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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated The Raven Thief in Books

Jan 25, 2024 (Updated Jan 25, 2024)  
The Raven Thief
The Raven Thief
Gigi Pandian | 2023 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who Made the Impossible Possible?
Tempest Raj’s family’s specialty construction company has just finished a project for a family friend. Lavinia Kingsley wanted to redesign a space her ex-husband had used. She’s planning an open house followed by a séance, overseen by Tempest’s friend Sanjay, to ceremonially get her ex out of her life. However, when the lights come on in the middle of the séance, the group finds Lavinia’s ex’s very real body on the table in their midst. With the police looking at her grandfather, Tempest jumps into the case. But she realizes there are four impossible things that she needs to figure out in order to solve the case. Can she figure out not only who did it, but how?

I’m not sure why I didn’t get to this book sooner, but I’m glad I finally did. I was quickly hooked, and the locked room aspect really added to the plot. The complications and twists just made the book harder to put down, but I was completely satisfied when I turned the last page. I fell in love with the characters even more here, as well. We get some advancement to the overarching storyline related to Tempest’s family, which made me glad the next book is coming soon. There are even three recipes at the end. If you haven’t read this book yet, fix that today.
Death Washes Ashore
Death Washes Ashore
Caleb Wygal | 2021 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Death of a Gladiator
One morning Clark Thomas is awakened by a text from one of the detectives in town requesting his presence at a crime scene. The body of Connor West has washed up on the local state beach. Connor was the star of one of the local tourist attractions, a gladiator themed dinner and show.

Even after Clark is warned away from the case, he can’t help but dig into Connor’s life and his work at the Gladiator Games Dinner Show. With a face from his past as his way into the lives of those Clark wants to interview, can he figure out what happened?

I had an issue with how Clark got involved in the mystery here, but I put that aside and kept reading. The mystery was good with several strong suspects and twists along the way to a logical climax. I appreciated how Clark went about things in the climax, too. We also got to know him and a couple of characters better, although I feel like we have many who hardly had any page time. The writing could have used polish in several spots, but most of the time it was fine. There is a little advancement on the cliffhanger from the previous book, but we’ll have to keep reading to see where it goes next. Overall, this is a fun second book in the series.
The Jekyll Revelation
The Jekyll Revelation
Robert Masello | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I first laid eyes upon Robert Masello’s The Jekyll Revelation, I felt excitement. What could be better than combining Jekyll and Hyde with Jack the Ripper? In theory, nothing. Unless it’s this book. With an agonizingly slow advancement of plot and painfully dull characters, The Jekyll Revelation felt like a waste of my time. Thank god there was an audiobook accompaniment, or I wouldn’t have finished it.

The Jekyll Revelation goes back and forth in time, alternating between present day California where Rafe and Heidi (who vanishes halfway through the story, along with the repercussions for Rafe’s actions) patrol the desert and the past, where Robert Louis Stevenson, only just now writing his famed The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, is slowly dying from consumption. The latter portions are told in first person, as it is the recounting of Stevenson’s fictional life by journal. Many of these chapters could be removed and the book would be the same.

I guess it could be said that my biggest quarrel with this book is its slow progression. It isn’t until the final quarter of the novel that anything picks up, and by then the present is damn near irrelevant. Sure, there’s some loose ends that get tied up in the present, but it just feels hollow and empty.

Overall, I didn’t like this book. Fellow members of the #spookyfriendsbookclub seem to also have given it up, with only one member still reading it. I likely won’t be including Masello in future votes.
The Ghost Fields (Ruth Galloway, #7)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Archaeologist Ruth Galloway is back again, this time called on by Detective Chief Inspector Nelson to investigate a skeleton found in a World War II plane. Once Ruth realizes the dead man sitting in the plane couldn't actually have been the pilot (oh and he's been shot, too), things unfold quickly from there. Ruth and Nelson become ensnared with the upper class Blackstock family, who somehow become enmeshed in all aspects of Nelson's case and investigation. Further, a TV company decides to make a film about the case. This means a return of actor Frank Barker, who was looking to start a relationship with Ruth in the previous novel.

As I've said before, I absolutely love the Ruth Galloway series. I completely identify with Ruth, and I love the way Griffiths writes her - she's a smart, funny, modern woman and mother. This book in the series (#7!) doesn't disappoint. The mystery plot is snappy and intriguing, as we meet various Blackstocks and uncover their diverse motives. In much of the book, the weather is its own sub-plot, and it's done well. We get more character development/advancement with Ruth, Nelson, Nelson's wife Michelle, and Frank, along with the funny tidbits I've come to expect from Ruth (and Kate, who is growing up!). The entire book is cozy and familiar (I love how Ruth identifies with her car, for instance - so me!), yet propelled by a completely enjoyable and thrilling mystery. Can't go wrong with this one. I'm so looking forward to #8.