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Charlotte (184 KP) rated Orestin's Own in Books

Oct 21, 2020  
Orestin's Own
Orestin's Own
L. Alyssa Austin | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Knight, a Priestess and a Necromancer set off on a quest......

What could go wrong? Enough to break my heart to be fair. Not bad to say I wasn't sure I'd be able to read Orestin's Own at all. I'm not normally a reader of things written in a medieval time period but I'm so glad I read this.

I love the way the characters grow, how they each become more than you'd expect.
    Caelesta, the Priestess, is by all accounts still a child in her mid-teens, full of hope and naivety. She's the one I think I feel for the most. She is sent out into a world that even an experienced adult would be hard pushed to find their way through......She does what is needed but the cost is high.
    Solarys, the Knight, is a wary warrior. He's seen and done things that nobody should have to but still he does his duty to protect his people and honour his God.
    Melèbrand, the Necromancer, for all the evil he has done, has a weakness where caelesta is's almost bittersweet.

I would love an epilogue to help fully close the book so to speak......unless L. Alyssa Austin is going to treat us to a follow up?

Orestin's Own is a solid 4 out of 5 for me. The right level of detail, good characters and good continuity, no random jumps that make you wonder what's happening.
The Humans
The Humans
Jonny Marx | 2020 | Children, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is truly stunning! I absolutely adored the artwork. This book tells us about humans, that there are so many different types of humans depending on the area people lived throughout the centuries. This book explains different civilisations from all over the world. It tells the reader how these civilisations influenced the modern world, what they created and how they lived in that particular time and place. The reader is also able to learn about famous people from that civilisation or the names of the Gods they worshipped.

The information is very easy to digest, and it is not overbearing with writing. I have been taught a very limited amount at school about ancient civilisations, that is why I really liked the opportunity to learn more from this book, even though I am an adult. I love how this book is designed. It is pretty big, and the pages are made out of thick card paper, so I am pretty sure, that this book will last quite a long time. 🙂

So, to conclude, if your little one likes history, and is curious to learn more about humans from different times and places, this book is perfect! The illustrations are absolutely fabulous, and I know my nephews will like it. I hope you will give this book a go, and like me, will be able not only to teach the young ones but will learn something new yourself.
The Secret of Shadow Ranch
The Secret of Shadow Ranch
Carolyn Keene | 1965 | Children, Mystery
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Is the Ranch Haunted?
It’s summer, and Nancy has been invited to spend it with her best friends Bess Marvin and George Fayne on the ranch their uncle Ed and aunt Bet have just bought in Arizona. However, she has barely landed when she learns that things aren’t going well on the ranch. Someone is trying to drive the new owners off the land with acts of sabotage, most of which are foreshadowed by a phantom horse. There is a legend that an old outlaw cursed the ranch, but Nancy thinks the culprits are more modern and very real. Can she figure out what is going on and why?

This may be the fifth book in the series, but this is the first time we are seeing Bess and George, Nancy’s usual sleuthing companions. They jump right in here for another action-packed story. The general plot outline is fairly obvious early on, including a massive coincidence in the story, but that didn’t keep me from turning pages as quickly as I could. As an adult I find the characters thinner than I remember, but we still like them enough to care about the outcome. Since the book was last updated in the 1950’s, some of the language is a little dated (it even stopped me a little), but I doubt it will slow down today’s kids as they race to see how Nancy will piece together this fun mystery.
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The Queen Con (The Golden Arrow Mysteries Book 2)
The Queen Con (The Golden Arrow Mysteries Book 2)
Meghan Scott Molin | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Overly complicated
I wasn't keen on the first book in this series, but it got me just about intrigued enough to want to read the second. And sadly I liked this one even less than the first.

Fortunately MG was a much more bearable character in this book, although still fairly irritating - her actions and emotions are very childlike and not fitting for a grown adult. Calling her car the "Millennium Turd" drove me crazy. But at least her relationship with Matteo wasnt quite as prominent and frustrating. The problem with this book though is the plot. It's just ridiculous and overly complicated. I felt so confused trying to figure out what was going on and to me it was an entirely unnecessary sequel. A standalone story in the same setting would have been a much better idea rather than trying to link it too much into the plot from the first book.

Also the reveal about who the Golden Arrow is comes right at the end of the book and to be frank, I saw this coming from early on in the first book and I was aghast at how the characters in the book didnt see it coming. I've also already spotted the twist that any future books will throw up about this reveal, so it was rather a let down overall. I only bothered to read it as it was free on Kindle Unlimited!