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May Sage | 2019
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
She kept it short (0 more)
Sex scenes (0 more)
Definitely different
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This book is based on a Cinderella story in an alternative universe that's mixed past with today's world!

Ella who has bee stripped of her titles has been invited by the new king Dane (Daniel) to a month long festival. By the end he is to choose a bride.

Dane and Ella have met before as children they were childhood sweethearts until he went to war and came back to news she was dead!

So as the story is well known they come together and we have a happy ending! This story is no different in that but May Sage has put a very adult spin on to it. Is it well written? In my opinion NO! I found it very patchy and rushed! The sex scenes were rushed and a little vulgar which is a shame as I was recommended this by a friend and really wanted to enjoy it!

Although I felt disappointed at the end of the book I will be reading the next one as I'm hoping they can improve!

The Furies
The Furies
Katie Lowe | 2019 | Thriller
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel may be better than expected, simply due to the disservice done by comparing it to The Craft. Inevitably, one begins reading this story actively looking for likenesses and parallels with the movie which most likely masks the true plot that, in my opinion, is much more realistic and powerful than witchcraft and “friendships”. The need for adolescents to belong, especially those who feel left out or different is so strong that they often forgo their own identities and end up with a “mob mentality” of sorts which contributes to actions they may not otherwise engage in on their own. As an adult reading this novel, I had to remind myself of my own adolescence and the possibilities portrayed in this novel, every time I began to roll my eyes at the thought of people behaving this way. The “academics” depicted were a bit unnecessary for me, dragging the story into a lull more times that advisable. The slight element of the supernatural or the hint of it enhances the minutiae people will cling to in order to believe and belong. Not my favorite read but certainly more layered and real than some others.
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I am Jonas (2018)
I am Jonas (2018)
2018 | International, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
French with subtitles (0 more)
Not a bad film
I enjoy a gay romantic film from time to time. Although this one wasn't all new experience and happy endings it's quite a sad one but I still enjoyed it.

Good film about a young man (Jonas) that becomes good friends with a new guy at school (Nathan) they share a few kisses and a small romance starts. The film jumps from the main character as a 15 year old boy to an adult showing both parts of his life and how he wasn't on the best path and it explains why as the film goes on. These two young boys head off for a date night at the cinema Jonas is the innocent one and wants to go home after but Nathan the adventurous one wants to try and sneak into a gay bar unable to get in they take an offer from a man to take them to another bar, one thing leads to another and Jonas is left deserted and Nathan gone. Good film for a late night watch and if you don't mind reading subtitles.