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Before I Go to Sleep
Before I Go to Sleep
S.J. Watson | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this book on the avid insistence of a friend, and I am sure glad I read this book. The premise is quite intriguing - a woman with a very unique type of amnesia in which she wakes up every morning not remembering anything from as much as several decades of her life. What is most interesting is that sometimes she wakes thinking she is a child, while others she believes she is a young adult. There is no predicting at what believed age she will be when she wakes, and no controlling it.
A few things bugged me about the plot, the first of which was that on the mornings that she was supposed to wake as a child, nothing in her behavior indicated that of a child - she still behaved the same as when she woke as a full-grown adult. I was also immediately suspicious of Ben, as his behavior towards her did not seem very motivated towards achieving a return of her memory- but I suppose that was the point.
Despite Christine's loss of memory, in many ways her actions are instinctual - which is very realistic and made for some tense scenes. A Dr. Nash comes to her aid in secret, both because her case is no unusual and because he really does want to help her. Despite the difficulties of Christine not remembering him from day-to-day, he is still able to make progress with her - all behind Ben's back. On his advice, Christine begins keeping a journal of each day, as well as what memories return to her. This is when the book really picks up in intensity, as Christine comes to realize that her own mind could be her own worst enemy. At times she is not even certain if she can trust the words in her journal, since she cannot remember writing them.
As she fills up her journal, she begins to uncover lies and secrets in her life that create nail-biting, mind-blowing scenes that had me riveted. I was a little disappointed with how the book ends - after all of the build up, it seemed almost anti-climactic. Other than that, the book was an excellent read, especially for a first-time author. Everyone should read this book!
The Sight (Premonitions, #1-2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I requested this novel from goodsreads bookwasp, I actually did not have high hopes for it. After reading the first page, I cringed at having picked up another angst filled young adult novel where the lead is so antisocial and broken that all they have is contempt for the world around them. That lasted about three pages before the writing was dominate by plot and character development. I was so surprised by the change, I almost had whiplash.

If I ever rate a young adult novel more than three stars, you know it is worth a look. I was so pleasantly surprised at the interesting plot, realistic characters, and intriguing writing that I could not put the book down. Instead of being confronted by an young teen bitter from not having a father and recently losing her mother in a car accident on top of having interrupting visions, I was dealt Gracie, a sixteen year old struggling with the changes in her life and confusing emotions. She is jealous of her aunt and cousin who have a close relationship she can longer have with her mother. She is constantly annoyed by Emily, a classmate who Gracie never wanted to be friends with but ends up risking her life to save. She is attracted to the aloof and old Zed who she cannot seem to act normal around.

Of course there were bitter and jaded comments about the world around her, but, more than anything, Gracie is determined to find a place she belongs, a home. Not surprising since Gracie was uprooted from the only home and family she has ever known and dropped onto an island with relatives she cannot seem to find common ground with a town that does not seem to accept her. That is the least of her worries because her ability to pick up visions is forcing her into action.

Two stories in one, both deal with Gracie trying to use her ability the best she can to save those around her. The only things I did not like about this book is that Blundell seemed to leave some loose ends such as the road Gracie’s father decides to take, which the reader can guess, and Gracie and Zed’s relationship . I would have liked some closure on those subjects.
Michael is a 14-year-old who gets bullied in school, and just so happens to have electrical powers? The tale seems familiar until the exciting addition of having these special abilities is introduced. One of my favourite superpowers or forms of magic is one that is based on the elements, so I was very curious to see how electricity would be represented here. It was fascinating to see how it could manifest itself differently and be used in a variety of situations.

The overall idea of this story was very intriguing, although I found the writing to be lacking at times. One of the biggest elements that drew me out of the story was the author's inability to choose a word other than <i>said</i> to describe when a person was speaking. It became frustrating to listen to the characters talk when the entire page just repeated, "he said... she said... then they said... he said again." By that point, I was pretty over the word said. It definitely detracted from the story, which I found enjoyable overall.

It was definitely very trope-y, but that's not necessarily a bad thing - it completely depends upon your reading preference. I personally enjoy some tropes but when they're overused you tend to connect with the characters less because they're no longer unique. The biggest one for me in this book was the characterization of our three leads and how one dimensional it made them. I don't want to spoil the story, but once you read the book you will understand my issues with the characterization. I would love to see more character development over the next few novels.

As there are six other books in the series, I expect that the character development and world building will be improved upon. It wasn't until the end of the book that I started to feel more of a connection to the characters and curiosity about the world. The author definitely writes for a younger audience; the writing style was not as developed or mature as I would expect for a young adult reader.

I would recommend it to middle-grade readers, as well as young adult/teen readers who enjoy their fantasy books in a familiar setting. Don't expect flowery writing or deep characterization, just let the story take you on a fun, easy journey.
See How They Run (Embassy Row, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

See How They Run</i> begins one week after the first novel in Ally Carter’s <i>Embassy Row</i> series comes to its dramatic conclusion. It is a week since sixteen-year-old Grace remembers what happened to her mother; a week since her life was in danger; a week since the Prime Minister suffered a fatal “heart attack”.

Naturally, it is not possible for Grace’s life to go back to “normal” after the bombshells dropped in <i>All Fall Down</i>, but even if she were to try her life would only be turned upside again. After a brief love triangle sparks a fist fight, Grace’s friend Alexei is suspected of murder when the body of Jamie’s, Grace’s brother’s, friend is washed up on the beach. Since being introduced to a world of secret societies and passages 100 feet under the city, Grace is certain that Alexei has been framed, but how can she prove it? As Grace and her friends set out to discover the truth, she unearths a lot more than she bargained for.

<i>See How They Run</i> is even more exciting than its precursor. There is no need for introductions to the characters, nor their history, allowing the story to jump straight into the action. The plot twists and turns from beginning to end as the mystery becomes more complicated before ending on yet another bombshell.

Ally Carter is inventive and accurately captures the personality of a person suffering from PTSD. Due to past psychotic episodes, Grace is rarely believed whenever she suggests something that goes against the beliefs of the masses. She also questions herself and her ability to post judgment on the situation.

Grace is not a typical young adult hero and thus will appeal to many readers who feel different from other people in a negative way. Although the brief love triangle toward the beginning of the book, romance does not get in the way of or detract from the plot, which a lot of avid readers will be pleased about.

Ally Carter is already popular within the young adult world and this series will not be a disappointment to her fans. Unsurprisingly the books need to be read in order; so if you like the sound of this book, make sure you get a copy of the first in the series!
13 Days of Midnight
13 Days of Midnight
Leo Hunt | 2015 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Thirteen Days of Midnight</i> is the slightly lighthearted, young adult novel by Leo Hunt set in contemporary Northeast England. Luke Manchett is an average sixteen-year-old boy who mostly cares about his reputation as a member of the school rugby team, and attracting the attention of his crush, Holiday Simmon. However, his life drastically changes on discovering that his absent, psychic exorcist, of a father has died.

Luke is not affected by the actual death, as he barely knew his father; it is the things he inherits as the only named beneficiary of his father’s will that twist his life upside down. It turns out that Horatio Manchett was not a television phony but actually a powerful necromancer. The biggest shock of all is that Luke is now the owner of a collection of eight sinister ghosts who want him dead. With Halloween fast approaching, when the souls’ powers will be at their strongest, Luke with the help of mysterious school friend, Elza Moss, and an ancient book they cannot read, must find a way to release the ghosts without causing harm to anyone else.

<i>Thirteen Days of Midnight </i>is not scary in the way some readers may expect paranormal novels to be. Although it contains ghosts and death threats it is not written in a way meant to terrify, rather to entertain. Luke and Elza’s lack of knowledge and experience with a large number of spirits helps the reader relate to the story, as it is with great doubt that any other teenager would have known exactly what to do. Luke’s dog, Ham, also adds a bit of humour to the book.

There were a few typical aspects to the story, which made it less original. A paranormal novel based at Halloween seems a fairly obvious choice of setting, and popular boy developing a friendship (and possibly more) with an unpopular girl seems rather mainstream in regards to current young adult books.

Some paranormal/horror novels can be a bit over the top and occasionally confusing, therefore it was a surprise to discover how good Thirteen Days of Midnight is. The main characters are likable, the narrative flows well and it is overall entertaining to read. It is definitely a recommendable book.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated It's About Love in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
It's About Love
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

It’s About Love</i> is not a typical love story. The author of Tape, Steven Camden, has written a story from the point of view of a sixteen-year-old boy named Luke. In his first week of college he meets a girl in his film studies class. Her name is Leia and, ignoring the Star Wars connection, their passion for film makes them the perfect partners.

Luke, however, comes from a very troubling background. He has purposefully chosen a college two bus journeys away in order to escape his past. He can try to hide his relation to his brother due to be released from prison, but he cannot cover up the scar on his face. Initially Luke wants as little attention as possible, although once he starts developing feelings for Leia he enjoys being around her and her friends.

Yet everything changes when Luke’s past life and friends collide with the new. Believing he has ruined everything with Leia, Luke needs all the encouragement he can get from his film studies tutor, Noah, to keep on going.

Camden writes the story through first person narrative, film directions and ideas in Luke’s notebooks. This is an interesting method and helps to create a clearer picture of Luke’s personality. He is a teenager with potential and the ability to think for himself. It is his past history that makes him feel like he does not deserve happiness or success.

Although I liked the concept I did not care for any of the characters. Many could be described as thuggish and a lot of violence was involved. I understand that Luke needed to be involved with these types of people for the storyline to work, but it was not for me.

Despite the title, <i>It’s About Love</i> is more suitable for young adult males than it is females due to the nature of the story and the main character. Whether a boy would happily be caught reading a book with ‘love’ written on the cover is another matter. Steven Camden clearly has the young adult audience in mind as he writes and, even though I did not think it anything special, I am sure there will be many readers who will love this book.
Twilight (Twilight, #1)
Twilight (Twilight, #1)
Stephenie Meyer | 2005 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (160 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Fiction, Supernatural.

Type: Book one (1) of the Twilight Saga

Audience/ Reading Level: 14+

Interests: Vampires, Supernatural, Fantasy, Romance, Action.

Point of View: Third Person

Promise: A love story between a pair of star-crossed lovers whose forbidden relationship ripens against the backdrop of small-town suspicion and a mysterious coven of vampires.

Insights: I did a buddy read for a reread through of Twilight with a good friend of mine and boy, am I glad I reread it! I’ve always loved The Twilight Saga. But rereading it as an adult, really made me appreciate it a bit more. Yes, there were some grammatical errors that took away from the surrounding text and there were some parts that I found a bit of a bore. All in all, I fell in love with the love story between Edward and Bella again and really grew to appreciate the Cullen’s as a family.

I was surprised that I had quite a few different favorite parts that weren’t my favorite parts before. And I’m tremendously surprised that some of the parts that I loved when I first read Twilight, were actually still my favorite parts. It goes to show that a novel can be appreciated many years later, even though your opinions and tastes change.

Favorite Quotes: “I’d never given much thought to how I would die – though I’d had reason enough in the last few months – but even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this.”

“You don’t care if I’m a monster? If I’m not human?”

“About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was part of him and I didn’t know how potent that part might be – that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.”

“He looks at you like… like you’re something to eat.”

“No coffins, no piled skulls in the corners; I don’t even think we have cobwebs… what a disappointment this must be for you.”

“Could you believe that, despite everything I’ve put you through, I love you, too?”

What will you gain?: A love story with a bite!

Aesthetics: I’ve always loved the simple and minimalistic cover on Twilight. The story was also a very easy read to get into and I enjoyed the love story (and action!) that took place throughout the novel.

“You are only human after all.”