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Kyera (8 KP) rated Warcross in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Marie Lu | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn't know too much about the premise before I started the book beyond frequent comparisons to Ready Player One and it being about a hacker/gamer - which I think was a good thing. I didn't go into it with any expectations (especially because I have never read Ready Player one) and came out fantastically entertained.

The world in which we find ourselves is a more advanced version of the one that we are familiar with. Virtual or augmented reality has made a technological leap due to the creation of Hideo Tanaka. The sleeker AR/VR glasses make the experience more user-friendly and the game Warcross has exploded across the globe. Each year there are Warcross Championships, which pit teams of the best players (and some wild cards) against one another.

Although Emika is a gamer and hacker she is forced to turn to a life of bounty hunting to support herself, and even that is not enough. She is days away from being kicked out of her apartment and with $13 to her name, she takes the biggest risk of her life and hacks the Warcross Championships. This one act flips her entire world upside down and sets the rest of the story in motion.

Emika is a very relatable character, despite her criminal record, incredible hacking skills, and ingenuity. She has an incredible love for her father, a strong backbone and the tenacity to do what is necessary. Emika's character has a nice balance so that she is not incompetent, but she is also not the perfect chosen one, she is an incredible hacker, but she is not infallible, etc.

Hideo, on the other hand, is a genius and innovator. At first glance, he seems aloof and professional, but there is a real person with emotions once you get to know him. I really enjoyed watching him open up over the course of the book and get more of his backstory. Lu brilliantly weaves the stories into both character's narratives so that we are able to see the events and people that made them who they are today.

The story was fast-paced and the Warcross games were so vibrantly described that it felt as if you were genuinely watching them. The world was slowly but surely populated, from the buildings and city streets we may be familiar with to the addition of virtual reality advertisements and signage, an underground black market, and more.

Even the game of Warcross itself was a really interesting aspect of the story. Although the game seems simple, there are limitless ways to manipulate and change the game as it is being played. It is an intense game similar to Capture the Flag, in that teams must capture the other's artifact but power-ups, changing landscapes and team members with special skills make the game infinitely more enjoyable to read about.

While the ending likely won't be a complete surprise, the overall motivations and events that lead up to the final pages will hit you hard. You're so invested in the characters and the world that any reveals will make you wonder (and need to know) what happens next. I definitely didn't want to leave the world that Lu had built, so I am incredibly pleased that there will be more books in this series. There is so much that she can add to the story, the world and I can't wait to see where she goes with it next.

I highly recommend this book to young adult/teen readers even you don't consider yourself a gamer or think you will relate. This is a very accessible book that many will enjoy (plus that cover is gorgeous, right?)

Louise (64 KP) rated Camp Midnight in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Camp Midnight
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an advanced readers copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Skye is on her way to her fathers house for the summer, since the seperation of her parents she spends the holidays with him while her doctor mother travels to Rwanda. Skye really hates staying with her father and not because she doesn’t love him, it’s the evil step-mother (Gayle) or in Skye’s terms step-monster! Skye’s father, step -monster and even mother have a suprise in-store, instead of staying with her dad she is to go to Summer Camp! To Skye this is worse than staying with the Step-monster, but to make her father happy she agrees to go. Only when they arrive at the station they are very late and buses are starting to leave, in haste her father sees the bus ‘Camp Midnight’ and informs Skye thats her ride. Upon stepping on the bus Skye soon realises that some of these other kids are not normal and she is clearly on the wrong bus. She befriends Mia and they plan to stick together throughout their time at camp. Camp Midnight is full of witches, werewolves and other monsters of the night, Where the regime is to sleep through the day and wake at midnight. There are all sorts of activities which Skye is set that she is not participating, the group want her to reveal her inner monster but can she?

I enjoyed this book it was an easy quick read and humourous in places even when there were no words the pictures alone were comical (no pun intended) The writing text that was used was sometimes hard to read i.e. Mia looked a lot like Ma because it was so close together. I wasn’t a massive fan of the artwork it had a retro feel to it, the colours were mostly blue, red, orange and green but did complement the story well.

Skye obviously never took her parents separation well and with becoming a teenager, along comes the bitterness and sarcasm which is ineveitable in this stage of life. She is hostile towards her step mother and generally not a nice kid to be around. But true to its form a story like this would’t be worth telling if it didnt have, self discovery, friends, a love interest and also that can people can be different to what they appear to be.

Mia is the timid friend that Skye meets on the bus. Discovering that Mia has been here before and that she has enjoyed it they vow to stick with each other to ride the time out. Mia is very shy, appears to being picked on at the camp for being different and likes to be by herself but will not reveal her true-self to Skye as she believes that she will leave and once again become friendless.

The parents were just vulgar and neglectful, the step-mother was a bitch (sorry had to be said) and the father was easily persuaded by her and backed down and obeyed her demands like a dog…….THIS IS YOUR FRIGGIN KID FOR GOD SAKE!!!. Though I have to say, why is the step mum always evil? I know some great step mums! Annoying trope alert.

This book is not scary whatsoever, yes it has witches, werewolves and other mosters in there but the monster is used as a metaphor for teenagers, with them being confused of who they really are, moodswings etc etc….you get what I am getting at.

I would say this is for middle-grade to teens – it’s not scary but send out an important message.

Overall I rated this 3 stars
The Forgetting
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Here's a terrible way to approach a review: have almost nothing to say but few words (and here I thought I finally got over that little reviewing brain freeze I got early last year. This is going to become a bad habit, yes?). Nothing really negative, as I enjoyed reading The Forgetting, but saying, "I enjoyed the book" and leaving it at that just doesn't qualify. Someone would then most likely ask, "But why did you enjoy the book?"

I am, by no means, a fan of books that involve sex trafficking. It's a terrible thing and I really don't want to bother reading about the subject (if book club chooses a certain book from the Gateway Readers Award Nominees that's related to trafficking, I'm tucking my tail between my legs and running away).

Then again, I figured Nicole Maggi's The Forgetting would be something pretty different from other thrillers, seeing as a girl goes through a heart transplant and then suddenly starts losing some of her memories while gaining some memories of the heart's original owner. In order for Georgie to actually return back to her normal life from what she calls the "Catch" though, Georgie has to unravel how her new heart's owner really died before she loses all of her memories.
<blockquote>How could I have memories that didn’t belong to me? But they were there, as crystal clear as other memories I knew were mine.</blockquote>
The Forgetting faintly reminds me of a mystery show I once watched every Sunday on CBS (to which I forgot the name of, but it was always before the 10pm news), only this is just a one time thing and everything is back to normal completely (plus, I don't think that detective actually went through a transplant. More like a gut feeling. Either that, or he's a genius). It also reminded me a little of If I Stay and Where She Went, as Georgie spends a good part of the book panicking about not making into Julliard because its been her dream to go Julliard since she was a kid.
<blockquote>Would I graduate on time? Ace my Juilliard audition and start there in the fall?</blockquote>
But while Georgie seems to emphasize stressing and eventually questioning her decision to play the oboe for a lifetime after going (IF) to Julliard, it's very evenly balanced out and doesn't overshadow the overall plot of the book. (Though suddenly doing all the good stuff and whatnot is really odd unless Georgie does this on a daily basis... before the transplant.)

It is, however, pretty obvious that "Jane Doe" has unfinished business from early on in the book with the way the story plays out and how it was written (not that I mind). Some of the characters' actions do seem a little questionable – how does one not go after a person that's taking a file... and not leaving a print out? Or at least go on the hunt for the file? I mean, it's a government building! Seems a little odd they would actually let a file out and don't even try to get it back, unless it's in the future and therefore not part of the book (because what happens to Georgie after doesn't matter too much after she solves the mystery of Jane Doe's death).

Though The Forgetting is a little on the paranormal side (I haven't actually heard anything similar to Georgie's situation in real life), Maggi does convey the realities and horrors of trafficking through her latest book.
Advanced copy provided by the publisher for review
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Review originally posted at <a href=""></a>;
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    * Nominated for the prestigious Cybils Awards 2012 in the Books category * Best10APPS said: "The...