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Darren Fisher (2447 KP) rated The Boogey Man (1980) in Movies

Dec 12, 2020 (Updated Dec 13, 2020)  
The Boogey Man (1980)
The Boogey Man (1980)
1980 | Horror
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
"It begins with a horrifying killing and then starts to get bloody!"
The Boogeyman is an uneven state of affairs.
The first and third parts are enjoyable enough. The beginning sets up a promising menacing vibe which gets totally destroyed in the tedious middle section. Bad pacing means that it never regains the creepy mood it sets out to achieve. The third part goes all out crazy in an attempt to regain some kudos but it's all a little too late.
On the plus side, the kills are pretty good and mostly inventive, and the hokey special effects are certainly fun to watch. But the best thing about the film is Tim Krogs incredibly moody synth score. Using various analogue synthesizers, digital delay and reversed-tape effects, Krogs score is an eerie masterpiece that will stay with you longer than the film will.

The Boogeyman was placed on the UK's DPP list in 1984, but was later re-released on the Vipco label in 1992 in a cut form. In 2000 it was released uncut.
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