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Lost Children Archive
Lost Children Archive
Valeria Luiselli | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a NetGalley book that I forgot I had, and ended up listening to with my Audible credit 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyway, I thought it lent itself really well to audio, particularly as the main adult characters, the mother and father, work in sound. The father creates soundscapes, and the mother interviews people.

The parents are clearly at odds with one another, both wanting to progress their careers in different ways. The father wants to make a soundscape of Apacheria where the last tribes had lived, and the mother wants to help a friend to find her lost children. They had been sent to the US with a coyote (a guide), had been found and sent to a detention centre - but they had subsequently gone missing. The mother discovers that these lone children have been disappearing on this journey for a long time.

The lost children hits close to home when the parents own children go missing.

I really enjoyed this. I loved how the two stories - the journey of the children, and that of the children in the mothers book who are being smuggled from Mexico - were intertwined. I enjoyed the way that the narratives swapped between the mother, the boy and the immigrant children, although the lines often became blurred between reality and the mothers novel.

It is in parts both devastating and informative, particularly in the times that we live in. This isn’t an easy book, but its well worth the read.
McElligot’s Pool
McElligot’s Pool
Dr. Seuss | 1947 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You Never Know What You’ll Find in McElligot’s Pool
The book opens with Marco, the protagonist from To Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, fishing in a pond on the McElligot’s farm. He’s warned that there’s nothing in the pond but junk that people have thrown away. Marco, however, takes a more fanciful outlook on the pool. After all, maybe it’s connected to the sea but a tunnel no one knows about. And, if that’s the case, you never know exactly what you could catch.

This early book from Dr. Seuss is imagination on display. The heart of the book is Marco’s fish stories, which go from the plausible to the outlandish and back again. It’s fun. The rhymes could be a bit better, and the book does feel a bit repetitive, but I remember enjoying this one as a kid, and it still has charm rereading it as an adult. This is early Dr. Seuss, so the illustrations are very detailed pen and ink, some in color and some not. Yes, this is one of the recently banned books. It is banned takes to one page that features Marco’s imaginative take on Eskimo fish. Yes, the drawings on that page are caricatures, but the entire book is filled with caricatures. They fit right in. While this isn’t one of Dr. Seuss’s best books, it is a shame that it won’t be around to spark the imagination of future generations.