kids film I have ever seen... ever!!
Two Dukes and a Lady
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ARC in exchange for an honest review.

A historical menage a trois involving childhood friends? Sign me up please! As soon as a I read the synopsis, I requested this book immediately. This is everything I wanted. Historical erotica is the best. Childhood friends to lovers is my weakness. Throw in a menage a trois and I am sold 100%.

And the novel didn’t disappoint. Overall, it was as erotic as it was romantic. I was a little annoyed at the characters, their actions/reactions to situations, and how they handled them. I mean, they haven’t seen this woman they loved for years, and the first time they do, they practically ravage her in the street after not contacting her in forever. It felt similar to reading a YA where the couple hasn’t quite figured out how to interact with their significant other as an adult.

Barring that, it was a great read. I wish I could find more novels similar to this mold (that aren’t garbage.)
This was your typical, hilarious Rick Riordan companion novel. Like Percy Jackson telling us in his witty way about Greek mythology in the two books about Greek Gods and Greek Heroes… Various residents of Hotel Valhalla tell us about Norse mythology. It was filled with interviews, stories and jokes. Part encyclopedia and part comedy sketch. I do wish that it was longer and more in depth. Generally, people know more about Greek mythology than they do about other types, so it would be great to have a more expansive discussion about the gods, goddesses, monsters and origin stories in Norse Mythology. Perhaps this will be rectified in a future expanded novel? That would be my one criticism for this book, otherwise it was a fantastic, quick, funny read. Highly recommended for middle grade and young adult readers who are already fans of Rick Riordan's, love fantasy, mythology, funny books or pretty much anything else. I just recommend that you read the Magnus Chase series before delving into this book to give yourself a little familiarity.
The Pilgrim's Progress
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Join Christian on his journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. He’ll encounter many dangers and trials as he tries to stay on the straight and narrow path. And then in the second half of the book, follow his wife Christiana’s journey.

I was obsessed with this story in other forms as a kid, and it was interesting to read the original many years later as an adult. Christian’s journey is book, with many powerful lessons and morals that still apply today. Even when the characters start to sermonize as they walk along, it is interesting. The second half isn’t as engaging, however, and feels like it suffers the fate of the sequel. There are still some good moments here, but overall the first part is better. Bunyan never tries to hide his allegory. This translation into modern English is very readable while still maintaining the voice of an author from the 1600’s.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
A now adult Gretel of Hansel and Gretel fame is now working as a detective. Her latest case takes her to Nuremberg when she is hired to find two paints for Albrecht Durer the Much, Much Younger. These paintings of frogs, done by his ancestor Albrecht Durer the Younger, have much sentimental value. Can she crack the case?

The mystery started out slowly, and there were some things thrown in that never really added to the plot or sub-plots. Things did come to a logical and mostly satisfying conclusion, leaving one thing open. The characters are okay, although I had a hard time really getting to like very many of them. Do note that is mystery is aimed at adults, not the middle grade audience the title and cover might suggest.

NOTE: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Dana (24 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was what I was looking for in an adult suspense novel. It was thrilling. The characters were not likable in a way you were still somehow rooting for. I honestly have no idea why I like Amy, why she is my favorite character in this book even though she is cunning and manipulative and sadistic, but I do. Flynn did a phenomenal job writing these characters in a way that I hate to love them, and love to hate them.

There were not many slow parts to this book. The plot twists just kept coming, hitting me in the face over and over and over which was so brilliant. I loved it.

I love not knowing what is going to happen next. I think it worked very well in this book, because thinking back, I could see where it was going. But in the moment, I had no idea. It was brilliant.

Overall, I very much enjoyed this book and I cannot wait to read more of Gillian Flynn's books.
Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth F. Caldwell; Carol A. Wehrheim is an illustrated book that pays attention to quality and detail. While it says it is a book that children can read, I believe it should be read to children.  I am impressed with this book, the wording, and I like how it is designed to be interactive between adult and child with three simple questions at the end of each story.

Most of the stories are between one and two pages counting the illustrations and three questions and start at the beginning of the Bible in Genesis and through the old testament and then into the new testament. The verse location in the Bible is given under the story title.

The author did a great job of covering Bible topics in a way that children can understand but in a way that adults can gain a blessing as well. 

I received an ARC from Westminster John Knox Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Gail (4 KP) rated Brant (Secrets #2) in Books

Jun 4, 2018  
Brant (Secrets #2)
D.B. James | 2018
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brant by D.B James

Four Stars

Yes!!! This book was sooo good. I need my own personal Brant. Tessa was just perfect her personality was similar to a lot of my friends and even myself. She had it bad at the beginning of her adult life but she came out of it stronger but still afraid. Once we lose our fear that’s when we stop sensing the trouble. I hate the thought of women and sometimes men too going through abuse. Feeling like its your fault. Never really trusting another person again. Brant was just fabulous he treated Tessa like we all want to be treated. He sent thoughtful gifts and put his heart on the line without expecting her to do the same. The danger throughout the story wasn’t really big so it didn’t really effect how I viewed the story. The plot twist was funny even though it was meant to be serious. I am excited to se what else this author has to offer. The writing style was smooth and the chapters flowed together perfectly.