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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated Bronzed Betrayals in Books

Feb 13, 2021 (Updated Feb 13, 2021)  
Bronzed Betrayals
Bronzed Betrayals
Ritter Ames | 2018 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Unexpected Body in Laurel’s Room
Laurel Beacham and Jack Hawkes are enjoying a night out together. Well, that might be an exaggeration since they are at a party they aren’t enjoying. However, it provides the perfect cover for an art recovery that the two have planned. That recovery doesn’t go as planned, but the night really spins out of control when Laurel returns to her hotel room to find a dead body. She knows the victim, but who killed the person? Are they trying to frame Laurel?

As always with this series, I have to warn you not to jump in here. There are so many ongoing plot threads that you won’t fully appreciate what happens here if you do – not to mention the twists that will be spoiled from earlier books. Fans of the series will be very happy with this book. There is plenty of action to keep them glued to the page, and the advancement we get on the ongoing stories is satisfying. All this while providing us with a beginning, middle, and end to the story told here. I went into the book thinking that this was the final book of the series, but clearly that won’t be the case with the plot threads that were left open and the cliffhanger we get. Meanwhile, the characters are showing some maturity, which I enjoyed. When you are in the mood for a cozy caper, I highly recommend this series. If you are already a fan, you’ll enjoy this chapter in Laurel’s story.
Digging Up the Remains
Digging Up the Remains
Julia Henry | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Which Story Got a Reporter Killed?
Fall has arrived in Goosebush, Massachusetts, and Lilly Jayne is busy with the two weekend fall festival. Kicking things off is a 10K through town. Lilly and her friends Delia and Roddy are making sure the path is clear before the race starts when the find the body of reporter Tyler Crane partially buried in a pile of leaves. Tyler hasn’t been in town long, but he’s made several people upset as he has dug to uncover family secrets. He was teasing new stories coming soon. Was one of those the reason he was murdered?

I really enjoyed getting to visit these characters again. Lilly leads a large and diverse cast of characters, and they are all charming. They are also distinct, so it is easy to keep them all straight. The book reintroduces us to the characters and town while introducing Tyler and the suspects. The pacing is a bit off early on, but the time is being put to good use as it sets up the mystery. Once Tyler is found dead, we are off with suspects as strong as the main characters and many secrets for Lilly and the others to uncover before we reach the climax. Meanwhile, we get some advancement in storylines introduced in earlier books. I suspect we’ve got some seeds that will bloom in future books here as well. I wish I could garden as well as the characters in this series, but I can dream while I read these fun mysteries.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated Forbidden City in Books

Mar 2, 2022 (Updated Mar 2, 2022)  
Forbidden City
Forbidden City
James Ponti | 2022 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spying and Chess
While on a recent mission, Paris discovered some bonus intel, and that turns out to be a valuable find. It leads MI6 to believe that the evil organization Umbra is going to kidnap one of North Korea’s nuclear scientists. If MI6 wants to get him to defect first, they need to find a way to approach him. Given North Korea’s secrecy and security, that won’t be easy. However, the scientist’s son is a top chess player, and he is planning to enter a couple of international tournaments. So Paris tries to upgrade his own chess skills so he can join the tournaments. Will Paris and the rest of the team be able to make contact with the scientist? Is he even interested in defecting?

Having enjoyed the first two in this series, I was looking forward to this book, and I wasn’t disappointed. This book is Paris’s time to shine, but all the other characters get their own smaller moments, and I continue to love their relationships. We get some surprising advancement on one series plot thread, although others are only mentioned in passing. I do feel like the other books in the series had a bit more action, but with all the angles the teams uses to approach their mission, I was never bored. We get a few laughs along the way, and even when we aren’t laughing, it’s just fun to be around the characters. Fans will enjoy this latest book. I’m already looking forward to their next mission.