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The Prey of Gods
The Prey of Gods
Nicky Drayden | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well written, diverse characters, super unique plot (0 more)
Amazeballs. Bananapants. Just WOW! All accurate descriptions of my feelings about this book. To say the plot is extraordinarily unique would be an understatement. I can honestly say I have never read anything quite like it and I mean that in the best way possible. A crab and a dolphin in flagrante delicto? Sure, why not?

Set in Africa in the future, it features a cast of wonderfully diverse characters, whose DNA is altered through the use of a new designer drug allowing them to tap into divine superpowers they never knew they had, allied with newly sentient household robots, in a fight to save the world from an evil ancient demigoddess. Sounds wild, right? That’s because it is. It is also 100% pure greatness, not from concentrate.

This isn’t a book that eases you into its craziness. It begins with the preparation of a circumcision to be followed by a celebratory party. Within the first chapter we find out about the whole crab and dolphin thing. (Sorry y’all, trying to avoid spoilers here lol.) I enjoyed seeing this particular romance develop and unfold throughout the story, in such a strange world it was a refreshing spot of sweet and normal. Well, as normal as it could be in this book lol. I also liked seeing the way the author brought sentience to the robots and how they even developed their own personalities and loyalties. There honestly wasn’t anything I didn’t like about this. The numerous threads and subplots were each well developed and expertly woven together into a cohesive story, the characters were just awesome, the world building and mythology were well done and easy to imagine, the writing style and pacing had me hooked from page one. It’s just really well done on every level.

By far the most original and compelling book I’ve read so far this year. Nicky Drayden is definitely an author to watch! Highly recommended; two super enthusiastic thumbs up; five solid sun-sized stars!
A Single Source
A Single Source
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Veteran BBC reporter William Carver is in Cairo, bang in the middle of the Arab Spring. 'The only story in the world' according to his editor. But it isn't.
There's another story, more significant and potentially more dangerous, and if no one else is willing to tell it, then Carver will - whatever the consequences.
A Single Source tells two stories, which over a few tumultuous months come together to prove inextricably linked. There are the dramatic, world-changing events as protests spread across North Africa and the Middle East, led by a new generation of tech-savvy youngsters challenging the corrupt old order. And then there are two Eritrean brothers, desperate enough to risk everything to make their way across the continent to a better life in Europe.
The world is watching, but its attention span is increasingly short. Carver knows the story is a complex one and, in the age of Facebook, Twitter and rolling news, difficult stories are getting harder to tell. If everyone is a reporter, then who do you believe?

I have to say this book was a complete departure from the types of books I've been reading recently.
A Single Source is set in 2011 in a time that came to be known as the Arab Spring. Carver and his producer Patrick are in Cairo’s Tahrir Square to report on the January 25th uprising. There are three strands to the story the one set in Egypt, another revolving around the foreign office and the third set in Eritrea. Gradually these three strands are woven together..
A slow starter which I found very difficult to get into maybe because this is not my usual type of reading material.
This book is well written and descriptive and the author has done a lot of work and research.
Unfortunately just not my cup of tea but do recommend if political thrillers is what you like.

Many thanks to the publisher and Net Galley for the opportunity to review this book.

Review copied to Amazon UK but link not available yet.
The Girl Who Smiled Beads: A Story of War and What Comes After
The Girl Who Smiled Beads: A Story of War and What Comes After
Clemantine Wamariya | 2018 | Biography, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Must Read and Good one to Discuss.
It’s not an easy subject to write and review about. What can you really say about it when it’s filled with tragedy, mass displacement, and human suffering. It’s definitely an eye opener and if you’re wanting a book to read and discuss this would be an ideal one.

What is prevalent all throughout the novel is Clemantine’s feeling of displacement and how she’s not really entire ‘whole’ or she’s never really had a place to call ‘home’ considering all she’s been through. She’s gone through various countries through Africa only to be displaced time after time. It’s emotionally jarring and to even think that Clemantine was only a child during this period would be traumatizing to any child exposed to this world.

I find the book interesting and shows how her behavior is like once she moves to the US. Clemantine constantly seeks new opportunities but it feels as if she’s doing so to learn more about herself or to constantly fill herself so she can feel wholesome. Every time she accomplishes something, she goes out to do more. It’s never ending. It’s an admirable trait if you look from another perspective but if you don’t know her real background, you would assume she’s a normal, overachieving teenager.

Claire’s strength is admirable throughout the story. Despite all the chaos going around her, she is constantly trying to improve so she can get out with Clemantine. The sad part is, because of what was happening around them, they didn’t really have the chance to be actual sisters. Claire looked out for everyone, Clemantine stayed home and held the fort.

No matter how hard you try you can’t really put yourself in their perspective. You can’t really know how it is until you’re actually there experiencing it too (and no one wants that obviously) you can only wish Clemantine and her family will continue to lead on successful and fulfilling lives like they rightly deserve just like everyone else.
All My Friends - Single by Col3man
All My Friends - Single by Col3man
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Armen Paul is an NYC-based singer-songwriter from Boston, Massachusetts. Col3man is an electronic producer who grew up in Heber City, Utah. Not too long ago, they released an introspective dance tune, entitled, “All My Friends”.

“Can’t walk on water, never figured it out. Waves break like me and you. Wade in my worries, but I’m human to doubt, feel you in every mood when I’m angry. I get down on my myself and I get anxious when I need help.” – lyrics

‘All My Friends’ tells an interesting tale of a depressed young man who prays for someone to call his phone.

Apparently, he’s not strong mentality, but somehow he blindly makes it through the day.

‘All My Friends’ contains a relatable storyline, harmonious vocals, and vibey instrumentation flavored with a futuristic blend of indie-pop and electronic elements.

“My friend Col3man and I wrote this song in hopes of helping to erase some of the social stigmas around talking about depression and suicide. It can be challenging to approach friends, family, or professionals and ask for help, but talking about it is often the healthiest way of coping. There is always someone out there willing to listen. We hope this song helps others be the person to reach out and offer help or alternatively, be the person who asks for help. Both efforts take a tremendous amount of courage and they can be life-changing.” – Armen Paul

Armen Paul’s silky falsetto and shimmering vibrato coupled with his subtle grit and soulful melodies create a beautiful musical atmosphere. Not too long ago, the bubbly entertainer appeared on the television show, The X-Factor.

Greggory “Col3man” Ellis has been making a name by creating a unique blend of urban and electronic music.

After touring Africa and Europe as a concert pianist in high school, he found his love for production and dance music.
I can't tell you how precious the Bradford family is. A history of heartache, bonds that no one can beak, loyalty, love, forgiveness...As we learn more about the sisters and the family, we come to see that even though these are fictional characters, God's plans can take even the worst situations and turn them into good for His glory.

It was interesting reading Willow and Corbin's story because although the details were vastly different, my husband and I have a similar story. We dated for a while, broke up, I moved to Africa and he went off to boot camp...But God wasn't done with us yet. Through God's grace and forgiveness, He brought us back together and we are now going on 7 years of marriage. 😍 Corbin and Willow go through so much in this book. Willow's battle with unforgiveness (not only for Corbin but for herself) is something that I think many of us can relate to. We know God forgives us, but can we forgive ourselves? Can we truly believe that our loving Father wants to BLESS us with immeasurable joy? Or do we think we are unworthy of such love?

I love that Becky Wade infuses her stories with a bit of mystery alongside the romance. I love trying to solve the problems alongside the characters. She writes her stories in such a way that you just HAVE to read ONE more chapter!!!

Set in my home state, I love the setting she chose for Bradfordwood. It's truly a beautiful area. Even if it is the "rainy" side. LOL!

Filled with Biblical truths, heartache, mystery, romance, and forgiveness, Falling for You will sweep you off your feet and I pray open your eyes of the love and forgiveness that our heavenly Father carries for us all. YES....even you!

I received a complimentary copy of Falling for You from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Krinar Experiment
The Krinar Experiment
Charmaine Pauls | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Krinar Experiment (Krinar Kindle World) by Charmaine Pauls
The Krinar Experiment is the first book in the Krinar Kindle World that I have tried, simply because I am a big fan of Charmaine Pauls. It is a complete standalone, you do not have to have any prior knowledge of the Krinar before you start reading this book.

Drako is a Krina, entering Earth's atmosphere for the first time, and his pod wasn't up to dealing with earth's atmosphere. He loses his invisibility, and then crash-lands in the middle of a sports stadium in South Africa. He is captured by the Secret Service and tortured. They call Ilse in to heal him, as they have plans that don't include him dying. The attraction between Drako and Ilse is instantaneous, but there is a big (read MASSIVE) misunderstanding between Ilse and Drako. This eventually leads him to kidnapping her... and I'll let you read the rest for yourself.

Now, I'm going to be perfectly honest here - I love Sci-Fi Romances, and I love Charmaine Pauls, but I didn't love this book. I enjoyed it, yes, but I didn't love it. Why? Well, for a start, that misunderstanding I mentioned? Yep, it's a biggie, but Drako acts like a jerk about it, and refuses to hear anything that Ilse has to say. Also, the things that he does is borderline dub-con, but is given the approval because she gets wet, and then asks for it. I've read dub-con before and never had an issue with it, but something about this just sat wrong with me.

There is an amazing amount of detail in this book, but you are never overloaded. With good characters, and bad, there is someone for everyone. There are no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and I did thoroughly enjoy this story. I would be happy to read more in this series, and definitely recommend it for those who want more from this world.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
L.A. - Single by Kyan
L.A. - Single by Kyan
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Kyan is a singer-songwriter and producer from Cambridge, England. Not too long ago, he released a music video for his “L.A.” single, which was shot in South Africa.

“I came across an incredible self-portraiture photographer, Danielle Terblance, on Instagram. I had had this video concept in the back of my head for a while to create a narrative around a series of still images. We created it using 500 photographs, edited down from the 4,000 we took over the two shoot days. The piece follows my character as a fallen angel, attempting to navigate his way through the South African landscape back to The City of Angels (L.A.).” – Kyan

‘L.A.’ tells an interesting tale of a young guy with an aching heart who relocates to L.A to get his mind right.

Apparently, he tries his best to cope with life after experiencing an emotional breakup with his ex-girlfriend. Even though L.A. is five thousand miles away from where she stays, he can’t seem to get her out of his mind.

Later, he admits that he’s been lying on a sofa for a week. Also, in his mind, she’s everywhere he goes and in everything he knows. Therefore, he realizes that he needs her in his life.

‘L.A.’ contains a bittersweet storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with sentimental elements.

“The narrative concept came from my personal experience of traveling to L.A. after a breakup with my long-term girlfriend and record label. I’d always viewed L.A. as this distant, shining beacon of dreams and opportunity. Then, all of a sudden, I was going there under really difficult circumstances. Due to the breakups, the trip had switched from being something I was running to, to something I was running from. In the weeks before the trip, L.A. became an escape, a chance for air amongst the intense emotional claustrophobia I was experiencing inside.” – Kyan

Since releasing his debut EP, entitled, “The Purple Experiment”​ ​​in 2014, Kyan has toured with the critically acclaimed trio, ​London Grammar​​.

Also, he has had a series of collaborations with the likes of ​Cedric Gervais & Just Kiddin, Duke Dumont​​, electro-pop king ​Madeon​​, ​Benga​​, and ​Knox Brown.
The Krinar Experiment
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Krinar Experiment is the first book in the Krinar Kindle World that I have tried, simply because I am a big fan of Charmaine Pauls. It is a complete standalone, you do not have to have any prior knowledge of the Krinar before you start reading this book.

Drako is a Krina, entering Earth's atmosphere for the first time, and his pod wasn't up to dealing with earth's atmosphere. He loses his invisibility, and then crash-lands in the middle of a sports stadium in South Africa. He is captured by the Secret Service and tortured. They call Ilse in to heal him, as they have plans that don't include him dying. The attraction between Drako and Ilse is instantaneous, but there is a big (read MASSIVE) misunderstanding between Ilse and Drako. This eventually leads him to kidnapping her... and I'll let you read the rest for yourself.

Now, I'm going to be perfectly honest here - I love Sci-Fi Romances, and I love Charmaine Pauls, but I didn't love this book. I enjoyed it, yes, but I didn't love it. Why? Well, for a start, that misunderstanding I mentioned? Yep, it's a biggie, but Drako acts like a jerk about it, and refuses to hear anything that Ilse has to say. Also, the things that he does is borderline dub-con, but is given the approval because she gets wet, and then asks for it. I've read dub-con before and never had an issue with it, but something about this just sat wrong with me.

There is an amazing amount of detail in this book, but you are never overloaded. With good characters, and bad, there is someone for everyone. There are no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and I did thoroughly enjoy this story. I would be happy to read more in this series, and definitely recommend it for those who want more from this world.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Aquaman (2018) in Movies

Jul 16, 2019 (Updated Sep 1, 2019)  
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
An average DC entry saved by its own absurdity
I found that Aquaman is a movie of three distinct parts.

It actually starts off pretty strongly, as we're introduced to all the players involved, and all of the important locations.
Jason Mamoa is a very likeable guy, but it takes a while to warm to his gym bro approach Arthur Curry, but he managed to win me over eventually, the charming hairy bastard.
Patrick Wilson is pretty good as Ocean Master, and it's nice to see veterans like Willem Defoe and Nicole Kidman (who gets an early and very brief action scene which I reckon trumps anything in Batman vs Superman).
The story set up is all fine and straightforward, and some of the visuals are pretty impressive, especially sweeping shots of Atlantis.

When the story heads back to land at the mid point is where the films takes a bit of a nosedive.
It all just becomes a bit...boring.
It also falls into the weird "play-a-cool-song-at-random-intervals" trap that Suicide Squad enjoyed flogging to death. (Whoever decided to put that God awful hip hop cover of Africa in the mix deserves a slap)
I also feel that Black Manta was sort of wasted here. He's sidelined to make room for other story lines, which I guess is fine if he's being set up for a bigger role in future installments, but here he just feels kind of tacked on.

The last act of the film is a CGI orgy, but it stands apart from a lot of films in the genre, as it's actually colourful! The sheer scope of the last battle is absolutely absurd, so absurd that it kind of works.

The CGI in question is pretty hit and miss throughout the film - sometimes it looks horrific (young Willem Defoe is haunting) and other times, it's pretty flawless, making for some pretty good action shots.

Overall, for me, the DCEU is still struggling to leave it's mark, but Aquaman and this years Shazam seem like a small step in the right direction.
Heart of Darkness
Heart of Darkness
Keith Carabine, Joseph Conrad, Gene M. Moore | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
6.2 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is undoubtedly most famous today for being the story behind the film Apocalypse Now and really comparisons between the two are inevitable.

The story itself is a story within a story, being related by a sailor on a ship while it is waiting at anchor in the Thames estuary. To pass the time he tells his crewmates of the time he spent several years previously working for a trading consortium in Africa, piloting a boat to the trading station up river to pick up ivory.

His manager is wary of the man who runs the trading station - Mr Kurtz. He believes he is ultimately after his job. It is clear that Kurtz is a very talismanic and polarising figure, some hating him and others talking about him as if he is some sort of deity. The narrator cannot wait to meet him but suffers many delays (including having to repair his boat) before he can set off up river. By the time he does the weight of expectation and anticipation has created his own expectations of what he will find. But what will the reality be?

This is s slim volume, and to be honest a slim plot. But the brilliance is in the telling of the story. Conrad carefully evokes the feeling of the oppressive heat and frustration of not being able to head up the river. But once underway the jungle closes in and is claustrophobic and full of mystery and hidden dangers. The attraction is not in the tale itself but in the way it is told.

By the time the trading post is reached the expectations of Kurtz have been raised in the reader as much as in the narrator and events unfold in an unexpected direction.

As with Apocalypse Now the journey up the river is everything and the eventual destination looms until it consumes the characters and dictates their actions.

A word of caution about the language used. The 'N' word is frequently used and sometimes in a derogatory manner so if this offends it is best to avoid.

Overall, a diverting read and a masterclass in using descriptions to set the tone for the reader. But probably not essential.