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IA: The Origin Novels (Books 1-3)
IA: The Origin Novels (Books 1-3)
John Darryl Winston | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The IA novels are one of the strongest 'young adult' science fiction series I've read, and this edition combines the trilogy so far plus a novella. Since the reader will want to keep reading from the first page though all 3.5 books this seems like an opportunity that's hard to pass up.

The origin story involves Naz, a teenage boy who lives with his sister and aunt in the Exclave, a ghetto suburb of a large city. Naz is unusual in two ways - he can't remember anything before two years ago and he sometimes hears voices in his head. He doesn't like to draw attention though so keeps his head down and looks after his sister.

After an incident on the way to school, things start to change. He grows as a person and also begins to discover his past, and his potential for the future. Just perhaps one person can make a difference. As he continues on his journey it becomes clear that he may not be entirely on his own.

The stories are set in a near future, with the Exclave being a rather grim backdrop for a tale that concentrates on character. There are light touches of what could be termed science fiction throughout, both with Naz's backstory and in the world around him. The hero shows very real weaknesses and flaws as well as strengths as he battles through bullying, fitting in to new environments, love and loss.

Winston is an extremely talented author and these stories demonstrate why novels termed 'young adult' are frequently worthy of being read by an older audience. The character development shows a strong arc for all the main players - and even the bit parts are memorable.

If you are looking for a strong series of books that will keep you thinking and entertained long after you have finished the last page, this fits the bill to a tee.
The Lovely and the Lost
The Lovely and the Lost
Jennifer Lynn Barnes | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original title: Lost Causes
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

The Lovely and the Lost is the first novel I read by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. Considering she published almost 30 novels in genres I often read, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and Young Adult, that is surprising.

In it, we are introduced to the Bennett family. Cady, the mother, is one of the best search and rescuers who also trains search and rescue dogs. Her son is Jude and her adopted daughter, Kira, was found by Cady in the woods many years ago. Rounding out the family is Phoebe, who prefers to be called Free, the 3rd in the teen's close-knit trio. The story focuses on a search and rescue and gives some detail on how to tray search and rescue dogs. All of the teens work with the dogs and are training to be search and rescuers.

The Young Adult novel is well thought out and well-written. The characters are flawed, show their limitations, their strengths, and feel real. While it would be enjoyable for all readers of YA, I feel middle school students would enjoy it the most.

I will definitely read one of Jennifer Lynn Barnes's series. As of 6/17/19, Goodreads lists 7 series.

This review was published on on 6/17/19.

Becs (244 KP) rated The Cast in Books

Oct 30, 2018  
The Cast
The Cast
Amy Blumenfeld | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A generally breathtaking novel that will leave you wanting more of The Cast's story.
A generally breathtaking novel that will leave you wanting more of The Cast's story.

I was tremendously astounded with how much I loved this novel. It was a lot different from what I've read before and honestly, I don't think I've read a lot of Adult Fiction. This was a 'breath of fresh air while also maintaining a serious undertone' read. Serious topics were talked about and honestly pulled at each and every heartstring, allowing me to imagine myself going through exactly what The Cast went through. The Cast was a different read because of the characters being of a Jewish community, so it was fun to see how that played out and developed with some of the characters. Honestly, all of the Hebrew really intrigued me. I definitely recommend to those who want a bit different of a read.

You can find the full review on my blog at Bookingway Reads
Well written. (0 more)
Sad it is over. (0 more)
What a story
Lyra and Pan's journey, and the characters they meet along the way, ranks as one of my favourite works of fiction. The descriptions, the details and varied points of view, make this an engaging and compelling read. I have to say, it was not easy to put down.
The changes the first film made were not good (as proved by the lack of sequels) though it had some great casting. The new series looked promising, but since I read the books bacķ in 2010, I think I will have to revisit them soon!

This magical coming of age story was so lovely, I gave the hardback trilogy to my 9 year old niece who loved it, and has been loving fantasy since!
I recommend this for the hitting puberty audience, since that is a strong theme throughout, but an adult with a love of the genre would love it too!.
Before She Was Helen
Before She Was Helen
Caroline B. Cooney | 2020 | Mystery
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

Having read Caroline B. Cooney's Janie Johnson series, which many people call The Face on the Milk Carton series, I was thrilled to read her latest novel, Before She Was Helen.

While Cooney is well-known for her YA novels, Before She Was Helen, is not categorized as young adult, but as adult fiction. Her main character is Clemmie, a still-working but living in a retirement community teacher, who intentionally built a bland and quiet life for herself. Everything changes when she does a wellness check on her next-door neighbor. She photographs a stunning and beautiful object. Thinking her family would enjoy it, she shares the photo with them. The picture quickly makes its rounds on the internet, and Clemmie's life changes in a blink, and all her carefully kept secrets are threatened.

For anyone who has read Cooney, you can identify her writing style. Her words word flow in an easy and distinct manner. It is as if she writes how she talks and does not change her vernacular or style. Reading Before She Was Helen was like reading a familiar book that I never read before.

Goodreads does not list any other books set for publication as of yet.

This 200-word review was published on on 9/8/20.
Dark Aemilia (UK Edition)
Dark Aemilia (UK Edition)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I received Dark Aemilia from a Goodreads give away. All I can say is how lucky I was to receive such a good book, that otherwise I likely would not have taken a second glance at. This is a beautifully written piece of historical fiction. Which at its core, is a love story, between Aemilia Bassano and William Shakespeare. How their love blossomed and through many external factors was pulled apart. The book is laid out in acts and scenes like a play and tells the story from Aemilia point of view. I enjoyed being submerged in the Tudor London at the end of Elizabeth I reign. This book completely grabbed me from the start and had I had more free time I am sure I would have read this book in a day or two.

Unfortunately as I haven’t ever read historical fiction before I don’t really have any point of reference for comparison. But what I will say is that I thoroughly enjoyed how realistic this book felt, but still was able to bring in completely fictitious elements of magic and witchcraft. Sam O’Reilly has managed to bring in these elements, which appealed to my love of fantasy, without being over the top. I particularly enjoyed the time when London was under the grips of the plague and thought it was just so well written and explained. At no point did I feel lost in descriptions, I was there, with Aemilia and that poor woman just couldn’t catch a break.

There is ‘mature content’ it is an adult story of love, so yes there is sex. I personally have no issue with this and believe it to be an integral addition to this story. It is done well and doesn’t feel forced or overdone. I am struggling to put into words how much I enjoyed this book, I will read it again and I would recommend it. I will now even consider reading other historical fiction that I had not thought I would enjoy.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Break of Dark in Books

Aug 2, 2019  
Break of Dark
Break of Dark
Robert Westall | 1982 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I must have been 12 or 13 when I first read this, and back then part of the fun came from the sense that these actually felt like adult stories, for all the book is advertised as being basically YA fiction: quite apart from the substantial quantities of profanity and sex, many the characters aren't typical YA identification figures: middle-aged seaside policemen, earnest young vicars, suburban couples, and so on. These are still hugely readable and satisfying stories even now many decades later.

But what are they about? Well, there are two stories of ghosts (a haunted Wellington bomber during the second world war, and a rather stranger tale of an unwitting medium), two of very atypical alien visitations (a cautionary tale of a young hitch-hiker, and a blackly comic one concerning a spate of peculiar crimes in a small resort town), and one of an inner-city vicar who stumbles onto something very creepy in the crypt of his church. All of them are engagingly and skilfully written, and immaculately paced. Good reads for all ages.
Ginny & Georgia
Ginny & Georgia
2021 | Comedy, Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
A lot of representation. (1 more)
Georgia's character is very interesting
Representation of minors in the show is a little bit off tbh (0 more)
I enjoyed it a lot.
The show in itself is a very fun watch, The adult characters are interesting, their backstories are gripping, they are relatable in many ways... and yet, somehow, they got the representation of teenagers very wrong. Ginny acts unlike any fifteen year old I have ever met.

I understand though that as a piece of fiction, it does not always have to be realistic nor does it ever state that it is. I just think that the teenagers in this show are not only annoying as all hell, they act like pretentious adults.

In my opinion the best character is Georgia. Knowing what we know by the end of the show all the mysterious puzzle pieces about Georgia's past and her present fall in place and it all makes a ton more sense.

I would recommend this show to people who like mysteries, purely because this show is drenched in mystery. I think it's worth a try,

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Flawed in Books

May 25, 2017  
Cecelia Ahern | 2016 | Children
8.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Author's new direction
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Cecelia Ahern is the well-known Irish author of contemporary women’s fiction, particularly P.S. I Love You. However, Ahern has decided to branch out and has penned her first dystopian, young adult novel, Flawed. It is dubious when an author, who is loved for her work, changes their style, but it appears she has pulled it off.

Seventeen-year-old Celestine is a logical girl who is soon to learn she lives in an illogical world. In an attempt to create a perfect society, citizens must avoid making moral or ethical mistakes; otherwise they will be branded as Flawed. And branded means literal branding with a hot iron, there is no hiding the fact that they have flaws. Celestine, like everyone else, has been brainwashed into believing that Flawed people should be avoided and do not deserve the same privileges as the “perfect” people. However, after seeing an elderly Flawed man choking on a bus, her logical brain kicks in and goes to help him. Big mistake.

After finding herself accused of being Flawed, Celestine reaslises how corrupt society is, yet there is nothing she can do about it without enduring further punishment. Despite her bleak outlook on her future, her hopes begin to rise when she discovers that there are people on her side – people that want rid of the government that disciplines people when they should not be punished in the first place.

As a reader of Ahern’s previous works and a fan of dystopian fiction, I honestly did not expect Flawed to be any good. Ahern has proved she has the talent to write women’s fiction, but this book was a complete contrast. The first few chapters of the novel were admittedly a bit shaky. It did not look promising. Yet eventually Ahern found her flow and produced a pretty good young adult novel.

When I saw the title, Flawed, I immediately assumed it would be a book about physical appearance and was hesitant about reading it. Therefore I was pleasantly surprised when this was not the case at all. The concept is fresh and original and does not become apocalyptical like many other dystopian fictions.

How the majority will receive this book is difficult to say. Fans of Cecelia Ahern may be disappointed by her change in genre. Fans of dystopia may be put off by the author’s previous novels. I urge readers to approach this story with an open mind; you may be pleasantly surprised. Flawed will not look out of place amongst other books of similar themes, and for those who do enjoy it, there will be a sequel, Perfect, next year.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Flawed in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
Cecelia Ahern | 2016 | Children
8.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Cecelia Ahern is the well-known Irish author of contemporary women’s fiction, particularly <i>P.S. I Love You.</i> However, Ahern has decided to branch out and has penned her first dystopian, young adult novel, <i>Flawed</i>. It is dubious when an author, who is loved for her work, changes their style, but it appears she has pulled it off.

Seventeen-year-old Celestine is a logical girl who is soon to learn she lives in an illogical world. In an attempt to create a perfect society, citizens must avoid making moral or ethical mistakes; otherwise they will be branded as Flawed. And branded means literal branding with a hot iron, there is no hiding the fact that they have flaws. Celestine, like everyone else, has been brainwashed into believing that Flawed people should be avoided and do not deserve the same privileges as the “perfect” people. However, after seeing an elderly Flawed man choking on a bus, her logical brain kicks in and goes to help him. Big mistake.

After finding herself accused of being Flawed, Celestine reaslises how corrupt society is, yet there is nothing she can do about it without enduring further punishment. Despite her bleak outlook on her future, her hopes begin to rise when she discovers that there are people on her side – people that want rid of the government that disciplines people when they should not be punished in the first place.

As a reader of Ahern’s previous works and a fan of dystopian fiction, I honestly did not expect <i>Flawed</i> to be any good. Ahern has proved she has the talent to write women’s fiction, but this book was a complete contrast. The first few chapters of the novel were admittedly a bit shaky. It did not look promising. Yet eventually Ahern found her flow and produced a pretty good young adult novel.

When I saw the title, <i>Flawed</i>, I immediately assumed it would be a book about physical appearance and was hesitant about reading it. Therefore I was pleasantly surprised when this was not the case at all. The concept is fresh and original and does not become apocalyptical like many other dystopian fictions.

How the majority will receive this book is difficult to say. Fans of Cecelia Ahern may be disappointed by her change in genre. Fans of dystopia may be put off by the author’s previous novels. I urge readers to approach this story with an open mind; you may be pleasantly surprised. <i>Flawed</i> will not look out of place amongst other books of similar themes, and for those who do enjoy it, there will be a sequel, <i>Perfect</i>, next year.