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The Neighbors
The Neighbors
Hannah Mary McKinnon | 2018 | Mystery, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You never know who will move in next door...
Hannah Mary McKinnon’s second novel, The Neighbors, is a domestic drama that explores past, lost, and present loves and what happens when they all collide.

They say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but what about your exes? Most people seem keen on keeping their exes as far away as possible. That’s a little hard to do when your ex happens to be your new next door neighbor. When Abby’s old flame, Liam, moves into the house next door she knows she’s in trouble. Both she and Liam are married to other people; however, the flame that existed between them has never fully burnt out. Thus, thing are bound to get messy.

Told in alternating points of view between Abby, her husband Nate, her teenage daughter Sarah, and Liam’s wife Nancy, this novel explores the traumatic events that have shaped Abby’s past and how they influence what is happening in the present day. The author doesn’t shy away from using heartbreak and dismay to highlight love affairs that have been and shouldn’t have been. At once suspenseful and sorrowful, The Neighbors explores the complexities of relationships and the consequences of withholding the truth from those you love.
Ratcatcher (Matthew Hawkwood, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this book up for something like 99p in a Clearance sale in my local WH Smiths, and I have to say: it actually proved to be a better read than many other books that I've paid full price for.

Set during the late Regency period, this is the era of the Napoleonic Wars, Affairs of Honour (i.e. forbidden duels), Highwaymen and the Bow Street Runners. Starting with the robbery of a coach, this builds up into a plot surrounding a (historically correct) invention that agents of France hope to use against Great Britain to swing the balance of power in their favour. Matthew Hawkwood - the hero of the tale - is a former army officer from the Rifle Corps, who now works as one of the Bow Street Runners (few in number, and who have since been called London's first professional police force), who is initially charged with investigating this robbery. While I did find elements of the plot to be obvious - one reveal, in particular, I saw coming from about a mile away - there is still plenty to enjoy in the novel.

Based on this one, I may be convinced pick up a few more of the sequels ...