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By All Means Necessary by Boogie Down Productions
By All Means Necessary by Boogie Down Productions
2005 | Hip-hop, Rap
5.3 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I learned so much from KRS-One and Public Enemy, more than I did in schools. About African culture. Just learning, metaphysics, different things from hip hop records back in those days. You couldn’t be a dumb rapper, it was about being smart back in those days."

    CABS Mobile

    CABS Mobile

    Finance and Business

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    CABS gives you the freedom to do Banking your way. Our new mobile application will keep you in touch...

Things Fall Apart
Things Fall Apart
Chinua Achebe, Biyi Bandele | 2001 | Essays
7.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of the first books I read as an Undergraduate at University and it did not grab me at first. Second and third readings however changed my mind towards rural African political systems.

I was also absolutely honoured to meet the late Professor Achebe before his death in 2013.

Andy Bell recommended Remain in Light by Talking Heads in Music (curated)

Remain in Light by Talking Heads
Remain in Light by Talking Heads
1980 | Rock
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The likes of which I had never heard before - white soul boy funk - it was a great album for a party soundtrack and hash joints. I just love the mad percussion and pseudo African backing vocals, though I don't have a clue what Mr. Byrne is singing about."


Caribou recommended track Can 2002 by Neba Solo in Can 2002 by Neba Solo in Music (curated)

Can 2002 by Neba Solo
Can 2002 by Neba Solo
2019 | Dance
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Can 2002 by Neba Solo

(0 Ratings)


"The title track on this release has been hammered in my DJ sets lately. Made as a football anthem for Mali’s team in the African Cup of Nations in 2002, this is an undeniable floor-filling, festival-slaying monster brought back for our enjoyment by reissue label Secousse."

    Le Havre (2011)

    Le Havre (2011)

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    When an African boy arrives by cargo ship in the port city of Le Havre, an aging shoe shiner takes...