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Chrissie Hynde recommended Things Fall Apart in Books (curated)

Things Fall Apart
Things Fall Apart
Chinua Achebe, Biyi Bandele | 2001 | Essays
7.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"“The first time I read this one, I was on tour in Australia. I had to hide in a hotel room for an hour to finish it. I was devastated, crying, the lot. It was one of the first novels by an African to be published in English, and it is a masterpiece. Breathtaking stuff.”"

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This is about a African American boy and his time on his first cattle drive. He was free and there were very though jobs for them. It about Joshua being a cowboy and the prejustice of being black.

It a good read. Though this is mostly about the time in American History. It tells you more about being Black cowboy and on the trail of "The Chisholm Trail in 1871."

If you enjoy history this is good. This is told though the boys prospective as in Dear American is told though a girl prospective. It good for children to learn about our history at that time. Learn about Cattle drives as well as what it was like being African American in the 1871.